Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 339 Leaving the Imperial City

Chapter 339 Leaving the Imperial City

"That day on the tower of the imperial palace, I mobilized the power of the emperor to seal up the last wisp of remnant soul for him, and also sealed up the last bit of life in his body. As long as the Qianshou Dan enters, it will surely stimulate that wisp of life, disperse it all over the body, The dead energy in the body is completely eliminated, and a new life is regained!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, Huang Wu was startled, he almost forgot that this person in front of him is the medicine god of Wanyu, it can be said that he wants to save people, even the sky probably can't kill them.

"Okay, pass on Pu Qing and prepare for alchemy!" Jian Fengyun ordered lightly, and then walked to his quiet room.

Three days later, in Jian Fengyun's quiet room, a burst of pill energy shot out into the sky, and three top-quality Qianshou pills took shape. The side of the heaven-rank pill was surrounded by pill energy, and the pill was crystal clear, like a treasure.

When Pu Qing saw the formation of the top grade Qianshou Dan, he was so excited that his beard blew up. He didn't know what to say for a while, and almost stared out of his cloudy eyes.

Oh my god, the best heaven-grade medicine pill, I actually practiced the best heaven-rank medicine pill, three pills in one furnace, and it is also the long-lost Qianshou pill in the legend.

Seeing this result, Pu Qing himself felt that it was a dream, but the dream in front of him was so real.

"It seems that your soul power level is still not enough. This furnace could have been made into six pills, but it only turned into three pills. What a waste of spiritual material!" Jian Fengyun looked at the three pills sealed in the jade bottle. A elixir, frowning.

Jian Fengyun's words immediately poured a basin of cold water on Pu Qing's excited heart. Seeing Jian Fengyun's displeased face, Pu Qing quickly stepped forward and bowed, respectfully said: "Young Master Yun, Pu Qing has just stepped into the heavenly stage Alchemist, the realm of soul power is a little insufficient, I hope you don’t blame me, I will definitely practice hard when I go back, and strive for six pills next time!”

"Forget it, I won't pursue you this time!" Jian Fengyun waved his hand lightly and said.

If this scene falls into the eyes of those pill masters in Wanyu, I'm afraid they will yell at Jian Fengyun for his ignorance. In the mouth, it takes six pills to meet the standard, otherwise, Pu Qing should be blamed.

However, Pu Qing knew that Jian Fengyun's move was not exaggerated at all, not to mention that Jian Fengyun refined more than ten pills of earth-level pills in one furnace, so he should guide himself to refine this heaven-rank Qianshou in the past three days As far as Dan was concerned, almost every detail was done according to Jian Fengyun's instructions. He was scolded by Jian Fengyun many times as an idiot, but in the end he succeeded in refining.

Only Pu Qing knows how much water is in the three heaven-rank top-grade pills. To put it simply, if he is the only one to refine these pills, it is not bad to be able to refine a heaven-rank low-grade Qianshou pill up.

"Okay, just stay here and comprehend your alchemy experience for the past three days. I'll go do something!" Jian Fengyun ordered, and immediately pushed open the door of the quiet room, and walked out.

Of course he was going to do the last thing, to save Tianyang Xuanyuan. The letter from Zuo Xijian was sent half a month ago. It can be seen that there is not much time for the selection of the heir of the Zuo family in Wuling City. He owes Zuo Xi It's not his habit to build a lot of favors.

"What, Young Master Yun, are you leaving?" Tianyang Xuanfeng stood up from the seat in surprise, looking at Jian Fengyun.

These days, thanks to the elixir refined by Jian Fengyun, Tianyang Xuanfeng's body has been adjusted better. Not only the realm but also the help of the elixir to break through the Linghuang realm, it is the mood. I heard that Jian Fengyun can make people His elder brother continued his life, and he was even more happy beyond words.

However, at this moment, he was going to leave without warning, which made him a little unacceptable.

Jian Fengyun said indifferently to Tianyan Xuanfeng: "That's right, staying in the Qingyun domain will not improve my strength much, the road to martial arts is long, so I can't stay in one place, right?"

"Young Master Yun, do you really want to leave? Now that Yuan Feng has just taken over and the Tianyang Dynasty has just stabilized, why don't you stay for a while longer?" Tianyang Xuanfeng said impressively.

"King Xuanfeng, there is always a banquet in the world. Yuanfeng is now inheriting the imperial line. With your help, he will definitely become a good emperor. Before I leave, I will continue my life for Emperor Xuanyuan. The medicine is enough for him to touch the threshold of the Lingjun Realm within a hundred years, and the level of Tianyang Dynasty in Wanyu in the future is up to you to decide!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

When Tianyang Xuanfeng heard it, he was still a little unwilling and said: "But Shao Yun, Yuanfeng has just ascended to power, and his foundation in the Tianyang Dynasty is still shallow, and he is in the middle of the court. some?"

"King Xuanfeng, I have trained [-] Qingyun Guards for Yuanfeng. With these Qingyun Guards, he can protect his throne without any worries. In addition, the pills and exercises I left behind are enough for him to expand the royal family within three years. , The Tianyang Dynasty is waiting to be rejuvenated. How high it will be in the future depends on what decisions Yuanfeng makes today. It is impossible for me to help him rule the world all the way, and no emperor relies on others to support him Get up, Yuan Feng has his own way to go, if I intervene without authorization, wouldn't it damage his martial arts?" Jian Fengyun said.

When Tianyang Xuanfeng heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, "Young Master Yun, even though that's the case, Yuanfeng and our strength are too weak after all, if there are strong people coming to attack these days when you are not here, what should we do? "

"King Xuanfeng doesn't have to worry. The descendant of Xiaoxiangzong in the upper domain is by Yuanfeng's side. She will guard Yuanfeng for ten years. If necessary, the monarch of Xiaoxiangzong will also take action during these ten years. Therefore, Yuanfeng has ten years. I have made all the arrangements, and please don't ask Xuanfeng King to keep him!" Jian Fengyun raised his eyes slightly and said.

Tianyang Xuanfeng sighed, and said: "Forget it, thank you, Young Master Yun, for your help, it was Xuanfeng who was being rude!"

By this time, Tianyang Xuanfeng had long since dared not treat Jian Fengyun as an ordinary young genius. Let me ask, what kind of young genius could wipe out the entire Tianyang Dynasty within a month, support the new emperor, and cultivate Ten thousand powerful Qingyunwei.

Jian Fengyun came out of Tianyang ancestral land, left the imperial city alone, did not say goodbye to Yuanfeng, and set foot towards Bei'an City alone.

These days, Xueer and the others are retreating in Bei'an City, so he will naturally not leave Xueer behind when he goes to the upper domain.

Not long after Jian Fengyun left, Tianyang Ancestral Land

Next to Tianyang Xuanfeng, a golden phantom suddenly appeared. If Yuanfeng was here, he would definitely recognize that this was his 'fallen' father.

"Brother, who is Young Master Yun who is so powerful?" Tianyang Xuanfeng looked at the direction where Jian Fengyun left, and asked.

The golden figure was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "He is."

(End of this chapter)

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