Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 332 The Death of Tianyang City

Chapter 332 The Death of Tianyang City

Time passed unknowingly, and in the Hall of Immortality, Jian Fengyun sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, his body surged with spiritual power, and the "Taishi Swallowing Heaven Sword Sutra" began to circulate in his body.

When he was in Bei'an City, Jian Fengyun retreated for seven days, devoured a lot of the power of law in the Immortal Palace, and broke through to the peak of the True Spirit Realm. The improvement of the realm made the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword in his Lingfu more solidified.

Jian Fengyun was running the kung fu, his brows were furrowed, his consciousness sank into his own spiritual palace, and the kung fu stopped working.

For some reason, since he broke through to the peak of the True Spirit Realm, no matter how much he practiced, he hadn't advanced in the realm at all, as if he had encountered a bottleneck. The Lingfu was completely golden, but he hadn't broken through to the Spirit King Realm at all. sign.

"Taishi Swallowing Heaven Sword Sutra" is a practice created by Daoist Taishi, there must be many mysteries besides swallowing, but Jian Fengyun has not explored the specific mysteries yet.

Consciousness settled in the Lingfu, and there were only eight bright light clusters and a Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword suspended in the center of the Lingfu.

The eight light group is the inheritance of the magical powers left by the remaining eight seal chains of the Ten God Seals, and the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword is the true spirit of Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun's consciousness swept away slightly, and he couldn't help but focus on the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword. Breaking through the Spirit King Realm has nothing to do with supernatural powers, so the only possibility is the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword in the center of the Lingfu.

Based on Jian Fengyun's experience in his previous life, ordinary warriors who break through to the Spirit King Realm must comprehend the laws and evolve the power of the domain.

The difference between the Spirit King Realm and the True Spirit Realm is the comprehension of the laws of Tao. If the warriors in the True Spirit Realm are talented enough, they can use the power of laws, while the fighters in the Spirit King Realm need to evolve the power of laws into shapes and transform them into field.

In his previous life, before Jian Fengyun broke through to the Spirit King Realm, he only comprehended one law of the way of the sword, so he used the law of the way of the sword to condense the realm of the spirit king. After comprehending the power of the gods, the current him can't feel the opportunity to break through the spirit king realm in his previous life at all. Moreover, even if he felt the opportunity to break through the spirit king realm to condense the realm, what kind of law should he use to condense the kingly realm?
In his previous life, he had been involved in almost all the laws of the Dao that he had comprehended, perhaps all the laws of the Dao that were recorded in the classics. Could it be that he wanted to use all the laws of the Dao to condense the domain.

Jian Fengyun looked at the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword in front of him, but still had no clue. Taishi Daoist described the importance of the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword, but he seemed to be unable to feel what was extraordinary about his true spirit, except for the strong sword energy. Other than that, there are almost no features.

"Master, we're here!"

The voice of the black dragon, the spirit of the Immortal Palace, resounded in Jian Fengyun's consciousness, and Jian Fengyun couldn't help returning to his senses, he could only temporarily put down his thoughts about the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword in front of him.

Consciousness slowly returned, Jian Fengyun opened his eyes, and immediately rubbed his hands against the face in front of him. The Tianyang Divine Guard who was ready stood up, glanced lightly, and said: "Everyone, prepare to leave!"

At the same time, Tianyang Imperial City

The defense formations outside the Tianyang Imperial City have long been exhausted and shattered. On the ancient city wall, there are streaks of dark red blood, and there are countless dead bodies without a single trace of life.

The corpses of countless dead soldiers and Tianyang Divine Guards were lying and hanging on the city wall. Some warriors had dozens of long knives stuck in their bodies, and still held a blood-stained halberd tightly in their hands. The ten headless dead men seemed to have been beheaded by this warrior to the death; some warriors were dripping with blood and their corpses were separated, but his palms were still holding the spear tightly, and there were several spears strung on top of the spear. The corpses of the dead soldiers; some warriors' bodies were divided into several pieces, but the blood-stained spear beside the blood-stained palm can still be seen clearly.
The gate of Tianyang City was stained with eye-catching blood, which was shocking. Dozens of warriors were directly crucified on the gate.

Outside the city gate, corpses were strewn all over the ground, and some corpses were so bloody and bloody that it was impossible to distinguish the appearance of people.

In Tianyang City, blood flowed like a river, and a steady stream of dead soldiers rushed towards the streets of Tianyang City. The entire Tianyang City was full of dead people, only the central palace remained.

In front of the Tianyang Palace, the figures of Yin Daohuang and Yin Ba stood in the sky.

"Father, you are really good at predicting things. It seems that Tianyang Imperial City is about to fall, and we will be the kings of Qingyun Region from now on!" Yin Ba said to the middle-aged man beside him.

Yin Daohuang nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, imagine that this Qingyun domain was also a large domain with a small number of people in the lower domain, the domain master of Emperor Zun, but after a big change, the entire Qingyun domain above the spirit king realm The strong have all fallen, and now it is just a small force that has risen in the past thousands of years to control Qingyun Domain!"

"By the way, father, Wanyu expressly prohibits the upper domain from interfering with the forces of the lower domain. Will we violate Wanyu's law by doing so?" Yin Ba seemed to think of something, and said impressively.

Yin Daohuang's eyes moved, and he said impressively: "The ones who destroyed the Tianyang Dynasty in the Qingyun Region were their dead men of the Tianyang Dynasty, not our disciples of the Holy Soul Sword Sect. That's why I arranged for 30 dead men to come!"

"Father is right. It is estimated that Jian Fengyun would never have thought that he guarded Bei'an City, but this Tianyang Imperial City also has some background. 30 dead soldiers can't win here in one day!" Yin Ba nodded slightly.

Yin Daohuang nodded slightly and said: "That's right, there is a very powerful formation in Tianyang City, if I hadn't used the extreme emperor soldiers to seriously injure the person who urged the formation, I am afraid that 30 dead soldiers would still not be able to attack Tianyang City." Imperial City!"

"Father, do you think that Jian Fengyun will rush over?" Yin Ba thought for a while, and then said abruptly.

Yin Daohuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "No, I used the teleportation talisman to get here in half a day, not to mention, even if he came, what's the use? It can't withstand 30 dead soldiers at all."

Hearing Yin Daohuang's words, Yin Ba nodded immediately, feeling relieved.

I don't know when, Jian Fengyun has become a threat that he needs to worry about.

Inside the Tianyang Palace, within the huge palace, the last line of defense is a small city wall. Above the city wall, the shrinking Tianyang Divine Guard and some warriors guarding the palace are resisting the continuous stream of dead soldiers.

"Prince, let's go, I will bring someone to buy you time!" A leader of Tianyang Divine Guard swung his long spear, beheading dozens of warriors.

"I won't leave!" Yuan Feng was so red-eyed that he didn't listen to the persuasion of the soldiers around him, and swung the long sword in his hand.

In seven days, his father left.
(End of this chapter)

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