Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 338 Zuo Xijian's Second Letter

Chapter 338 Zuo Xijian's Second Letter
"Brother, what am I going to do now?" Yuan Feng came back to his senses slightly, and asked Jian Fengyun impressively.

Jian Fengyun moved his eyes, glanced at Yuanfeng, and said: "What to do is your business, you are now the person who has to shoulder the entire Tianyang Dynasty, you can't ask me for everything!"

When Yuan Feng heard it, his body couldn't help but startled, his eyes suddenly filled with confusion, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

The moment Jian Fengyun saw Yuan Feng's bewildered eyes, he couldn't help flashing a trace of unbearableness. For a 15-year-old boy, would it be too heavy to shoulder the heavy responsibility of a dynasty? Such a responsible Tianjiao is also the Tianjiao of some forces.

"Go to King Xuanfeng, he will tell you what to do!"

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, he immediately turned around, resisting the desire to help Yuanfeng, and resolutely walked out of the courtyard gate.

As soon as he walked out the door, Huang Wu was already waiting outside the door.

"Young Master Yun!" Huang Wu saluted Jian Fengyun respectfully, and Jian Fengyun waved his hand as a gesture to excuse him, so he followed and asked as he followed, "Young Master Yun, why didn't you tell him that Tianyang Xuanyuan was not not dead?"

"Tell him what to do. Could it be possible for him to rely on him again? Troubled times will arise. If the way of martial arts is not upright, the Tianyang Dynasty and even the Qingyun Region will perish in the troubled times. I will tell him again when he finds his own way. Wouldn't it be better if your father is still alive!" Jian Fengyun said while walking.

"It turns out that you are going to lead the way of martial arts for Master Yuanfeng!" Huang Wu suddenly realized.

"By the way, I didn't tell you to catch some monster beasts deep in the mountain range and tame them for Qingyunwei to use as mounts. Why did you come back?" Jian Fengyun turned his head and asked with his gaze slightly fixed.

Huang Wu's footsteps paused and he cupped his hands: "Young Master Yun, I have already captured most of the ground-level monsters in the depths of the monster mountain range. I came back this time when I received a letter from Wanbao Building in Bei'an City. The believer told me to give it to Young Master Yun, and also took out the token of the young master of Wanbaolou, so I hurried back."

After Huang Wu's words fell, he flipped his hand and handed out a letter, Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, and took the envelope.

When he saw the contents of the envelope, Jian Fengyun's brow changed from frowning to frowning, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that we need to speed up, let Yuan Feng take control of Tianyang Dynasty as soon as possible."

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, Huang Wu at the side immediately frowned, and asked, "Young Master Yun, why is it so urgent?"

"You can see for yourself!" Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand impressively, and handed the envelope in his hand to Huang Wu.

Aratake took the envelope in his hand suspiciously, rubbed his dry fingers slightly, and looked at the contents on the letter paper.

"Young Master Yun, due to various reasons, I can't make it as scheduled, but I've put the Qianshou Pill spiritual material in the space inside the paper, please send my regards to my adoptive father. I would like to send you a message, after one month, the campaign for the heir of the Zuo family of Wanbaolou will begin, and I hope you will be there at that time, in Wuling City, the upper domain of Tianxuan!"

Looking at the content on the letter paper, Huang Wu couldn't help frowning, two ray of doubt shot out from his cloudy eyes, swept towards Jian Fengyun, and said: "Young Master Yun, this doesn't seem to be a letter from Zuo Xijian?"

Jian Fengyun nodded slightly, and said: "That's right, this is Xuanyuan's adoptive son, the prince of Tianxuan Upper Region—Zi Yuan, I met him a month ago, and at that time he sent a message on behalf of Zuo Xijian Pass!"

"What, Zuo Xijian sent a message a month ago?" Huang Wu was slightly concentrating, a little surprised.

The letter came a month ago, but Yun Shao didn't even mention it.

Jian Fengyun seemed to see Huang Wu's doubts, so he opened his mouth and said: "A month ago, Zuo Xijian only said in the letter that the Zuo family might have to change, and wanted to invite me to settle down in the Tianxuan Upper Territory in advance, but at that time The matter of Ancheng, and my retreat, so I delayed it, but I didn't expect that after one month, the Zuo family would start campaigning for successor!"

"Oh!" Huang Wu suddenly understood, responded lightly, and then said: "Young Master Yun doesn't know something. The structure of Wanyu has changed a lot in these years. Although the status of Wanbao Tower has not changed much, but in Wanbao Tower, left, The alliance of Nan, Huang and Nangong, Huang and Nangong have produced a large number of talents in recent years, only Zuo and Nan have had mediocre achievements in these years, and the competition for power in Wanbao Building is fierce, no less than imperial power, but One can imagine how anxious the high-level officials of the Zuo and Nan families are!"

"No wonder!" Jian Fengyun said softly, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

In Wanyu, the major forces compete fiercely. Even if it is a huge chamber of commerce like Wanbaolou, the Quartet Alliance among them is always thinking of annexing each other to strengthen their own family's power, so if one party is not vigilant enough at this time, Wanbaolou may be killed It will become the alliance of the three masters.

Obviously, the senior management of the Zuo family knew the gap between the Zuo family and the juniors, and now they started to select the successors in advance. Otherwise, according to Jian Fengyun's previous understanding of the four Wanbaolou families, their successors were all descendants who were fighting endlessly. If they were born on their own, there is no need for the family to personally select them.

Jian Fengyun paused for a moment, and then poured a touch of spiritual power into the letter paper that Huang Wu handed over. The next moment, a light flashed on the letter paper, and three pieces of spiritual materials filled with dazzling brilliance suddenly appeared in the void.

Wanmu Qingshouzhi, the blood essence of the thousand-year-old black turtle, and the ten-thousand-year spiritual ginseng!
Three kinds of top-grade elixir that are rarely seen in a thousand years are suspended in the void.

Jian Fengyun glanced at these three kinds of spiritual materials, nodded impressively and said: "I didn't expect Zi Yuan to be quite caring. The three kinds of spiritual materials are all top-quality, and the age of this spiritual ginseng is as much as 3 years!"

"Young Master Yun, doesn't Tianyang Xuanyuan only have his soul power left? Although you have tried everything you can these days, it is only to restore his soul. His physical body is still dead after all?" Huang Wu looked at him suspiciously. Jian Fengyun asked.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled up slightly, and he said: "Who said that his physical body is at the end of his life, but the Thousand Shou Pill can reverse the fate of heaven and steal his life, even if he is really at the end of his life, I have a way to continue his life against the sky!"

"Then Yun Shao said that Tianyang Xuanyuan's physical body has not yet died. I clearly saw that he has been frozen in the ice coffin and has no breath. How could that be?" Huang Wu became more puzzled.

As the former emperor, he couldn't imagine that a person has become a corpse, how could he still use the pill, how could he be able to bring the dead back to life?
"That day on the tower of the imperial palace, I mobilized the power of the emperor to seal up the last remnant soul for him."

(End of this chapter)

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