Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 328

Chapter 328
Above Bei'an City Tower
Jian Fengyun's body slowly fell from the air, and as soon as it fell, Jian Xue'er at the side suddenly stepped forward and said with concern: "Master, are you okay, the corners of your mouth are bleeding!"

Jian Xueer's beautiful eyes fluctuated with worry, and she looked directly at Jian Fengyun.

"Master is fine, don't worry!" Seeing the girl's swollen eyes, Jian Fengyun couldn't help stretching out his hand, gently brushing the girl's hair from her forehead behind her back.

The girl's pretty face couldn't help softening slightly, she lowered her head a little shyly, and there was a seductive pink on her fair cheeks.

When the beauty smiled, it was like a hundred flowers blooming for a moment, it was so beautiful, but Jian Fengyun had no time to appreciate it, his eyes swept to the void on both sides, and he spoke coldly.

"Everyone is gone, haven't you seen enough?"

When Jian Fengyun's words fell, Xue'er immediately raised her head slightly, and a ray of doubt shot out of her beautiful eyes.

"Hehe, as expected of the man that Chang'er and Lian'er praised at the same time, there really is something extraordinary about him!"

A voice resounded in the void hundreds of feet away from Bei'an City, and everyone saw three red-robed old men coming out of the sky not far away.

The three red-robed old men were dressed in Fire Dao Treasure Clothes, as if raging flames were burning on them, exuding a scorching flame breath.

Three old men in red robes, two men and one woman, spoke to the old woman in red robes in the middle. Her face was haggard, her bones were dry and thin, and there were obvious blue veins under her wrinkled skin. Jumping up, one could see three old monsters with few lifespans.

"There are 33 celebrities in the ancient country of Suzaku, each of whom is a peerless powerhouse who was born and died in the ancient country of Suzaku. I don't know where the three of them rank among the celebrities?" Jian Fengyun looked at the three of them, his eyes moved slightly, and asked abruptly road.

"You actually know Suzaku's 33rd star, it seems that you are not an ordinary warrior from the lower domain!" The old woman rolled her cloudy eyeballs, and then said.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "The three Suzaku celebrities don't seem to be here to chat with the juniors, so you might as well speak up if you have something to say!"

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush. The three of us are here for the "Suzaku God's Tome" in your hands. As long as you hand over the "Suzaku God's Tome" to us, we will leave immediately!" the old woman said coldly. .

Jian Fengyun's expression froze, his eyes swept towards the old woman's face and said without fear: "Hongshang and Honglian should have brought my words to you, I want you to attack the Holy Soul Sword Sect, once the Holy Soul Sword Sect is destroyed , "Suzaku God's Canon", I will naturally give it back to you!"

"Boy, the Flying Immortal Sect behind the Holy Soul Sword Sect, do you think it is so easy to destroy?" An old man in red robes beside the old woman stepped forward impressively, and said coldly.

"That's right, if we destroy the Holy Soul Sword Sect, then the Feixian Sect behind them will definitely counterattack, and the loss will be our ancient country of Suzaku!" Another old man also said.

Jian Fengyun did not show any weakness, and said in a cold tone: "I only look at the results, and I will hand over the "Suzaku Divine Code" to you when the Holy Soul Sword Sect is destroyed. It has nothing to do with me!"

"You..." The two old men were so angry that they blew their beards and stared at the same time.

"Young man, what do you think of this? I think you can't kill these tens of thousands of people, and your guardian is also trapped in the void formation at the door. As long as you hand over the "Suzaku God's Tome" to us, we will I will kill all these tens of thousands of people for you!" The eyes of the old woman on the side moved slightly, obviously thinking more thoroughly, and she opened her mouth immediately.

"That's right, young man, these tens of thousands of people are attacking with all their strength, I'm afraid you will lose your city, as long as you agree to hand over the "Suzaku God's Tome" to us, we will wipe them all out for you!" The two old men on the side Immediately agreed.

Seeing the appearance of the three of them unifying, Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched, and he said with a faint smile: "It's up to you?"

There was a slight contempt in Jian Fengyun's words, and the moment the words fell.

"Boy, what are you talking about? Why is it up to us? Do you know who we are?" The two old men on the side were irritable, and when they heard Jian Fengyun's contemptuous words, their noses crooked in anger.

Has the world changed now?Even the youths in the Lower Domain despise them so much?

They are famous figures in the ancient country of Suzaku, famous in the sanctuary of the upper domain and even the existence of the imperial domain, and they were despised by a young man in the lower domain just like that.

Jian Fengyun glanced at the three people indifferently, and said: "Aren't you the famous people of the ancient Zhuque country, a group of old and immortal guys, this is not the ancient Zhuque country, I want to rely on the old to sell the old and go back to your ancient Zhuque country!"

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, the three of them immediately gritted their teeth in anger. If they hadn't been told by the lord of Suzaku Ancient Kingdom not to use force before coming here, they would probably start to fight now.

"Boy, you make a condition, as long as the matter is within this Qingyun domain, the three of us can do it for you!" The red-robed old woman finally couldn't help but said.

While speaking, the aura on the old woman couldn't help becoming tougher.

"Yes, boy, you can make a condition, and I will let you know what it means to be tall!"

"That's right, boy, don't think that you can go crazy if you defeat that Yin Ba. Let me tell you that there are countless arrogances in the Ten Thousand Realms, and all Daos are fighting for hegemony, so Yin Ba is just a low-level generation!"

The two warriors on the side spoke in agreement. .
Jian Fengyun looked at the three red-robed old men in front of him, and said with a smile: "Really? Since you have such a high vision, I want you to move the Nangu Forbidden Land to my Bei'an City. As long as you can do this, I will hand over the "Suzaku Divine Canon" to you, how about it?"

The red-robed old woman and the two old men: "."

The three of them were speechless at the same time, if the Nangu Forbidden Land could be moved, they would still take pictures of what the disciples were doing here every year, and why not just move them back to their own home, Jian Fengyun's request was impeccable.

Seeing the young faces of the three of them as if they had eaten flies, Jian Fengyun turned around calmly, with thousands of formulas in his hands.

The law filled the sky, and in an instant, the entire Bei'an City was lit up. Behind the Bei'an City and in front of the Nangu Forbidden Land, a shocking burst of light shot straight into the sky. In an instant, huge array lines were visible to the naked eye in the void. The speed spread.

After ten breaths, a huge defensive formation was formed, and the formation was as powerful as the sky, exuding a powerful aura that made people look up to.

The formation took shape, and a grid-like shield was automatically shrouded on the Bei'an city tower, directly blocking the dead soldiers who were constantly rushing upwards from the shield.

Jian Fengyun walked to the center of the tower, and the aura of the peak of the real spirit realm burst out instantly
(End of this chapter)

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