Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

"Hehe, of course it's the puppet that the sect arranged in the Holy Soul Sword Sect - the Pan family, don't forget, they are rich and invincible existences in this Qingyun domain. All of them stayed here, here are only some of them, for hundreds of years, the arrangements left by the Holy Soul Sword Sect in this Qingyun domain are not limited to these."

Yin Daohuang stood with his hands tied, looking at the densely packed warriors under the mountains, a hint of calculation flashed in his eyes.

A gleam of light flashed in Yin Ba's eyes, and he said immediately: "It turns out that my father has made arrangements. I said that Pan Jun's strength is mediocre. Although he is talented, it is impossible to become the core disciple of the sect. He has done a great job!"

Yin Daohuang nodded slightly, and then waved his hand to signal: "As long as the siege starts here, the entire city of Qingyun Region will be attacked. No one will pay attention to this place. As long as we break through Bei'an City, we will seize that Jian Fengyun today, Fengyun The great emperor's inheritance is of great value, if you can get it, it will definitely bring the sect to a higher level!"

"Yes!" Yin Ba clapped his hands in response, and then withdrew.

On the tower of Bei'an City, the city guards patrolled the city wall according to the arrangement.

"Captain Wang, do you feel that the ground seems to be shaking!" A patrolling guard said to the captain in front of him.

"The ground shakes, it seems to be real!" The patrol captain nodded immediately, sensing it.

"It's not good, someone is attacking the city, send a signal!"

At this moment, the warrior guards on the top of the city wall roared, and the soldiers on the tower all looked out of the city.

I saw dense crowds rushing towards Bei'an City like a tide of beasts, filled with yellow sand all over the sky, carrying a tyrannical aura.

Cloud-piercing arrows flew into the sky, and exploded into blood-red fireworks.

In Bei'an City, the Wang Family

During these days of Jian Fengyun's retreat, Wang Chuyuan returned to the Wang family and began to teach some family warriors. On this day, he was teaching the family disciples in the martial arts arena.

Suddenly, blood-red fireworks bloomed in the sky.

"Red fireworks, no good, there is a strong enemy attacking the city, hurry up, the whole city is in a state of preparation for battle!" Wang Chuyuan looked at the red fireworks in the sky, stood up abruptly, left the martial arts arena in a flash, and told the warriors of his family .

"Yuan'er, what's the matter, are you in such a hurry?" Wang Xuan couldn't help asking when he saw Wang Chuyuan's hurried appearance.

"Beian City was attacked, Bei'an City was attacked by a powerful enemy, prepare to fight!" Wang Chuyuan hurriedly said.

Hearing this, Wang Xuan's face suddenly turned serious. With a wave of his hand, he summoned the warriors guarding outside the house, and said, "Follow me to integrate the warriors of the family and prepare to defend the city!"

"Yes!" Dozens of warriors outside the house responded.

Today's Wang family is no longer the original Wang family. Under the cover of Bei'an City, with the help of the Sword Family, the Wang family has become the second family in Bei'an City, with many warriors.

With this order, thousands of warriors were gathered in an instant, ready to go.

"Men of the Wang family, listen to the order and follow the master to defend the city!" Wang Xuan said, and immediately held a long knife and rode a monster black horned horse, charging towards the tower. Behind him, thousands of warriors were neatly organized. Follow up sequentially.

In Bei'an City, the same scene happened everywhere.

Today's Bei'an City is not the original Bei'an City. Jian Fengyun was conferred the title of King of Sword and Martial Arts, and Bei'an City was enfeoffed. few.

On the Bei'an city tower, Jian Yuntian looked at the scene in front of him with an ugly expression.

Tens of thousands of fighters were constantly bombarding the formation in Bei'an City, and the ripples on the formation seemed to be broken at any moment.

Standing on the tower of Bei'an City, Wang Chuyuan glanced around, and saw Jian Xue'er standing alone in the camp of the Jian family's children, he couldn't help asking, "Sister-in-law Xue'er, where's the boss?"

"The young master is in seclusion, and he hasn't come out yet!" Xue'er's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she said.

"What, the boss is in retreat, so what should we do? There are so many warriors outside the city. Although he ordered to strengthen the formation before, no matter how strong the formation is, it won't be able to resist so many warriors for too long!" Wang Chuyuan's face was a little ugly, Immediately, there was a dignified look,
"It's okay, I will defend Bei'an City for the young master!" Jian Xue'er's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she said immediately.

"But." Wang Chuyuan revealed a worried look, and was about to speak, but stopped abruptly.

"Don't talk about it, Young Master Wang. Lord Jianwu has done so much for Bei'an City. Wouldn't it be too selfish if we bothered him even in his retreat!" A martial artist beside him couldn't help saying.

"That's right, King Jianwu has done so much for Bei'an City. As the people of Bei'an City, we must defend Bei'an City even if we shed the last drop of blood!" The warriors around echoed one after another.

Wang Chuyuan looked at the eyes of the people who are united, and couldn't help gritting his teeth slightly, and said: "What about Huang Wu, he is so strong, no matter how many enemies there are in Bei'an City, he will be fine!"

"Huang Wu is over there!" Jian Xueer said calmly.

Wang Chuyuan followed his reputation, and on the sky, Huang Wu and a man in black were surrounded by laws and collided with each other. Even though they were thousands of miles away, they could still feel the fluctuation of their fight.

above the sky
"Who are you, little Bei'an city, to be guarded by a master of the king realm like you?" Yin Daohuang said coldly, masked in black.

Huang Wu didn't change his face, and said: "Son of the Holy Soul Sword Sect, you dare to touch Bei'an City, I advise you to take your people back immediately, otherwise you won't even have a chance to regret it!"

"Regret, ridiculous, I, Yin Daohuang, have been enlightened for thousands of years, and no one can make me regret it!" Yin Daohuang sneered,

"Since you want to die, don't blame the old man for not persuading you when the time comes!" Huang Wu's aura suddenly became stronger, his magic power reached the sky, and wild beasts evolved from the magic power, crushing towards Emperor Yin Daohuang.


With a loud noise, Yin Daohuang was forced back a few steps abruptly.

"Wild Desolate Thousand Calamity Dao, who the hell are you, and how did you gain the lost supernatural powers of the Nine Man Palace?" Yin Daohuang blocked Huang Wu's attack, his body's Thunder Dao law was solidified, and he looked at Huang Wu with some surprise.

Huang Wu's old face snorted coldly, and said: "Where is there so much nonsense, take your life!"

The moment the words fell, a magic hand shot out impressively, as if to tear the sky apart.

Yin Daohuang's complexion sank, his aura condensed to the extreme, and he shot out the magic formula, instantly condensing a sword energy to meet the magic hand.

"Immortal Lightning Sword!"

When the devil's hand touched the thunder sword, an aftermath erupted in the sky instantly, rippling to the surroundings, and a gust of wind was rolled up.

Yin Daohuang.
(End of this chapter)

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