Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 333 Dawn Comes

Chapter 333 Dawn Comes
"I'm not going!"

Yuan Feng was so red-eyed that he didn't listen to the persuasion of the soldiers around him, and swung the long sword in his hand.

In seven days, his father left, in order to protect Tianyang City, Tianyang City, where he had lived since childhood, turned into a battlefield, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses were everywhere.

He will never forget the kindness, worry, and long way to go in his father's eyes before he died.

In the depths of the palace, inside the ice coffin, the father's aura is like a thread. At this moment, he is no longer the godlike Emperor Tianyang of the Tianyang Dynasty, he is just a father, a father who is worried about his child, his cloudy eyes Looking at himself, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he tried his best to say something that made his heart ache forever, "Feng'er, don't avenge me after the father is gone, you have to take good care of my sister, and follow Yun. , so I can rest assured!"

The Emperor Tianyang, who was famous for 3000 years in the Tianyang Dynasty, died. Before he died, his only wish was to let his son and daughter live safely.

In every son's heart, his father is an indomitable existence, and Yuanfeng is no exception. He never thought that one day he would be able to stand up to his father. He felt that his father was like a legend, omnipotent, and would never defeated.

In Yuan Feng's heart since he was a child, his father was like a legendary existence. Every time the warriors around him looked at the records about Emperor Tianyang in the books with expectant eyes, they said expectantly that they would become Xiang Tianyang when they grow up. For a person like the emperor, at this time, Yuan Feng's heart would feel a sense of pride.

More than ten years have passed, and even though his father has become more and more busy, he still feels that his father is an indomitable existence. As long as he is around, all problems will be fine.

However, just three days ago, that indomitable existence fell down. When he fell down, Yuan Feng realized that his father was not a god, but also a human being. Before he died, he was most worried about himself and his sister. It was also at this time that Yuan Feng blamed himself for being so useless, he didn't even have the ability to help his father share the danger.

At that moment, Yuanfeng felt for the first time that strength was so important, and it was also the first time he regretted that if he had practiced well before, everything would not have happened.

The long sword in Yuan Feng's hand kept waving, and the demon energy behind him was already extremely strong, and his body was full of murderous aura. Every time he swung the sword, dozens of dead soldiers fell under the long sword.

"Prince, let's go, we can't hold on anymore!" The Tianyang Divine Guard at the side was almost hoarse.

During the seven-day battle, these warriors and soldiers shrank from the tower of Tianyang City all the way to the last line of defense of the palace, and their bodies were seriously exhausted.

"I won't go!" Yuan Feng roared angrily, and the long sword in his hand erupted with a burst of magic light. The sword energy flashed, and cut off dozens of dead men in half.

On Yuan Feng's body, streaks of magic light erupted, covering the dead warriors all around, and streams of pure power were swallowed from these corpses and poured into Yuan Feng's body.

Yuan Feng, one person and one sword, charged into the continuous stream of dead men. When there were more and more dead men around him, the long sword in his hand broke with a "bang", and the long sword couldn't bear the crazy slashing , also scrapped.

However, this did not resist Yuanfeng's desire to kill. Magic power gushed out from his hand, and with a slap of his palm, he slapped the dead men around him into bloody mud.

"Father, that boy's martial arts are so strong that he can kill tens of thousands of people with ease!" Above the sky, Yin Ba suddenly noticed Yuan Feng above the ground.

Yin Daohuang glanced slightly, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and said: "It's really extraordinary, to be able to devour the essence of the surrounding corpses and turn it into his own use, such a skill should be the magic skill of the Demon Realm, and it's not as high as the rank. Low!"

"It's better, me." Yin Ba opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, a shocking sound of charging and killing resounded in Tianyang City, like a thunderbolt, which captured his mind in an instant.

"Commander of the Tianyang Divine Guard, Xiangdong, ordered by Young Master Yun to reinforce Tianyang City!"

Xiangdong's voice was loud and clear, diffused with spiritual power, and instantly resounded through Tianyang City, shaking the spirits of the sluggish warriors above the palace.

"Jianwu King, it is Jianwu King who has come to reinforce us!"

On the palace wall, there was a sudden exclamation, and in an instant, all the soldiers fought with all their strength towards the dead in front of them.

In the depths of the imperial palace, within the Tianyang Ancestral Land

A middle-aged man in a dragon robe who was seriously injured and on the verge of death stood up impressively, his face was full of excitement, and he walked towards the ice coffin in the center with difficulty, brother, did you hear that, it was him, he is here, you are right, he is here! "

Tianyang Xuanfeng excitedly supported the ice coffin that was bubbling with cold air, regardless of how freezing the air above the ice coffin was, his expression was so excited.

Inside the ice coffin, the man in the dragon robe whose qi and blood had decayed to the extreme suddenly opened his wrinkled eyes, a trace of serenity flashed in his eyes, and in just a split second, his eyes closed again. At the limit, I held back the last breath, just to wait for a news.

Sure enough, his guess was right, he is here, as long as he comes, the Tianyang Dynasty will be saved, and he can leave with peace of mind!

Tianyang Xuanfeng looked at Tianyang Xuanyuan who had closed his eyes in the ice coffin, and a line of tears flowed from his thirsty old eyes, "Brother, Xuanfeng will carry you to see the great victory of our Tianyang Dynasty! "

Tianyang Xuanfeng carried the man who carried the legend of the Tianyang Dynasty on his back with difficulty, carried his dearest and dearest brother on his back, step by step, trembling, walked out of the underground ice cave with difficulty.

Jian Fengyun!
Yin Ba and Yin Daohuang saw the figure of the man in white over Tianyang City in an instant, and they were surprised.

No matter what they thought, they couldn't imagine how Jian Fengyun would arrive.

Jian Fengyun naturally also saw them at a glance, but his face was very calm, under which there was indescribable anger.

"Jiuqin Emperor Sword Formation!"

In an instant, a long piano suddenly condensed in Jian Fengyun's hand, and he stroked it gently with his fingers.

"Zheng——" A heart-pounding sound of the piano sounded, accompanied by the ancient walls of the imperial city, a series of mysterious formations suddenly lit up, and the entire ground of the imperial city suddenly shook.

The formation of light soared into the sky, the law circulated, and the entire imperial city was instantly enveloped by a huge formation.

"The Emperor's Sword Dao Yun Yun, the Emperor's Dao Yun Jiuqin Ballad."

With Jian Fengyun's fingers lightly flicking, the situation in Tianyang City suddenly changed. The wind suddenly rose, and the clouds rolled thousands of miles away. Yin Daohuang and his son.

(End of this chapter)

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