Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 337 Yuanfeng's Choice

Chapter 337 Yuanfeng's Choice
Jian Fengyun's gaze narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes: "Are you awake? Looks like a month is up!"

This month, the violent magic power in Yuan Feng's body almost exploded his body. The turbulent magic power severely damaged Yuan Feng's body, and his consciousness was always in a deep sleep. He used a secret method to digest the magic power in his body, which had already been planned. In a month, the magic power in Yuanfeng's body will be completely consumed, his consciousness will return, and he will wake up completely.

"Yes, Young Master Yun, a month has passed!" Pu Qing said beside him.

Pu Qing's tone was a little blunt, looking at the tens of thousands of jade bottles filled with pills on the side of the quiet room, his scalp couldn't help feeling a little numb.

Each of these elixirs is the highest-grade elixir. If he hadn't witnessed the formation of these elixirs with his own eyes, he would never have believed that someone could refine so many top-grade elixirs in a month. Elixir.

In Pu Qing's consciousness, even the respected pharmacists above the heavenly rank would not be able to do this at all.

With a wave of Jian Fengyun's hand, he put all the densely packed tens of thousands of bottles of elixir refined behind him into a storage ring, then stepped forward, patted some dust on the white robe, and said impressively: "Let's go!" , go and see Yuanfeng!"

"Yes!" Pu Qing replied respectfully, and then followed Jian Fengyun's footsteps like a follower.

This scene fell into the eyes of outsiders, and I am afraid that their eyes will be shocked. The Tianyang Dynasty royal family enshrines the pharmacists who have contributed many powerful elixirs to the battle of Tianyang City. At this moment, they are like A servant usually follows a young man.

If this scene spreads to the world of pharmacists, I am afraid it will cause even more stormy waves. The president of the majestic Tianyang Dynasty pharmacist association, a sky-rank pharmacist above [-] people, is being treated as a follower by a young man at this moment. handle.

However, only Pu Qing knows that everything he has today is because he chose to follow Jian Fengyun at the beginning. In his heart, Jian Fengyun has already surpassed the eyes of the secular people.

Jian Fengyun's residence was not very far from the imperial palace and harem, and he soon arrived at the place where Yuan Feng was recuperating.

A roar was heard from a distance, and all the servants were blocked from the inner hall door.

As Jian Fengyun walked outside the hall, a group of servants couldn't help saying: "I've seen Lord Jianwu King!"

"Excuse me!" Jian Fengyun raised his hand slightly, glanced at these servants and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Hearing Jian Fengyun's question, a courageous servant couldn't help but bowed his head and replied respectfully: "Master Jianwu King, Prince Yuanfeng kicked us all out as soon as he woke up!"

When Jian Fengyun heard this, his eyes moved slightly, and then he waved to the servants and said, "Go down first, I'll go in and have a look!"

"You go back first too!"

Jian Fengyun gave Pu Qing an order, and then pushed open the door and walked in.

Inside the house, a huge stone pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and pieces of exquisite floor tiles were shattered under Yuan Feng's fist. Those broken stones were still stained with blood. Obviously, Yuan Feng didn't use it. Magic power, just use the flesh to hit these floor tiles.

On the ground, Yuan Feng, who was like a dead fish, didn't seem to notice that Jian Fengyun walked in, his eyes were full of dead silence.

Yes, his body and consciousness have recovered, and under Jian Fengyun's secret technique, his body is better than before.

But his heart seemed to be dead. His father left, the god in his heart from childhood to adulthood left, and his world seemed to collapse.

Seeing Yuan Feng's decadent appearance, Jian Fengyun's gaze moved slightly, he walked up to Yuan Feng, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The sound of Jian Fengyun's voice made Yuanfeng's eyelids move. The moment he saw Jian Fengyun, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his head. The moment he saw Jian Fengyun, his body shook and his eyes turned red.

"Brother, I." Yuan Feng sat up, looked at Jian Fengyun, just as he opened his mouth, his throat seemed to be locked and he couldn't speak.

Jian Fengyun didn't speak, but patted Yuan Feng's shoulder lightly.

In his previous life, Jian Fengyun has seen too many intrigues, just like the royal family, even father and son cannibalism, intrigues, it is difficult to have true friendship.

However, on Yuan Feng's face, he could feel the real emotion, the indifferent emperor's family, but he couldn't see this sentence at all on Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng used to be the worst prince. It can be said that he had very few chances to contact Tian Yang Xuan Yuan, but now that Yang Xuan Yuan fell, he was so sad that he almost lost his mind.

After a long time, Yuan Feng finally couldn't hold back, and began to cry on Jian Fengyun's shoulder.

"Brother, I was wrong. I should practice hard. I shouldn't waste time. If I practiced hard since I was a child, maybe my father would die that day!"

"Brother, I shouldn't have disobeyed you. I should devour the essence of living corpses and practice hard. If I speed up my devouring practice, I will learn from Tianyang City and won't suffer such a catastrophe!"

"Brother, I'm really useless. I watched my father die from serious injuries, and Uncle Feng was seriously injured. I..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Feng was already sobbing.

"Since you know you're useless, why don't you practice hard and fulfill your father's wish?" Jian Fengyun looked indifferently, at this moment, he couldn't be soft-hearted towards Yuan Feng.

Judging from his previous life experience, if he softens his heart at this time, he will harm Yuanfeng. There is no strong man in Wanyu who has not experienced great tribulations. .

Listening to Jian Fengyun's words, Yuan Feng was stunned for a moment, two rays of light shot out from his eyes filled with dead silence, looking at Jian Fengyun, he murmured dully: "Cultivate hard, fulfill the last wish of the emperor!"

"Yes, your father desperately guarded Tianyang City. You should know the weight of the Tianyang Dynasty in your father's heart. As his son, you are still alive. Shouldn't you inherit his legacy and carry forward the Tianyang Dynasty? ?” Jian Fengyun said indifferently.

When Yuan Feng heard this, the light in his eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, I want to fulfill my father's last wish, I can't just be so decadent!"

Looking at the firm light in Yuan Feng's eyes, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but smile. Even though he was in such a catastrophe, Yuan Feng's heart was still so simple and easy to talk about.

"Brother, what am I going to do now?" Yuan Feng came back to his senses slightly, and asked Jian Fengyun impressively.

Jian Fengyun moved his eyes, glanced at Yuanfeng, and said, "What you do is your business."

(End of this chapter)

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