Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 349

Chapter 349
"It doesn't matter, little friend is very powerful, Wu has not had time to thank you for sending my daughter back, how could he blame you!" Wu Shan suppressed the shock in his heart, and said politely to Jian Fengyun.

He saw more than the guards around him. He noticed the robes of the young man in front of him. He was dressed in white and was not stained with blood. He could do this in the midst of the beast tide. The strength of this young man was absolutely extraordinary. scary.

"Oh, she is your daughter?" Jian Fengyun said with a slight movement of his eyes.

"Father!" On the back of the white tiger, Wu Ling'er recovered from the endless shock, looked at the familiar figure below, couldn't help but jumped off the back of the tiger, and threw herself into Wu Shan's arms.

A look of joy suddenly appeared on Wu Shan's rough face, and tears flashed through his cloudy eyes. This month, he had imagined more than once that his daughter would come back by herself. From the hope at the beginning, to the expectation later, to the In the last despair, his heart was almost ten years old.

However, now that his daughter appeared in front of him so alive, it was like a dream, and there was only endless joy in his heart.

"Ling'er, where have you been this month? Daddy can't find you everywhere." Wu Shan patted his daughter's head lightly and said.

"Father, I was taken away by the people of the Pill Yuan League. They said they wanted me to join the Pill Yuan League and forced me to reveal the alchemy techniques of the Alchemist Guild to them. I didn't agree, so they took me to the city. Besides, if Alan didn't blow himself up to protect me, I wouldn't be able to escape from their hands at all." Speaking of this, Wu Linger's face was already sobbing, and her beautiful eyes were full of sadness.

Alan was her maid since she was a child, and seeing her blew herself up to death in front of her own eyes, the pain in her heart at that time was indescribable.

"Sure enough, it's Dan Yuanmeng. You tell my father who took you away, and my father must make him pay the price!" Wu Shan's face darkened, and a cold murderous aura suddenly appeared on his body.

"It's Mr. Yuandan, that bastard still wants to force his daughter. If he didn't want to force me, Lan'er wouldn't fight to the death, and she wouldn't." The sadness poured out in an instant.

"Lan'er is a good maid, I will take good care of her family, Linger, don't worry!" Wu Shan forcibly suppressed the murderous aura in his heart, and immediately comforted his daughter.

Jian Fengyun at the side listened to Wu Linger's words, and couldn't help frowning slightly. He heard that Mr. Yuandan was really not a person, but he was able to capture Wu Linger with the means of Mr. Yuandan, so what? There must be something wrong with letting a maid go because she blew herself up.

Wu Ling'er has a pure heart, so she doesn't think about these at all. From the time when she was besieged by the beast tide in the thousands of miles of wasteland and was rescued by Xue'er, the first thought of most people at that time was probably to think about running away, but She actually wants Xue'er to save herself, such a heart is almost rare in the world of warriors.

Jian Fengyun originally wanted to remind her, but at this moment, a strong attack sounded suddenly, and a group of monster beasts appeared on the towers not far away, on the formations protecting the city. body.

A wave of monster power impacted on the formation, instantly blasting the outermost layer of the formation into cracks like spider webs, and the cracks continued to expand.

Wu Shan at the side noticed this scene, his face froze immediately, and then settled the daughter in his arms, and said, "Ling'er, you stay behind here first, and go to repel the beast tide for my father, and then take you home." !"

"Oh!" Wu Ling'er instantly stopped the tears in her eyes, looking at the beast horde that was attacking Wuling City in front of her, she resolutely controlled her emotions.

Wu Shan turned sideways, cupped his hands slightly towards Jian Fengyun and said: "If the battle is urgent, please ask the young master to take care of the little girl, Wu will be very grateful!"

"It's okay, no one can hurt her here!" Jian Fengyun spoke slowly, revealing a strong confidence in his words.

"Thank you!" Wu Shan clasped his fists heavily, then put on his battle armor and walked towards the edge of the tower.

At this moment, bows and crossbows were pushed onto the city tower, and special crossbow arrows were already wound up, and the flames of war were imminent.

"Wu Jiawei, listen to my order, launch!"

With Wu Shan's order, the bow and crossbow above the Wuling Tower shot out long arrows, the light of the arrow pierced the sky, and shot at the monsters outside the tower.

In an instant, the beast roared continuously, and the beast's blood splashed on the formation, adding a dignified blood killing aura to the defense formation.

Monster beasts were shot down under the crossbow and arrows, but soon there were new monsters replacing them, attacking the defensive circle with arrogance.

Finally, the defensive formation on the first floor shattered, turning into bits of light that floated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Wu Shan's face was extremely heavy.

"City Master, this time the first layer of formation has been defended for less than half of the last time. I'm afraid the defense formation will not be able to stop these beasts!" Beside him, several trusted warriors said impressively.

"Hold the command talisman and pass it on to the twelve warrior spirits, so that they can prepare for the battle!" Wu Shan seemed to be aware of the extraordinary, and immediately flipped his hand to take out a military order, handed it to a trusted warrior beside him, and ordered.

"Yes!" The confidant warrior took the token, his figure flashed, and he walked down the tower at a fast speed.

In the back, Jian Fengyun sat on the edge of the city, watching the scene in front of him, his expression unmoved.

From the perspective of his previous life, this beast swarm was nothing more than a wave of small beast swarms. Strictly speaking, it wasn't a beast swarm at all, so his expression didn't change much.

However, Wu Ling'er beside him showed a worried look, and murmured: "It's over, could it be that father is not sure about stopping the beast tide this time!"

Seeing Wu Ling'er's pale face, Xue'er on the side couldn't help but feel moved, and said, "Girl, don't worry, your father is a strong spirit emperor, it's not a problem to deal with these beast hordes!"

Wu Ling'er turned her face sideways, her pretty face was full of worry, and said: "You don't know, father rarely let the family's twelve spirit masters take action, the last time father asked them to take action, almost all of Wuling City was destroyed Destroyed, I'm afraid this time the beast tide is not small, otherwise father won't let the Twelve Martial Masters take action!"

"This..." Jian Xueer's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her face paused slightly, and she glanced at Jian Fengyun at the side.

Jian Fengyun knew that Xue'er wanted to help this girl, so he immediately stretched out his hand to hold her weak and boneless little hand, and secretly said: "Don't worry, the devil will take action when necessary, after all, this little girl has a good heart!"

After receiving Jian Fengyun's sound transmission, Jian Xueer immediately felt relieved, and said to the girl beside her, "Don't worry, if something happens later, we will help your father get through the beast tide."

"Haha, what a big breath!"

(End of this chapter)

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