Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 346

Chapter 346
"Master, this stone platform." The Bronze Sword Spirit just opened his mouth to tell Jian Fengyun the formula for restoring the formation.

Ka Ka Ka

Suddenly, there was a sound of rubbing on the stone platform, and on the faded patterns on the stone platform, bursts of light flowed, instantly illuminating the entire basement.

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of rubbing, the stone platform slowly opened, and streaks of purple precious light shot out in all directions, and in the precious light, spiritual energy comparable to liquid floated majesticly around.

The stone platform was opened, immediately revealing the spiritual pool below, and the dense foggy aura dispersed to reveal the spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool, the purple precious light flowed in the spiritual liquid, and the whole pool was illuminated by purple luster.

The ultimate spirit stock solution!
Jian Fengyun's eyes froze, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes. The ultimate spirit stock solution is at the same level as the top-grade spirit crystal. The aura contained in the spirit essence liquid is purer than the aura contained in the spirit crystal, and it is more beneficial for warriors to absorb, especially at critical moments such as realm breakthroughs, life and death, etc., if the spirit essence liquid is used to provide the aura, it will definitely have a better effect than the spirit crystal several times.

Even in Jian Fengyun's previous life, he needed to collect this top-grade spirit stock solution himself. The general forces regard this kind of thing as a foundation and would not use it easily. This is enough to show the preciousness of this pool of spirit stock solution in front of him. .

With a thought in his mind, Jian Fengyun typed out the formula in his hand, and directly collected the spirit essence liquid in the pool in front of him into the space of the Immortal Palace.

The pond, which was about ten feet long, was emptied in a short while, exposing the bottom of the spirit pond.

"Extreme Spiritual Paste!" Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and a hint of horror flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't have imagined that such a thing would appear in the Tianxuan Upper Territory. It takes tens of thousands of years of precipitation to form a small piece of spiritual raw ointment. It is very effective for refining some top-quality pills. It is a rare treasure in the eyes of alchemists.

In his previous life, before Jian Fengyun became the god of medicine, many ancient pills could not be refined to the highest quality. At that time, he specially mobilized the various forces in the Wanyu to search for the best spiritual ointment. There was a frenzy of top-quality spiritual raw materials. Countless people went to the deep mountains and old forests to search for ancient ruins, but in the end they only found a few tens of thousands of catties. Unexpectedly, they got so much in this small Tianxuan Upper Region today. The top grade Lingyuan ointment must be at least a few thousand catties.

With these Lingyuan ointments, Jian Fengyun could step up and refine the heavenly elixir, which instantly gave him a great boost in the Tianxuan Upper Territory.

Jian Fengyun put away these top-grade spiritual ointment, overjoyed in his heart, and said to the bronze sword: "What era is your master, why did you leave so much top-quality spiritual ointment?"

To be able to precipitate so much top-quality original spirit ointment, the pond under the stone platform must have existed for many years. From this, it can be seen that the owner here is definitely not the emperor who has lived for nearly ten thousand years. It is impossible to precipitate so much in ten thousand years. The best original spirit ointment.

"I can't remember. I stayed here for too long. Back then, the master was seriously injured in a big battle. He put me here, left the inheritance in the sword and left!" Bronze Sword Spirit recalled authentically.

Jian Fengyun frowned, and asked immediately: "Oh, then what is your master's name as Emperor?"

With the knowledge of his previous life, as long as there are some top emperors in the ten thousand domains, he will know it.

"The master named Qinglian Sword Emperor, and the world honored him as Emperor Qing!" Sword Spirit continued.

"Qinglian Sword Emperor, the sword emperor of ancient times!" Jian Fengyun frowned, and the record of reading an ancient classic in his previous life unconsciously appeared in his mind.

In ancient times, there was a sword emperor named Qinglian, whose swordsmanship was unparalleled in the nine heavens and ten earths!

"That's right, the master lived in an era where there were countless geniuses, but all of them were defeated by the master's Qingdi sword. If he hadn't participated in the final battle, the master would not have been seriously injured and left behind!" the sword spirit continued.

Could it be possible that the First World War was related to the catastrophe of the ancient times?
A trace of doubt flashed in Jian Fengyun's eyes. Now is the end of the Shenwu Era, and the catastrophe of the era will also occur, but any relevant news can cause Jian Fengyun to think.

Although Jian Fengyun still wants to avenge his previous life in this life, he still will not give up on the road of martial arts. He not only wants to destroy the evil emperor, but also let the realm of martial arts surpass his previous life and reach the legendary realm of gods.

He has read in ancient books that the road to martial arts is not the end, so his goal in this life is the peak of martial arts, not to stop when he reaches a certain level.

"Master, it's not good, help me!"

At this moment, the voice of the divine dog suddenly came from the outside world, accompanied by a tremor from the ground.

Jian Fengyun's heart tightened, and with a wave of his hand, he put the Fusheng lamp on the stone platform into the Hall of Immortality. He didn't care about studying Qingdi and Fushengyan, who had just obtained it. In a flash, he flew out of the underground cave.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Jian Fengyun saw monsters and beasts crazily rushing past the entrance of the cave.

roar, roar, roar
The roars of monster beasts echoed endlessly, the cave floor and cave walls vibrated continuously, and pieces of rubble rolled down on the cave walls and rocks.

"Beast tide!" Jian Fengyun's eyes turned cold, and he reacted instantly.

As soon as Jian Fengyun's figure moved, he rushed out quickly, and outside the cave, tens of thousands of monsters seemed to have gone mad, charging towards Wuling City.

These monsters are fast-footed, including the golden mad war bear with a body tens of feet long, and the Yuanshui spirit snake with a length of tens of feet. Wait, these monsters rushed wildly, and some of the relatively falling monsters were directly killed by the powerful monsters. Stepping on the foot, it was trampled into a pool of blood mud in an instant, and even the bones were not spared, and they were all crushed.

Thousands of miles of wasteland, looking from a distance, you can see the corpses of monsters that were trampled to death everywhere.

As for those who can survive, their strength is basically no lower than that of the earth-level monsters, and there are even some huge sky-level monsters mixed in the beast tide, moving forward frantically. As for the rear of the beast tide, Jian Fengyun felt it even more A few breaths of high-ranking monsters.

This was Jian Fengyun's only thought at the moment, his figure flashed, and he stepped on Fengyun steps, directly darting towards the familiar aura not far away from him.

Not far away, Jian Xueer rode a white tiger to the place where he had rescued the Wuling City woman before. An ice-blue shield was in the middle of the beast tide, exuding a icy frost and snow breath.

In the shield, Wu Ling'er had just changed the torn robes on her body when she saw a group of monsters approaching. The aura instantly frightened her legs, and she thought she was going to die under the mouth of the beasts. At that time, a girl riding a white tiger came out of the crowd of beasts. She was dressed in white and held an ice sword. With a wave of her hand, she killed dozens of monsters in front of her to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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