Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 327 Yin Daohuang's Calculation

Chapter 327 Yin Daohuang's Calculation
The effect of the white tiger's roar in shocking the soul was even stronger, and even Yin Ba, a genius at the Linghuang level, was instantly shocked.

As for Yin Ba, Jian Fengyun naturally wouldn't be soft-hearted, and in an instant, the Holy Lightning War God Spear in his hand was activated, and a spear stabbed Yin Ba's heart.

A dull roar sounded.

I saw a treasure armor glowing with vast thunder light suddenly appearing in front of Yin Ba, colliding with the Holy Lightning Spear.

Yin Ba's figure instantly turned into a flash of thunder, and flew out backwards. During the process of flying backwards, Yin Ba's eyes suddenly came to life, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood, which turned into a beautiful arc in the air, and then sprinkled above the ground.

Almost at the same time, there was a "huh".

A wisp of scarlet blood gushed out from the corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth, his body trembled slightly, and he took a few steps back.

"Anti-injury array!"

Jian Fengyun looked at Yin Ba's body that was forcibly stabilized not far away, and his eyes looked at the thunder armor on Yin Ba's body with surprise and burning.

The anti-injury array, as the name suggests, is able to return the damage caused to you by the enemy to him.

In Jian Fengyun's memory, the anti-injury formation is an ancient evil formation, and the materials used for the formation are extremely sinister. It is necessary to dismember the corpse of a pregnant woman, then take out the unformed corpse baby, and mix some most evil things with the corpse of the pregnant woman. Arrange the evil formation, and use the evil formation to sacrifice the corpse-refining infant. This evil corpse infant is the main material for the anti-injury formation. Ordinary forces can't collect the materials for the formation at all, let alone arrange the anti-injury formation on top of the battle armor. superior.

Looking at the precious armor on Yin Ba's body, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but see the appearance of the white-clothed envoy of the Feixian Sect. Could it be that this anti-injury formation is a masterpiece of the Feixian Sect.

Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun's eyes couldn't help flashing a gleam of coldness, the anti-injury formation is the most evil method, extremely cruel, and the people who set up the formation are almost inhumane and inhumane.

In his previous life, Jian Fengyun wiped out the roots of evil ways in the Extreme North Ice Kingdom, partly because of the brutal and inhumane behavior of evil cultivators.

Unexpectedly, after 3000 years, the hidden power of the previous life, the Feixian Sect, was born, and some people in the Feixian Sect even arranged anti-injury formations. Could it be that the Feixian Sect is also a sect of evil cultivators.

Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun's eyes couldn't help but gloomy.

"How is it possible, how could you be fine after being hit by the Lei Mie Hun sword, and it also inspired the protective armor that the master left me!" Yin Ba looked at Jian Fengyun above the sky, and couldn't help but muttered .

Yin Ba's injury was more serious than Jian Fengyun's. After all, the anti-injury formation is only a formation, and it is impossible to completely return all the damage to the enemy. What's more, Jian Fengyun stabbed Yin Ba's heart in that shot just now. Although protected by treasure armor, the power of the shock rushed into Yin Ba's body, causing him serious injuries.

Amidst Yin Ba's inconceivable murmurs, Jian Fengyun slowly came back to his senses, his face slightly determined.

He felt Yin Ba's thunder-killing soul sword just now, but his soul sea is too strong. Not only is it guarded by the Hall of Immortality, but also the guarding restriction left by Taoist Taishi across endless time and space. Compared with the two, Miehun Sword is like a firefly competing with a bright moon, not even a little vibration can appear in Jian Fengyun's soul.

At the same time, Yin Daohuang above the sky seemed to have sensed a bit of a strange atmosphere, and his eyes swept across the void beside him, his eyes were sure.

Yin Daohuang fixed his eyes and said: "Old fellow, today's timing is not good, let's fight again in another day!"

The moment the words fell, a formation disk fell from Yin Daohuang's hand, and it suddenly turned into a cage in the void, trapping Huang Wu.

"Stop!" Huang Wu slapped the cage formation with his palm, causing ripples in the void instantly, but the formation still did not break.

"Let's go!" Yin Daohuang's figure appeared beside Yin Ba, and he stretched out his hand to grab Yin Ba's body, and the figure flashed away, breaking through the air.

Everything happened in an instant, and before everyone realized what happened, Yin Daohuang actually left Yin Ba in a panic and fled.

Jian Fengyun stared at the place where the two of them had gone, a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, thousands of miles away

"Father, why are we leaving? Could it be that you can't beat that old man with all your strength?" Yin Ba couldn't help but said after recovering a little blood.

Yin Daohuang's eyes were fixed, and his tone was deep and authentic: "Ba'er, you don't understand, there are two groups of people with strong aura hidden in the void behind, if you do your best for your father, you will defeat that old man, those people I will definitely come out to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, and I also felt the power of an extremely powerful formation in Bei'an City just now, even if I am a father, I may not be able to break that formation!"

"What, so strong!" Yin Ba couldn't help showing a look of horror on his face when he heard it.

"Well, that's right. That's why I decided to retreat because of my father. When you meet that young man in the future, you must not act impulsively. If it wasn't for the Thunder Armor left to you by the Holy Envoy Yueyou today, my father might have to give it to someone with white hair. Black-haired man!" Yin Daohuang nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on Yin Ba and exhorted.

"Yes, Father!" Yin Ba replied respectfully, then his face changed slightly, and he said with a slight grit his teeth, "Father, where are we going next? Is it all right?"

When Yin Daohuang heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Forget it? Huh, you forgot to tell you before becoming a father. The Pan family has been operating in Qingyunyu for thousands of years, and there are countless dead people left behind. When I ordered the attack on Bei'an City, all the cities in Qingyun Region began to be attacked, do you think those cities can stop the tens of thousands of dead soldiers?"

"Father, you mean, we" Yin Ba's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he suddenly remembered something, and said immediately.

Yin Daohuang smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, we went to Tianyang Imperial City and won the Qingyun Domain, so why worry about that little punishment not going to my Holy Soul Sword Sect!".
"But, will Jian Fengyun come to make trouble?" Yin Ba frowned when he heard this, and asked.

When Yin Daohuang heard this, he laughed again and said, "Hehe, he might be too busy to take care of himself at this moment. Before I left, I used a forbidden device array that I bought at the auction in the upper domain in the past to trap that A strong man at the Spirit Lord Realm, facing those two forces, and the tens of thousands of dead soldiers under the tower, he will suffer heavy losses even if he does not destroy the city!"

"Father is really clever, even this has been arranged!" Yin Ba said with a light in his eyes when he heard it.

"Okay, let's go, go to Tianyang Imperial City, it's time to see what kind of strong man is sitting in this imperial city of Qingyun Region!" Yin Daohuang said, then turned around and left through the air.

Above Bei'an City Tower
Jian Fengyun's body slowly fell from the air, and as soon as it fell, Jian Xue'er at the side suddenly stepped forward and said with concern: "Master, are you okay, the corners of your mouth are bleeding!"

(End of this chapter)

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