Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 319 Fengyun retreat

Chapter 319 Fengyun retreat
"Uncle, don't be too sad, I will avenge him by destroying the Holy Soul Sword School!" Jian Fengyun said slowly.

"Well, Fengyun, revenge is important, but you should also pay attention to safety, the Holy Soul Sword Sect is not an ordinary sect!" Jian Yuntian eased his emotions slightly, and said immediately.

Jian Fengyun looked at the man in front of him, and couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, uncle, daddy has already returned to his roots, and I will think about it in the future!"

He has completed most of the things in this life, so it is time for him to start preparing for the things in the previous life.

After a while, Jian Fengyun left the family ancestral hall and returned to his courtyard.

As soon as Jian Fengyun stepped into his courtyard, his figure flashed and appeared in the Immortal Hall.

"Master, you're here!" Dian Ling Heilong saw Jian Fengyun, immediately rolled up and said respectfully.

"I want to retreat, please pay attention to the time, I will leave the retreat in half a month!" Jian Fengyun ordered, and immediately walked into the depths of the Immortal Hall alone.

Bei'an City is extremely lively, but there are always some places that are extremely quiet.

On the mountains outside the Southern Ancient Forbidden Land, the lonely night wind was blowing, and the bustle of a few days ago was now only a mess.

Most of the mountains were smashed to pieces. To be precise, this mountain should be more like a small cliff. Above the cliff, one faces the darkness and unknownness of the Southern Ancient Forbidden Land.

"Lord Yue, did the descendant of Emperor Fengyun catch up?" Yin Daohuang eagerly looked at the man in white who had just landed on the mountain.

The man in white glanced at Yin Daohuang lightly, and said: "I didn't catch up, the young man had a lot of tricks, and escaped to the eight thousand miles of the Red River in the Qingyun Region and the Red River Region, and I didn't go deep!"

"What? You missed it!" Yin Daohuang's expression changed suddenly.

Yueyou's white clothes moved slightly, and said calmly, "That's right, that young man should undoubtedly have a part of Emperor Fengyun's inheritance, but he shouldn't be a disciple of Emperor Fengyun, so you don't need to bother too much!"

"Lord Yue, what do you say?" Yin Daohuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the man in white in doubt.

"Hehe, Emperor Fengyun's "Fengyun Sword Classic" is his self-created emperor's way of cultivation. Got it!" Yueyou said lightly.

When Yin Daohuang heard it, he suddenly realized, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart, the Feixian sect really had a profound foundation, and he could even know the details of the legendary Fengyun Emperor's exercises.

"Okay, I'm going to return to Islam. If nothing happens, I'll leave Qingyun Domain first!" Yue You said lightly, and with a flick of her long sleeves, she was about to leave.

"Master, stay here. If we need to contact you on an urgent matter, is there a way?" Yin Ba, who had been standing behind him, stepped forward and asked.

Yueyou paused, then glanced back, flipped her hands, and threw a jade pendant in front of Yin Ba, saying: "Take it, if there is something urgent, crush the jade pendant, within a quarter of an hour, I will naturally Will be there!"

Yin Ba took the jade tablet, showing great joy, took the jade pendant in front of him tremblingly, and said, "Thank you, Master!"

"You don't need to thank me, you are my registered disciple, and your Yin family is an external branch of our Flying Immortal Sect. We haven't contacted each other for so many years. It's just a soul seal jade pendant, not worth mentioning!" Yue You said lightly. Words, the figure flashed, and suddenly disappeared into the void.

"Farewell to Master!" Yin Ba respectfully bowed in the direction where Yue You disappeared.

"Congratulations, my lord!" Yin Daohuang also slightly cupped his hands towards the direction where Yueyou disappeared.

After a long time, Yin Daohuang's eyes brightened slightly, and he said to Yin Baer behind him: "Let's go, Ba'er, it's time to let the person hiding in this Qingyun domain come out. Since that boy is not the disciple of Emperor Fengyun, we have to Let him know the price of killing my Holy Soul Sword Sect!"

"Yes, Father!" Yin Ba replied coldly, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

For him, Jian Fengyun took away his Lei Jun Sword and defeated him in front of the public, this is absolutely unbearable for him.

The next moment, above the mountain, two figures flashed through the air at the same time, and the huge mountain became lonely.

At the same time, in the barbaric thousand regions, in the palace of the nine barbarians,
In the huge ancient palace, a group of warriors riding sapphire dragons got off the dragon's back one after another and walked into the hall.

Above the main hall, an old man sitting on a high seat looked at the martial artist below, and immediately said: "Priest Baili, the master of this hall heard that the Nangu Forbidden Area has suffered countless deaths and injuries. I don't know if you are safe!"

"Please forgive me, the Lord. This time, the third prince Baili Hanjiang and the disciple Baili Hao did not come out of the Nangu Forbidden Area!" Baili Jingwen turned her knees to the Lord of the Nine Man Hall and the elders above the main hall. kneel down.

"What? Hanjiang didn't come out, Baili Jingwen, you are so brave, Baili Hanjiang is from the Baili royal family, and he is also a genius disciple of my Nine Man Palace who has awakened the blood of the void, you let him die It's gone!" Above the main hall, an elder suddenly shouted.

"Elder, this matter has nothing to do with me. It was Elder Huang who decided to abandon them. I originally wanted to take them along so that there would be no accidents, but Elder Huang asked all the disciples to leave directly and gave up on this matter." Two people!" Baili Jingwen said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Elder Huang!"

The elder who spoke harshly frowned suddenly, and looked at the elder in yellow robe who was walking beside him, his expression changed slightly.

This yellow-robed elder is from his lineage. He wanted to take the opportunity to suppress the priest's lineage, but he seemed to be shooting himself in the foot.

"This." The elder paused, and was about to speak, but stopped abruptly.

"Hall Master, since this matter is related to Elder Huang, let him explain it normally. My lineage of priests will never allow traitors who disregard the lives of our disciples to run rampant!" The only female elder in the main hall suddenly spoke. , she is Baili Jingwen's master Baili Sheng.

Sitting on the main seat, the master of the Nine Man Hall frowned slightly. Although he was not young, he was still aware of the factional struggles in the Nine Man Hall. There was a fight in the same line, he had been a bystander all along, and he would definitely not take sides with anyone at this moment.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. Since Priest Baili said that this matter is related to Elder Huang, let Elder Huang explain the situation!"

After the words of the master of the Nine Man Hall fell, the hall was immediately quiet for a moment.

Standing behind Baili Jingwen, the elder in Huangpao saw this scene, and immediately went up to the wall, knelt down to the elders in the hall, and said, "Elders, I was wronged. Let me tell you in detail, this matter is still related to the person Priest Baili insisted on cooperating with."

(End of this chapter)

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