Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 336 Tianyang January

Chapter 336 Tianyang January

On the tower of the imperial palace, Tianyang Xuanfeng's figure suddenly fell down, his eyes were bloodshot, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, everyone turned around, and when they saw Tianyang Xuanfeng's body, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"King Xuanfeng, it is King Xuanfeng!"

"There is also the coffin of the emperor. The emperor is dead, and King Xuanfeng is seriously injured. How could this happen!"

In an instant, countless Tianyang Divine Guards who were loyal to the Emperor Xuanyuan wept at the same time, and all the troops knelt down. In the inner city of the palace, all the shrunken city residents couldn't help but knelt down at the same time when they heard the shocking news.

Wanmin knelt down and worshiped Bei'an City, a sense of grief and indignation instantly spread throughout the imperial city.

They knew that Emperor Xuanyuan, the patron saint of the Tianyang Dynasty, had fallen. He had fallen in order to protect Tianyang City and the Tianyang Dynasty.

In the endless grief and anger, Jian Fengyun's figure floated on the city wall, and gently placed the unconscious Yuanfeng in his hand on the ground.

"Boss, what should I do? Yuanfeng has been bragging to me about his father since he was a child. Now that his father is dead, if father Yuanfeng wakes up, he must be very sad!" Wang Chuyuan looked at the solemn ice coffin in front of him, and his expression couldn't help but change. Sadly, the exhilarating mood of exterminating the soldiers disappeared in an instant.

Jian Fengyun's eyes fell on the ice coffin, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and he said: "Fortunately, there is still a remnant soul left after sealing the blood and stopping life, and it is also fortunate that your brother carried you to me. I'm afraid I'm exhausted!"

"Boss, what did you say?" Wang Chuyuan was surrounded by deep weeping sounds, but he couldn't hear what Jian Fengyun said.

"Nothing!" Jian Fengyun responded lightly, turned his hand and took out a bottle of Earth-level Spiritual Healing Pill, and handed it to Wang Chuyuan, saying, "This is the top-grade Earth-level Spiritual Healing Pill, which has a miraculous effect on physical damage to warriors. You feed it to Xuan King Feng can effectively control his injuries!"

Wang Chuyuan took the elixir, immediately responded, and bent down to feed the elixir to Tianyang Xuanfeng.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun's right hand moved slightly, pinched the formula, and a blood-red mantra flashed across his right hand.

The Nine Serenities Attracting Evil Curse, Jian Fengyun used the Nine Nether Attracting Evils Curse again, at the same time, in the depths of the northern barbarian land of the Tianyang Dynasty, in the endless black mist, the corpse surrounded by imperial energy opened its eyes , with a slight movement of the finger, a power of the emperor's way burst out of the air, straight into the sky, and spanned tens of thousands of miles.

In the sky above Tianyang City, the situation changed slightly, and a strange ray of light passed away in a flash. The people who were busy mourning did not notice that this ray of light fell into the ice coffin of the Emperor Tianyang they mourned for.

Inside the ice coffin where Emperor Tianyang was, chains formed by laws and regulations were formed impressively, locking Emperor Tianyang's body impressively.

After doing all this, Jian Fengyun slowly put down his right hand.

"The commander of the Tianyang Divine Guard listened to the order and brought a hundred soldiers to escort King Xuanfeng and the coffin of the emperor back to the palace, and the rest went to clean up the corpses in Tianyang City!"

Jian Fengyun gave an order, and in an instant, thousands of Tianyang Divine Guards suddenly dispersed.

In one day, Jian Fengyun almost spent arranging the funeral of Tianyang City, and in one day, the corpses in Tianyang City were cleaned up.

However, in just half a day, news of the city's emergency spread to Tianyang City one after another.

These messages were all sent out a few days ago. The moment Jian Fengyun received these messages, he immediately ordered Xiang Dong and Wang Chuyuan to bring a thousand Heavenly Sun Guards to wipe out the dead soldiers in these cities.

After this battle, the number of people in Tianyang City dropped sharply, and the originally prosperous Tianyang City became deserted than Bei'an City. Most of the buildings in Tianyang City were damaged in this battle, and most of the craftsmen in the city were mobilized to start repairing them. The buildings of Tianyang City.

In Tianyang City, almost all the major families and the major chambers of commerce have been impacted, and some families have even changed from a big family to a weak family in an instant. For these families, Jian Fengyun mainly appeases them, saying that the dynasty will They were awarded honorary families, and the dynasty would protect those families that were severely damaged by the war for ten years. When the news spread, the turmoil in Tianyang City immediately calmed down.

Time flies like a white horse, and before you know it, a month has passed.

Within a month, Xiangdong and Wang Chuyuan led the Heavenly Sun Guards to successfully wipe out all the dead soldiers in the cities of the Tianyang Dynasty, and under Jian Fengyun's arrangement, these Heavenly Sun Guards almost rectified all the attacked cities. Gather most of the forces in the city, and control all these forces in the name of the royal family.In this way, although it is said that the Tianyang Dynasty's vitality has been greatly injured in this turmoil, it has concentrated its power even more and wiped out some cancers that had accumulated before the Tianyang Dynasty.

For a month, although Jian Fengyun sometimes dealt with the political affairs of the Tianyang Dynasty, most of the time, he was immersed in the quiet room he temporarily opened in the palace.

This month, Jian Fengyun's spiritual power realm could not be improved at all, stagnated at the peak of the true spirit realm, and the soul power realm also reached the bottleneck, staying at the peak of the ground level, but Jian Fengyun did not idle, this month he was in the In the quiet room, the elixir was refined by using the soul power.

"Young Master Yun, can I come in?" Pu Qing's voice sounded from outside the room.

For a month, Pu Qing came to Jian Fengyun's place almost every day, asking him about pills.

"Come in!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

There was a sound of pushing the door, and the door of the quiet room suddenly opened a gap, and a bright light suddenly came in, and then the door closed again.

The earth fire rose from the earth fire cauldron in Jian Fengyun's hand, one after another the top grade earth fire pills shot out from the earth fire cauldron and fell into the jade bottles in front of them, and each jade bottle was filled in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Pu Qing couldn't help but stop, looking a little surprised.

Although he has seen a similar scene dozens of times this month, the method of mass-producing the best earth-level elixir is really unbelievable, even if he has broken through to the sky-level alchemist now, he can't do it at such a speed , to achieve such output and such quality.

Jian Fengyun then waved and skillfully sealed the jade bottle, then turned around and said to Pu Qing who was behind him, "What do you want me to do today?"

"Young Master Yun, King Xuanfeng sent someone to inform that His Highness Yuanfeng has woken up, but Prince Yuanfeng seems to be in a bad state. He asked me to ask you. If you have time, go and see His Highness Yuanfeng!" Pu Pu Qing respectfully said to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun's gaze narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes: "Are you awake? Looks like a month is up!"

This month, Yuan Feng's violent magic power almost exploded his body.
(End of this chapter)

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