Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 324 tragic

Chapter 324 tragic
Jian Xueer's pretty face was slightly stiff, and she couldn't even move her body. She could only watch the thunder sword energy approaching from far away, feeling the coming of death.

Wang Chuyuan's face was even more startled, even the spiritual power in his body was suppressed to the point of being unable to function.

Watching the sword energy fall towards Jian Xueer, the air seemed to condense.

Jian Xueer felt the sword energy coming from the shop, it was extremely pure, at this moment she smelled the breath of death.

She is the body of the holy soul. At this moment, her holy soul and soul sea are all suppressed. Yin Ba is too strong. He has left the constraints of the law of the ancient forbidden land, and with a single sword, he has almost reached the level only possessed by the peak powerhouse of the Spirit Emperor Realm. .

The sword energy is like water, and the water contains thunder, breaking through the void.

When the sword energy approached her body, Jian Xueer's eyelashes, which were as thin as cicada's wings, couldn't help trembling slightly, and a gleam of crystal clearness was revealed from the corner of her eyes.

"Master, Xueer is going to die, Xueer will never see you again!"

As she was dying, the girl's eyes missed that peerless figure in white even more.

"Damn it, you dare to take the idea of ​​the mistress, who gave you the courage!"

Almost when the sword energy was about to stick to Jian Xueer's pretty face, an untimely and obscene voice sounded.

Everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a gray-haired god dog suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. As soon as the gray-haired god dog showed its figure, it stretched out its claws, and opened its mouth to spit out a thunderbolt, which blasted towards Jianxue. The tyrannical sword energy of Er'er was deflected slightly, and at the same time, the figure of a white tiger suddenly appeared beside Jian Xue'er. The white tiger was surrounded by the power of law, and directly bumped into Jian Xue'er lightly, and his body left instantly. In situ.

The sword energy almost brushed Jian Xueerhao and Bai Hu's body, and landed on the city wall covered with corpses of warriors on one side, making a deafening rumbling sound, and instantly the whole city wall shook suddenly, and everyone suddenly felt That sword energy is powerful.

Above the city tower, all the warriors who saw this scene were horrified. All the warriors were suppressed by Yin Ba's aura and couldn't move. Seeing that Jian Xueer was about to disappear, when everyone was helpless, it turned out to be two monsters. Appeared and rescued her just in time.

Everyone was startled, what kind of monsters were these two monsters, they could ignore Yin Ba's strong aura and move freely.

"It's you!" The moment Yin Ba saw the god dog and the white tiger, his eyes were startled, and there were streams of raging anger in his eyes.

"It's rare that you, the defeated general, still remember this god dog. When you were beaten to the bum by my master, when you ran away, this god dog happened to be beside the master, and I saw it clearly. I didn't expect that you would be here in a blink of an eye. Here you come to bully people!" The figure of the divine dog leaped onto Xiaobai's tiger's back impressively, its gloomy eyeballs kept rolling, and mocked.

It has to be said that the words of the god dog were very irritating, and Yin Badao's anger was aroused in an instant. Yin Ba put down his momentum, directly crushed the god dog, and said coldly: "What a sharp-toothed, sharp-mouthed Dog, if you are caught by this seat, I will cook you to drink dog meat soup!"

The moment the words fell, a sword energy in Yin Ba's hand swept towards the god dog impressively.

The god dog suddenly lost its soul, and dodged with the white tiger, narrowly dodging Yin Ba's sword energy.

Escaping the crisis, the god dog couldn't help yelling, saying: "What a stinky and shameless mortal, dare to talk to this god dog like this, if the owner of this god dog is not here, you can't even touch a hair of this god dog !"

"Hmph, courting death!"

It has to be said that Shengou's provocative words were very effective. In a blink of an eye, another sword qi swept towards Shengou. This time, this sword energy almost locked all the escape directions of Shengou. Unless it can fly, it must Will be hit by sword energy.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts couldn't help but hang up. Looking at the gray-haired puppy, no one dared to ignore it. It is the spiritual pet of King Jianwu.

Just when everyone thought that the divine dog was certain to die, a pair of miniature illusory wings on the back of the divine dog suddenly thumped and flew up, narrowly dodging Yin Ba's sword energy once again.

"I'm just a mortal like you, I think you just can't beat my master and want to bully me, let me tell you, even if it's my master's dog, it's not something a petty mortal like you can bully! "The god dog dodged the sword energy, and flew leisurely in the void, glanced at Yin Ba with disdainful eyes, and snorted.

"court death!"

Yin Ba was directly enraged, his figure flashed, he caught up with the dog in an instant, and swung his sword towards the body of the dog.

"Fuck, it's so fierce, it's even more fierce than the big yellow dog at the gate of the city!" I don't know if the god dog did it on purpose. When Yin Ba's sword was about to hit his body, it deliberately flashed and fled. Then, a figure appeared a few feet away, looking at Yin Ba, and said leisurely and mockingly.

"Damn it!" Yin Ba roared angrily. For some reason, when he saw the god dog and heard its beating words, he instantly lost his mind and only wanted to kill the little gray dog ​​in front of him.

Ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet.
Unknowingly, Yin Ba chased the gray shadow in front of him and left the battle circle of Bei'an city tower.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at the same time that everyone was relieved, outside the city tower, densely packed dead soldiers seemed to have rushed up, and were about to submerge the city tower.

Wang Chuyuan had just recovered from his horror. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help shouting, and said: "Hurry up, everyone use the prohibition on the tower to resist these dead men, and don't let them invade Bei'an City, otherwise the city will be destroyed." The people will surely suffer unjustified disasters."

After Wang Chuyuan's words fell, everyone mustered up again in an instant, and rushed towards the dead man in front of them.

At this time, warriors in the city came continuously, attacking the dead soldiers above the tower.

The warriors in the city cooperated with the city guards prepared later in Bei'an City, and guarded the city wall. On the Baizhang city wall, it was often seen that the city guards were hacked to death. However, the people in front had just died, and the people behind followed closely No one hesitated.

These years, Bei'an City has developed rapidly, and the warriors who can go to the city to support them almost want to defend Bei'an City, until King Jianwu leaves the customs, and guard until the soldiers of the dynasty come to support.

The strong wind howled, and the city was built with bones, turning the Bei'an city tower into a glowing red piece, and the blood flowed on the tower, making Bei'an city even more precarious.

Under the city tower, there are often swords and soldiers falling along with countless corpses. It seems that more than half of the restrictions on the Bei'an city tower have been broken, and those dead soldiers poured into the tower continuously.

This is a battle in which human lives are piling up.

Above the sky, Yin Daohuang
(End of this chapter)

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