Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 323 The city breaks down, Xueer dies?

Chapter 323 The city breaks down, Xueer dies?

"Immortal Lightning Sword!"

When the devil's hand touched the thunder sword, an aftermath erupted in the sky instantly, rippling to the surroundings, and a gust of wind was rolled up.

Yin Daohuang took a few steps backwards. It was obvious that he suffered a disadvantage in this collision.

"Father, I'll help you!" Seeing this scene, Yin Ba immediately made a move, and the law of thunder broke out, and began to assist Yin Daohuang to attack from the side.

Every time the Huangwu general Yin Daohuang was repelled, Yin Ba would always make a move to relieve the Huangwu's attack.

For a while, the battle situation in the sky was maintained at a delicate balance,

On the ground, in Bei'an City, a crisp "click" sound suddenly resounded in the air, and a shattered crack suddenly appeared on the defense formation of Bei'an City. The cracks on the magic spread instantly, like a spider web, and then there was a "bang", and the spider web-like formation shattered.

"Kill—" "Kill—".
In an instant, the sound of killing shook the sky, and these warriors were like dead soldiers, madly attacking the tower of Bei'an City, stepping up into the air, and the fluctuation of spiritual power shook the sky.

The protective formation was broken, but there were still some prohibitive formations above Bei'an City, which could help warriors resist these dead soldiers.

"Son of the Wang family, follow me to kill the enemy and guard Bei'an City!"

Wang Xuan, the head of the royal family, opened his mouth in awe, and then raised his saber, the aura of the saber erupted, killing all the dead soldiers who had just climbed up the tower,

"Wind Spirit Sword!" Jian Yuntian raised his hand, and a sword move unfolded, beheading dozens of dead soldiers in an instant.

"Eat me a burst formation." Wang Chuyuan waved his hand, and several tiny formation patterns appeared on the ground not far away, and the formation of light exploded, instantly blasting several dead soldiers into pieces.

"Xuan Frost Sword!" Jian Xue'er became more powerful, and the ice and snow sword energy erupted, and the surroundings were like a cold winter, directly cutting hundreds of dead soldiers into two, blood staining the sky.

However, no matter how hard the warriors in Bei'an City resisted, they were still at a disadvantage, and this disadvantage continued to spread as the battle continued.

Tens of thousands of dead soldiers rushed to Bei'an City in a steady stream, and they didn't realize it. Just after killing one, two dead soldiers came up behind them. Moreover, these dead soldiers were not afraid of death, and every attack was life-threatening. A life-changing play.

At the same time, thousands of miles away from Bei'an City, a tyrannical aura erupted instantly, even if it was
Bei'an City fell into panic. From a distance, the corpses had piled up like a hill above the city tower, and the blood stained the city tower was daunting.

above the sky
Yin Daohuang blocked a Huangwu attack, took out a Lingjun sword, and said immediately: "Ba'er, go and kill those strong men above the tower, speed up your steps, I can stop here! "

"Yes!" Yin Ba took a look, and then his figure flashed and disappeared.

"Don't go, my son!" Huang Wu noticed this scene, and suddenly shot Yin Ba with his palm.

"Your opponent is me!" On the sword of Lingjun in Yin Daohuang's hand, the fire lighted up, and a fiery red sword energy swept over, directly blocking Huang Wu's attack.

With the help of this fire-attributed Spirit Lord sword, Yin Daohuang could already withstand Huang Wu's attack.

On the towers of Bei'an City, most of the warriors in Bei'an City fell into fatigue, killing people non-stop, and facing those desperate attacks, even Jian Yuntian and others in the Spirit King Realm felt a little tired at this moment.

"Master Jian, be careful!" Wang Xuan, the head of the Wang family, shouted.

Jian Yuntian was vigilant, and suddenly swung the long sword in his hand, blocking the cold murderous aura above his head.


Although it was resisted in time, the sword aura belonging to the Spirit Emperor Realm was not so easy to block, and the thunder sword aura erupted.

"Pfft" spat out a mouthful of blood, and Jian Yuntian's body was thrown upside down, smashing heavily on the city wall not far away, directly smashing the city wall into a stone pit, and gravel and stone powder were flying all over the place.

Jian Yuntian's body shook, and he fell into the pool of blood on the ground, his face turned pale.

"Patriarch Jian, be careful!" Warriors from all major forces in the city on the side, seeing this scene, rushed over and stood in front of Jian Yuntian.

The spiritual power on Wang Chuyuan's body was shocked, and several warriors around him flew away, and then his figure flashed and appeared in front of Jian Yuntian. Looking at the masked man in black in front of him, he couldn't help frowning coldly, and his pupils dilated sharply: "Yes you!"

The moment the man in black saw Wang Chuyuan, he smiled coldly, and said, "Why didn't I see that Jian Fengyun? Could it be that he was so frightened that he ran away early?"

Wang Chuyuan's heart is heavy. He has seen the power of Yin Ba before. In the Nangu Forbidden Land, the more he is subjected to the Nangu Forbidden Land's law, his aura is enough to make countless warriors kneel down. I'm afraid there will be no one present. able to compete with him.

Although his heart was heavy, Wang Chuyuan remained calm, and said with a sneer, "Escape? I don't know who escaped under the hands of our boss with his tail between his legs in the Nangu forbidden area that day, and he didn't even dare to turn his head!"

"Hmph, looking for death!" Yin Ba snorted coldly, and a long sword of royal rank suddenly appeared in his palm.

"Xuan Lei Sword!"

Yin Ba flipped the imperial sword in his hand, and a magical power of the sword burst out, the law of thunder and lightning bloomed, and the sword energy turned into lightning, and instantly slashed towards Wang Chuyuan.

Wang Chuyuan's spiritual power erupted impressively, the law of the thick earth surged, and the magic formula in his hand was pinched, instantly mobilizing several transformation element formations to resist the sword energy.

However, there is such a huge disparity in strength that there is a difference of two realms between the True Spirit Realm and the Spirit Emperor Realm.

Under the thunder and lightning sword energy, the transformation element array collapsed directly, and the sword energy fell on Wang Chuyuan's law force defense. The thick earth law was pierced through instantly like a clay sculpture under the lightning sword energy.

Just when Wang Chuyuan thought that the sword energy was about to pierce his body, a snow-white sword light flashed before his eyes.

"Sister-in-law Xue'er!" Wang Chuyuan looked at the woman in white in front of him and said in a daze.

"The body of the holy soul!" Yin Ba looked at the woman in front of him, and immediately frowned slightly.

"If you want to kill the young master's friend, pass me first!"

Jian Xueer held the sword in her hand, and the icy sword energy poured out, speaking coldly.

Seeing this scene, Yin Ba's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Since you all want to die, I will help you!"

As the words fell, a ray of sword energy shot from the sky in Yin Ba's hand, and the thunder power reached the sky, just like a thunder descending from the sky.

At this moment, behind Yin Ba, a three-color divine wheel emerged, the true spirit of the thunder sword emerged, and the law of thunder and lightning erupted endlessly.

"In the Nangu Forbidden Area, due to the constraints of the law, I didn't do my best. Today, I will let you ants know that under my sword, you are only worthy of being wiped out!"

Yin Ba shot with all his strength. As the long-established Tianjiao Emperor of Wanyu, his strength is beyond doubt.

On the entire tower of Bei'an City, a surge of majesty was felt, and everyone felt stunned and unable to move.

Jian Xueer's pretty face was slightly stiff, and she couldn't even move her body. She could only watch the thunder sword energy approaching from far away, feeling the coming of death.

(End of this chapter)

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