Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 347 A blood path in the beast tide

Chapter 347 A Bloody Path in the Beast Tide

Wu Ling'er had just changed the torn robes on her body when she saw a group of monsters approaching her. The aura frightened her legs instantly, and just when she thought she was about to die under the mouth of the beasts, a rider A girl wearing a white tiger came out of the crowd of beasts. She was dressed in white and held an ice sword. With a wave of her hand, she beheaded dozens of monsters in front of her to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Jian Xueer swung the Xuanshuang Sword in her hand, streams of icy blue sword energy gushed out impressively, her beautiful pretty face turned sideways slightly, and then she turned around and said.

Wu Ling'er's pale face froze for a moment, she raised her head and saw a beautiful face, this face made her feel ashamed, compared with the woman in front of her, her face, which is sought after by countless people in Wuling City, is nothing at all.

"I'm fine!" Wu Ling'er was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

"It's fine!" Jian Xue'er said with a pretty face, and swung the Xuanshuang Sword in her hand again, beheading dozens of monsters to the ground, and the corpses of the monsters were piled up in a pile in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ling'er gritted her teeth slightly on her pale pretty face, looking at the surging beast tide in front of her, she suddenly remembered the man who saved her at the mouth of the black flame tiger.

Wu Ling'er hesitated for a moment, and suddenly made a decision in her eyes. She raised her head slightly, bit her lips and said to the woman in front of her, "Girl, can you help me go forward and save someone. He saved me just now. It might be dangerous, please help me, girl!"

Although she, Wu Ling'er, is the daughter of the lord of Wuling City, at this moment, amidst the vast beast tide, she can only ask for the woman in front of her.

"No need, I'm coming!"

At this moment, a calm and indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and a figure in white clothes appeared in the direction Jian Fengyun left. Behind him, hundreds of monsters of the ground level were pierced by the sword energy and fell to the ground.

The beast's blood splashed but not a single drop fell on the robe of the boy in white.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ling'er couldn't help but stare blankly, what level of strength is this, so strong!
At this moment, she no longer cared about the beast tide around her, and only saw the boy in white with the sword in front of her. That handsome face with sharp edges and corners was deeply imprinted in the girl's heart.

"Master!" Seeing Jian Fengyun, Xue'er couldn't help showing a smile on his beautiful face, and all the flowers paled in an instant.

Jian Fengyun smiled faintly, and said: "Let's go, go to Wuling City!"

As he said that, Jian Fengyun took Jian Xueer's little white hand, and called Xiaobai to let Xueer sit on it.

"Let me deal with the demon!" Jian Fengyun said softly, and then he put it in Xue'er's hand, and the illusory long sword in his hand disappeared in a flash, and was replaced with a bronze long sword.

"Go up too and show us the way!"

Jian Fengyun walked up to Wu Linger, grabbed her hand, and put her on Xiaobai's back.

"Oh!" Wu Ling'er was caught by Jian Fengyun's hand, feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, she suddenly dreamed, her beautiful eyes were a little distracted.

Soon, Jian Fengyun's figure flashed and the bronze sword in his hand moved. Although the bronze sword was stained with rust, it exuded a cold murderous aura at this moment. It will not be weaker than any imperial weapon in the slightest.

The Qingdi sword turned over, and the surging sword energy poured out from the Qingdi sword body, the cold murderous aura from Jian Fengyun's body was released slowly, when a monster fell down, there was a negligible murderous aura Like Jian Fengyun's body.

Dressed in white, with a green sword in his hand, he seemed to open a trail of blood on the outskirts of the thousands of miles of wilderness.

Those monsters can't figure it out until they die. A power that is no more than the peak of the true spirit realm is equivalent to the top-grade monsters of their monsters, but their strength is so powerful, that bronze sword seems to be able to kill even the demon emperor. Normally, wherever he passed, all monsters that wanted to kill Jian Fengyun were killed.

"Haha, get rich!" The figure of the god dog flickered beside Jian Fengyun, quickly picking up the demon crystals from the bodies of the dead monsters and putting them into the storage rings before their necks, mouths from ear to ear in excitement.

Behind Jian Fengyun, Xiaobai followed closely, and on Xiaobai's back, Wu Linger was stunned, looking at the scene in front of him, as if seeing something incredible.

Is there really such a strong boy in this world?
Wu Ling'er began to suspect that she had lived in Wuling City since she was a child, and she had seen with her own eyes the tide of beasts strangling and killing countless strong men in the spirit king realm, turning countless warriors into flesh and blood. It was his father, Emperor Wu Yuan, and the Twelve Spirit Venerables under him, who would also suffer some damage when facing the siege of the beast tide.

However, the young man in front of her has changed her opinion since she was a child. It turns out that a person's strength can be so strong.

She couldn't even see how many monsters the boy in white had killed. She knew that none of those monsters could touch the corner of the boy's clothes.

Wu Ling'er looked back slightly, only to see a blood-red track made of monster corpses.

When Jian Fengyun killed too many monsters to count, those violent monsters finally learned to be afraid, and the monsters around Jian Fengyun would consciously disperse.

"Monster beasts with ferocious nature are also afraid!" Wu Ling'er was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Since she was a child, she had only seen warriors in Wuling City being torn to pieces in the tide of beasts, and she had never seen these ferocious monsters be afraid.

Soon, everyone rushed out of the forest, and the outline of a giant city suddenly appeared in front of them. The city was built of diamond rock, dignified and serious, and outside the city was a formation that separated the city wall from the thousands of miles of wasteland.

At the same time, Wuling city head

A city guard rushed into the tower in a panic, knelt down on one knee, and said to the middle-aged man sitting in the tower, "City Master, the beast horde is coming, and it's densely packed, more than last time!"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he frowned and said, "More than last time?"

"That's right, they have already appeared thousands of miles away from the city, more than double the number of the last one!" The warrior said profusely with sweat.

"What, it's more than doubled!" The middle-aged man got up abruptly, with a serious look in his eyes, and stepped outside the tower, "Go, go and have a look!"

The middle-aged man walked up the tower, and saw monsters and beasts rushing towards the city like waves outside Wuling City.

"Immediately activate all the defensive formations, and put all the soldiers into a state of preparation for battle!" The middle-aged man's face was heavy, and a light flashed on his body, and a spiritual weapon armor appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes!" The soldier responded, and immediately ordered to go down. Outside Wuling City, the light of the formation increased dozens of times in an instant.

Wuling City Head
(End of this chapter)

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