Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 334 Massacre

Chapter 334 Massacre
"The Emperor's Sword Dao Yun Yun, the Emperor's Dao Yun Jiuqin Ballad."

With Jian Fengyun's fingers lightly flicking, the situation in Tianyang City suddenly changed. The wind suddenly rose, and the clouds rolled thousands of miles away. Yin Daohuang and his son.

Seeing this sword energy, Yin Daohuang and Yin Ba's expressions changed suddenly, and their bodies trembled. A monarch-level spiritual weapon suddenly appeared in Yin Daohuang's hand. In an instant, a burst of tyrannical majesty burst out.

Although the attributes of the Sovereign's Sword are different from those of Yin Daohuang's skills, it can still exert nearly one-tenth of its power under forceful urging.

The law of the sky-filled fire spreads out, and the sword is like a monarch in the fire, controlling the raging flames all around, resisting the emperor's coercion all over the sky in Tianyang City.

The ground of Tianyang City was filled with light, and on the ancient city walls, countless runes were revealed, exuding overwhelming coercion, causing many old buildings to collapse into ruins, but they couldn't do anything to the flame field in the center of the sky.

Yin Daohuang looked at Jian Fengyun in the sky above Bei'an City. He was dressed in white, holding an illusory long piano in his hand, standing indifferently in the void.

"how is this possible!"

Yin Daohuang and Yin Ba spoke in horror.

They used the space teleportation talisman to quickly rush from Bei'an City to Tianyang City, but how did Jian Fengyun and the others get there? Could it be that they also have the space teleportation talisman?

Not to mention how precious the space teleportation talisman is, even Jian Fengyun couldn't catch up so quickly, how could the tens of thousands of dead men in Bei'an City not have time to clean up.

Daohuang Yin and his son couldn't imagine that Jian Fengyun would have such heaven-defying treasures as the Hall of Immortality, and even a thousand top-grade spirit crystals.

Seeing that Yin Daohuang and his son were not affected in any way, Jian Fengyun couldn't help staring.

It took me a thousand top-quality spirit crystals to motivate the Immortal Hall to come here, whether it was for the enmity between myself and the Holy Soul Sword Sect, or for the thousand top-quality spirit crystals, Jian Fengyun would not let them have a good time easily .

"The Nine Heavens Dragon's Chant is shockingly changing, every time you think about the wind and cloud, you think about the sword!"

Jian Fengyun played the piano again, the illusory long piano fluctuated in the void, spewing out countless runes, the brilliance filled the sky, and with the sound of a sword, a sword light flew across the sky, everyone felt a blur in front of them.

A soft sound resounded impressively, and the sword glow directly pierced through the field covered by the fire-attribute monarch-level spiritual weapon in Yin Daohuang's hand.

The sword light collided with the monarch sword in Yin Daohuang's hand, shockingly shaking Yin Daohuang's body upside down, the sword light passed by, and cut through the robe on Yin Daohuang's arm in a flash, And he narrowly avoided the sword energy.

Such a strong formation!
Yin Daohuang's eyes widened, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes. He could feel the vast power in this formation, the power that even he felt small.


Yin Daohuang grabbed Yin Ba's arm for a moment, and a space teleportation talisman appeared in his hand, which he crushed resolutely, a silver light wrapped their bodies, and they flew away in an instant.

Yin Daohuang has lived for thousands of years, and the state of mind that has been honed for so many years makes him almost decisive in dealing with things. He knows that with this formation, even if he stays, he will not get any benefits.

"He is a decisive person!" Looking at Yin Daohuang's disappearing figure, Jian Fengyun's eyes couldn't help moving. If Yin Daohuang wanted to fight again, he would definitely urge the Jiuqin Emperor Sword Formation to kill them directly.

Afterwards, Jian Fengyun's heart calmed down again. Although he didn't leave these two people behind, he didn't feel it was a pity. , at this moment, he was more worried about Yuan Feng, who was killing people down there and was about to turn into a demon.

In Tianyang City, the whole city is almost full of dead men. Among the 30 dead men, Yuan Feng is surrounded by demon energy, his eyes are red, and his whole body is stained red by the blood of the dead men.

Two thousand Heavenly Sun Guards entered the city. Although they faced 30 dead soldiers, they did not have the slightest fear. The two thousand Heavenly Sun Guards formed a god-killing formation, and a layer of illusory aura emerged from each of them. Murderous Armor.

The God Killing Array was like a sharp sword, piercing directly into the 30 dead men. Wherever it passed, the dead men fell down one by one like harvesting wheat, and the blood gathered into a trickling river, flowing into the The ground of Tianyang City was absorbed by the land of Tianyang City.

Soon, two thousand Heavenly Sun Guards ran through the entire battlefield, blazed a trail of blood, rushed to the top of the palace wall, and began beheading and killing soldiers for the Heavenly Sun Guards and warriors who were originally guarding the city wall. All the dead men on the city wall were killed, and the offensive of the city wall was stably blocked from the city wall. None of the dead men could step into the city wall.

Looking at this scene, it turned out that the Tianyang Divine Guards on the city wall couldn't help but be stunned, their eyes were horrified, their blood-stained faces were slightly opened, and their mouths were slightly opened, unable to speak.

Is this really Tianyang Shenwei?
If this is Tianyang Shenwei, then what are they?
Looking at the two thousand Heavenly Sun Guards above the city tower, each of them was filled with murderous aura, as if they were generals, and they were also Heavenly Sun Guards, but they almost lost their lives even resisting these dead soldiers.

Headed by Xiangdong, these two thousand Heavenly Sun Guards have become more and more courageous in their killing, and the murderous aura on their bodies has become more and more intense as they killed these dead men, with excited expressions on their faces, as if the 30 dead men were 30 dead men. Like ants, they can trample tens of thousands to death casually.

Seeing all the Tianyang Divine Guards rushing to the city, Jian Fengyun's calm face, his eyes slowly closed, and his fingers were gently placed on the illusory long piano of his fingers.

In the next moment, all ten fingers moved, and the six strings were stroked at the same time.


The sound of the zither was powerful and touching, and everyone in Tianyang City seemed to be captured by the sound of the zither, unable to move at all. Of course, the people stationed on the walls of the imperial palace were not affected.

In an instant, within Tianyang City, the sound of the piano turned into wisps of white light, flowing through the void, and the white light swayed, and the densely packed dead soldiers exploded on the ground in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

"The Emperor's Sword Dao Yun Yun, the Emperor's Dao Yun Jiuqin Ballad."

"The Nine Heavens Dragon's Chant is shockingly changing, every time you think about the wind and cloud, you think about the sword."

"The six-stringed long qin contains the holy way, and the silver strings caress the lives of thousands of people."

"With the sound of a zither, no one walks within a hundred miles."

The sound of the piano is mighty, floating in the imperial city, but the white light is only floating in the crowd of dead soldiers.

The white light transformed by the sound of the piano is like the law of supernatural powers, and the white light is like a sword. Wherever it passes, some dead men with higher realms and better spiritual weapons are beheaded by the sword.
(End of this chapter)

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