Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 326 Counterattack

Chapter 326 Counterattack
"If you dare to attack her, you will have to die!"

On the side of the gun shadow, a white-clothed figure stood indifferently in the void, holding the Holy Thunder War God Spear, impressively blocking the sky-rising sword energy, and said coldly.

Sword Warrior King!
The moment the figure in white appeared, three words appeared in the hearts of all the people in Bei'an City, and the legend of Bei'an City appeared.

At this moment, tens of thousands of eyes fell on Fengyun who loves you. This is the legend of Bei'an City, the goal of countless young warriors of Tianyang Dynasty, and the belief of everyone in Bei'an City.

But, this time, will he really continue the legend?

The mighty power that reached the sky just now shocked almost everyone. The rumors are only rumors after all. Although a few people have seen Jian Fengyun's power, but at those times, the opponent was far behind the thunder god-like figure in the Bei'an City Tower. It's just too big.

Even Wang Chuyuan and others, seeing this scene, their faces were ugly, and they were extremely worried.

Although Yin Ba was defeated by Jian Fengyun in the Nangu Forbidden Land, but Yin Ba at that time did not have such strong strength at all.

"Are you okay!" Jian Fengyun turned his head slightly, looked at Xue'er behind him, and asked with concern.

"Master, Xue'er is fine!" Jian Xue'er slightly calmed down the disordered breath in her body, her pink lips moved slightly.

"Well, then you watch them from behind, I'll deal with him!" Jian Fengyun said.

Xue'er responded lightly, and then the beautiful figure moved slightly, appearing on the tower.

Although most of the warriors were restrained by Yin Ba's aura, those dead warriors seemed to be unconscious, and they still rushed towards the tower of Bei'an City desperately.

"Jian Fengyun, you are finally willing to come out!" Yin Ba looked at the white-robed youth coldly, and pointed the long sword in his hand at Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun looked at Yin Ba, his eyes turned slightly cold, and he didn't say anything nonsense, the spear in his hand was shocked, and the gun energy on the Holy Thunder War God Spear burst out suddenly.

At the same time, behind Jian Fengyun, a phantom of the god of war wearing thunder armor suddenly appeared. The phantom of the god of war was holding a magnified sacred thunder gun in his hand. rush.

In an instant, the holy prestige spread out and spread to the entire Bei'an City.

Everyone felt their spirits shaken, and the figure permeating the law of thunder on the city tower was instantly covered. At this moment, Thunder God changed hands, and everyone looked at this scene, and their hearts were doubly shocked.

"Hmph, it's just with the help of weapons. Today, I will let you see, even if you get the successor of Emperor Fengyun, whether you can match me!"

Seeing this power, Yin Ba snorted coldly, and the imperial long sword in his hand suddenly condensed the light-gray soul power of Lei Guangjian Qi, and the power of three laws instantly covered the long sword.

In an instant, the sky-filled thunder condensed into a sword energy again. Behind the sword energy, there was a looming sword energy of soul power hidden, and the pressure of spiritual force and soul pressure descended at the same time.

Two sword qi fell simultaneously.

Jian Fengyun's figure did not move at all, as if he was stunned, the figure stayed in the void, hundreds of feet away, the air flow driven by the sword energy instantly hit him, and the white robe automatically moved without wind.

Above the Bei'an city tower, all the warriors of Bei'an city who saw this scene couldn't help but turn pale, and a worried light shot out of their eyes instantly.

King Jianwu is so unresponsive!
Such a question emerged in everyone's mind.

Was Jian Fengyun really unresponsive?
The answer must be no. In the midair, Jian Fengyun's body stood proudly like a three-foot long sword, and the holy thunder war spear in his hand was filled with thunder light, almost at the moment when the sword energy was about to fall.

Jian Fengyun's figure moved!

"Blue Dragon Wing!"

On Jian Fengyun's body, the mysterious tattoos suddenly glowed with a blue light, and the blue light turned into a pair of flying wings, piercing through the robe behind Jian Fengyun, and turning into a pair of huge blue-golden wings in the air.

With a shake of the wings, Jian Fengyun's figure instantly turned into a blue light and disappeared in place.

Before most people saw what was going on, Jian Fengyun's figure disappeared and appeared in front of Yin Ba in a flash.

Seeing Jian Fengyun's instant appearance, Yin Ba had a sneer on his face, waved his hand, and suddenly, an illusory sword energy of soul power descended from the sky, landed on Jian Fengyun's body, and slashed at Jian Fengyun. Down.

Not far away, the thunderous sword energy flashed impressively, and dissipated into a little bit of thunder.

"Lei Mie Soul Sword, my Holy Soul Sword Sect's Zhenzong swordsmanship, Lei Jian is just a false move, the real powerful one is the Soul Sword, Soul Sword kills Soul Mie Consciousness, Jian Fengyun, no matter how strong the inheritance you get, in Lei Mie Under the soul sword, the soul consciousness must have dissipated!"

Yin Ba looked at Jian Fengyun who was motionless in front of him and didn't even blink his eyes, and the corner of his mouth could not help but sneer.

At this moment, for some reason, he felt a strong joy in his heart. It seemed that the young man in front of him was already his demon, and he even felt his mood was lifted after he eliminated the demon. This kind of joy is beyond words.

"Hahahahahaha." Unknowingly, Yin Ba laughed out loud, and the laughter became louder and louder, spreading throughout a hundred li.

"Have you laughed enough?"

Just when Yin Ba was in an extremely comfortable mood, a strange and mysterious voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Yin Ba's smile froze, his eyes flicked to his eyes, and he saw that Jian Fengyun was speaking right in front of him, and his eyes widened immediately, with a look of shock on his face.

"How is it possible, my Lei Mie Hun sword even knocked out the soul of the Peak Spirit Emperor after receiving it, how could you be fine!"

Jian Fengyun didn't answer Yin Ba's question, but just glanced at him, and said coldly: "Since I've laughed enough, it's my turn!"

"White Tiger Roars!"

When Yin Ba was shocked, the roar of a tiger sounded in everyone's ears at the same time. In an instant, behind Jian Fengyun, a phantom of a white tiger, a divine beast, appeared impressively. heart and soul.

Yin Ba only felt a shock in his soul, and his mind went blank for an instant.

Above the Bei'an City Tower, everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Divine Beast White Tiger, my God, there really is a Divine Beast White Tiger in this world!

Looking at the white tiger behind Jian Fengyun, everyone's minds were shocked. This white tiger, the mighty beast king, has a strong aura. It has the aura of the wild king of all beasts, like a god. From everyone's point of view, this should be It's really a mythical beast, the White Tiger.

In Jian Fengyun's retreat this time, in addition to his breakthrough in cultivation at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, his soul power seems to have broken through the upper-level of the earth-level, reaching the realm of the best of the earth-level, which is only one step away from the sky-level.

The effect of the white tiger's howl displayed by the top-grade soul power of the ground level is completely different from the effect when he just realized the white tiger's howl at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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