Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 335 Yuanfeng Bewitched

Chapter 335 Yuanfeng Bewitched
The white light transformed by the sound of the zither is like the law of supernatural powers, and the white light is like a sword. Wherever it passes, some dead men with higher realms and better spiritual weapons are beheaded by a sword, and some are cut off at the waist. Flow into a river.

Even if the god of death reaps human lives, it is probably nothing more than that, right?
Jian Fengyun closed his eyes high in the sky, stroked his hands slowly, and plucked the strings of the piano. Although he didn't open his eyes, he could clearly see everything that happened outside in his heart.

The heads of thousands of dead men were cut off and their bodies were separated. The sound of this zither was played for a long time, about an hour.

In the inner city of the imperial palace, all the citizens and warriors who had taken refuge for refuge heard this song, and they couldn't help but recall the scene of the Pan family's Tianyang guards being slaughtered in front of the third prince's mansion a few months ago.

At that time, it seemed to be the same song, but it didn't seem to be so long.

Jian Fengyun's fingers seemed to be endowed with a soul, and every sound of the piano in the city was controlled by him. When he killed the Tianyang Shenwei of the Pan family, he activated the Jiuqin Emperor Sword Formation, but at that time he was not in the Lingfu Realm, only one percent of the power of the Jiuqin Emperor Sword Formation can be exerted. Now that he has broken through to the peak of the True Spirit Realm, the reserve of sword energy in the Lingfu will naturally increase. There is no need to evacuate the sword energy in the body like before.

Jian Fengyun opened his mouth and swallowed several seven-return pills, the sword energy in his body instantly recovered, the illusory long piano in his hand was still fluctuating, countless runes spewed out, the strings fluctuated, and the sound of the piano was endless.

At this time, he was no longer the Jian Fengyun who could even bully the little Pan family. He was the Sword Martial King of the Tianyang Dynasty.

He activated the Jiuqin Emperor Sword Formation, and was able to exert 30% of its power. The Tianyang City under his feet had turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, but his hands still did not stop. [-] dead soldiers, The quantity alone can fill a small or medium-sized city, but now they are all gathered in Tianyang City, even if it is a massacre, it will take a lot of effort.

Looking at the mighty sound of the zither, the white light flowing and harvesting the life of Tianyang City, above the city tower, all the Tianyang guards stopped at the same time, looking reverently at the Taoist figure in white robes above the sky.

Especially those Tianyang Divine Guards who escorted Jian Fengyun away from the imperial city, if they were not forced by the emperor's order, they would not have escorted a young boy like Jian Fengyun back to Bei'an City. That's not what Tianyang Shenwei, who represents the honor of the dynasty, should do. However, at this moment, they couldn't help but feel grateful for their helplessness. Fortunately, it was they and not others who were ordered by the emperor to escort Yun Shao away.

At this time, they realized how much opportunity Jian Fengyun gave them when he chose them to go together.

The wind and clouds in the first district chanted, and the qin music ended, and all 30 dead men fell into a pool of blood. In the huge Tianyang Imperial City, corpses were floating everywhere, and real blood flowed like a river.

In the middle of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, there was only a blood-clothed figure standing impressively on the ground.

Yuan Feng, at this moment, his body was surging with demonic energy, and countless dark runes of the magical way emerged from the void, making one feel a wave of cold magical energy, and his body could not help but shiver.

The field of magic way unfolded, and an incomparable power of the devil king spread from Yuanfeng's body to the surroundings.

The "Tianmo Dao Jing" urged it with all its strength, and the robe on Yuanfeng's body was torn apart inch by inch. In the skin, the surging magic power penetrated into the flesh and blood, exuding a demonic aura of choosing and devouring people.

Jian Fengyun's figure descended from the sky, and the formation light of Tianyang City gradually faded away. On the ancient city wall, the runes disappeared and the formation pattern faded away.

"Stop it quickly, if you continue to suck it, you will explode yourself!" Jian Fengyun's figure landed beside Yuan Feng, and he said out loud.

"I want to become stronger, I want to become stronger, I want to protect Tianyang City, protect my father, and protect my sister." Yuan Feng's eyes were glowing with darkness, as if he hadn't heard Jian Fengyun's words at all. Gobble up madly.

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun couldn't help frowning. What kind of stimulation did Yuan Feng receive to go mad, and judging from the current situation, it seems that the madness was not complete, and the obsession in his heart made him He is not really crazy, but his consciousness is close to madness.

The "Tianmo Dao Jing" is a magical skill created by the previous master of the Tianmo Emperor's Domain. Those who suffer from it.

"Tianmo Daojing" is an extremely terrifying exercise, which devours the essence of the dead to improve one's strength. It can make a person, or destroy a person.Jian Fengyun already knew this.

At the beginning, he just passed the "Tianmo Daojing" to him because of Yuanfeng's honesty and integrity. "Controlled by it, a bloody storm will be set off in the Ten Thousand Realms, and countless innocent people will be killed and swallowed.

Now it seems that Yuan Feng did not let him down. Although he was obsessed, he still had a obsession in his heart, and he was not controlled by the evil in his heart, so he was not crazy, and he practiced like crazy.

It's just, what kind of stimulation can make such a simple-minded and uncontested young man become like this.

Jian Fengyun looked at Yuan Feng, who was in pain but insisted on clenching his teeth, and felt inexplicably angry. Yuan Feng was his brother in this life. quiet.

To be able to force such a simple boy into such a state, what kind of outrageous things did he do to be able to do it.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but become more murderous towards the Holy Soul Sword Sect, and in his cold eyes there were only two names that must die, Yin Daohuang and Yin Ba.

Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand, a gust of sword energy surged out from the palm of his hand, and gently cut Yuanfeng's neck.

Yuan Feng's body softened and he fell to the ground.

Jian Fengyun bent down, and typed out dozens of formulas with seals of both hands, which landed on Yuanfeng's body, instantly sealing the surging magic power in his body, and then picked up the blood-soaked boy.

On the walls of the palace, everyone couldn't help but fell silent when they saw this scene.

The crisis in Tianyang City was resolved and defeated, but no one cheered.

At this moment, on the tower of the imperial palace, the figure of Tianyang Xuanfeng fell down impressively, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, everyone turned around and saw Tianyang Xuanfeng
(End of this chapter)

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