Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 348 Fallen City

Chapter 348 Fallen City
"City Lord, there seem to be living people in the beast tide!"

Beside Wu Shan, a soldier stared blankly at the beast tide in front of him, and said impressively.


As a strong man at the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm, Wu Shan had amazing eyesight, and he could see the figures in the beast horde at a glance.

"City Master, what are you talking about, Miss is in the beast tide?"

The faces of the guards of Wuling City on the side changed, and they suddenly became ugly. Looking at the surging beast tide in front of them, a touch of anger rose in their hearts. Already a Xuan-rank alchemist, he was valued by the elders of the Wuling City Alchemist Guild and accepted as a registered disciple.

However, just a month ago, when the beast horde struck, all the powerful members of the Wu family came to defend the city, but after returning, Wu Ling'er disappeared.

Over the past month, the Wu family tried every means to find Wu Ling'er's whereabouts in Wuling City, but they have been to no avail.

Unexpectedly, Wu Ling'er was no longer in Wuling City, but was taken outside Wuling City. Looking at the turbulent monsters outside the city, let alone Wu Ling'er was not at the Real Spirit Realm, even at the Spirit King Realm. Impossible to survive.

"City Lord, don't worry, we will ruthlessly kill these monsters to avenge Miss Ling'er!"

"Yes, City Lord, I will definitely not spare these monsters!"

In an instant, the warriors around turned red-eyed, and a burst of anger burst out of their bodies. As members of the Wu family, they naturally knew that their lady was very good to others on weekdays, and some people even had financial difficulties in their families. The young lady even helped her out. It can be said that they respected this peaceful alchemist young lady very much, but it was such a good person who died like this, how could they not be angry in their hearts.

"Don't be angry, Ling'er is not dead, someone is protecting her!" Wu Shan said with serious eyes.


Everyone was stunned at the same time, the tower was filled with astonishment, such a turbulent beast tide, there is someone who can protect people in it, is that person the Spirit Emperor powerhouse?

"City Lord, are you sure there is a powerful Spirit Emperor to protect the lady in the beast tide?" A guard beside him was very puzzled.

As soon as the question was asked, the eyes of all the people on the tower gathered at the same time. No one would believe that there would be someone protecting people in such a turbulent beast tide. in such danger.

"No, he is not the Linghuang, but the murderous aura on his body is very strong, and the sword moves he uses are profound and extremely rare!" Wu Shan said with a solemn expression.

Wu Shan has already noticed Jian Fengyun walking in front of the beast tide, dressed in white, with a green sword in his hand, the sword energy turned into sword light and flickered, there were countless beast corpses, and the surrounding monsters almost instinctively avoided him.

"Let's go!"

With a movement of the Qingdi sword in Jian Fengyun's hand, the white sword energy took the lives of dozens of monsters around him, and then he spoke to the dog following behind.

After the words fell, Jian Fengyun retracted his sword and got up, and it landed on the back of the white tiger impressively.

Since Xiaobai broke through to the top level of the earth, the tiger's body has been tens of feet in size, like a large beast, and it is not crowded to accommodate three people.

"Hey, what a pity, so many demon crystals are just let go!"

The god dog murmured, and turned into a gray light and rushed onto the white tiger.

Baihu seemed to have received Jian Fengyun's news, Fei Yi shook, and stepped up in the air, the speed soared and instantly left the beast tide behind him.

The pale golden light on Xiaobai's body was obviously driven by the power of the white tiger's bloodline. The surge of demon power immediately highlighted the superiority of Xiaobai's bloodline. No matter in momentum or speed, Xiaobai completely defeated the chasing monsters behind. beast.

"My God, what is that, a flying white tiger!"

"It's so strong, this aura can be felt from far away!"

On the Wuling tower, a group of warriors looked at the huge white tiger approaching from far and near in front of them, and they couldn't help feeling a little lost.


Jian Fengyun sat on the back of the white tiger, staring at the dozens of formation masks slowly appearing in front of him, the corner of his mouth moved slightly.

Xiaobai's figure slowed down slightly, as if he was waiting for Jian Fengyun's instruction, whether to break into this formation.

"Rush directly, don't need to worry about the formation!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

After the words fell, Jian Fengyun suddenly typed out dozens of formulas in his hand, which turned into runes and manifested in the air.

Everyone above the city tower couldn't help being surprised at the same time seeing this scene.

"This formation has a strong sword qi killing move, don't force it!" Wu Shan suddenly regained his senses, and lost his voice.

There was his daughter on the white tiger, and his heart rose to his throat for a moment.

But when Wu Shan's voice fell, the figure of the white tiger had already passed through dozens of barriers of the formation. Heal back to normal.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the white tiger landed on the top of Wuling City. The white tiger exuded a ferocious power, like a god of killing descending into the world, instantly shocked the minds of many warriors on the tower.

The white tiger's body was stained with the blood of a lot of monsters, making it look a bit ferocious.

Above the city tower, all the warriors immediately gathered around, activating their spiritual power, watching the white tiger vigilantly, and would launch an attack if it made any abnormal movements.

"Xiaobai, shrink the animal body a bit, otherwise you won't be able to act in the human city!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

A calm voice fell, and a mighty beast. The white tiger's body shrank dramatically, shrinking only a few feet in size. The monster beast can shrink its own body to a certain extent when it reaches the ground level, and Xiao Bai can naturally do it too.

Seeing this scene on the city tower, they couldn't help but be surprised at the same time, a word can make such a fierce beast restrain its body, this method is definitely not available to ordinary people.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun's figure floated down from the back of the white tiger, dressed in white, without wind.

"Everyone, I don't intend to offend. It's just that the beast horde can only make such a bad plan. Please forgive me!" Jian Fengyun and Twilight glanced at the crowd indifferently, and then slightly cupped his hands.

"Hiss—" Everyone gasped heavily.

Is this young man the one who killed the monsters in the beast horde just now, and passed dozens of defense formations in Wuling City unscathed?So young!

Everyone was incredulous, because the young man in white in front of him had a gentle aura at the moment, and he didn't look like the one who killed the monster before the beast tide just now.

"It doesn't matter, little friend is very powerful, Wu has not had time to thank you for sending my daughter back, how could he blame you!" Wu Shan suppressed the shock in his heart, and said politely to Jian Fengyun.

 Ps: There is one more chapter, a little later!
(End of this chapter)

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