Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 350 Wu Linger's Experience

Chapter 350 Wu Linger's Experience
After receiving Jian Fengyun's sound transmission, Jian Xueer immediately felt relieved, and said to the girl beside her, "Don't worry, if something happens later, we will help your father get through the beast tide."

"Haha, what a big breath!"

A sharp and ear-piercing sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a rush of wind suddenly sounded above the city wall. On the city wall, thirteen figures suddenly fell from the sky and appeared on the city tower.

Among the thirteen figures, the first old woman was at the peak of the Spirit King Realm, and the twelve behind him were all strong at the Spirit King Realm.

The person who spoke was the old woman in charge, and under her withered skin, a ray of sinister light suddenly shot out from a pair of muddy eyes, falling on Jian Xue'er.

"Mother!" Seeing the old woman, Wu Ling'er stepped forward hesitantly, bit her lips tightly and bowed her head.

From those slightly twitching eyes, it can be seen that Wu Ling'er is very afraid of the old woman in front of her.

"Hmph, I'm not your mother. I'm making friends with dubious people all day long. It's a disgrace to my Wu family!" Flicking his sleeves, he walked directly to the city tower that had been attacked by monsters.

The Twelve Spirit Venerables followed closely behind her, and followed her up the city wall.

"Xian'er, why are you here?" Wu Shan asked in surprise when he saw the old woman beside him.

"Why, I'm also the mistress of the Wu family, so I can't do my part for the Wu family? Or, do you think I'm too ugly to come out to embarrass you?" Wu Xian'er turned her dry face and turned to Wu Shan Cold and authentic.

When Wu Shan heard this, he pursed his lips and explained: "No, Qian'er, your health is still not good, and it's so dangerous here, I'm worried that there will be too many monsters to take care of you!"

"Hmph, tell me directly if you dislike my body, why are you beating around the bush like this? I'm still at the peak of the Spirit King Realm, and I'm more than enough to deal with some monsters!" The monster in front of him started to fight.

A trace of worry flashed across Wu Shan's cloudy eyes, and he immediately followed.

"I said beauty, were you born by your mother? Why are you so bad-tempered!" The divine dog jumped off the white tiger and landed on the edge of the city wall. A look of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he poked out his paws. He scratched viciously at the place where the old woman was.

"She is my second mother!" Wu Ling'er lowered her head, her white hands tightly clutching the corners of her clothes. At this moment, the grace and nobility of being a young lady of the family disappeared, and all she had was just a girl who belonged to her. Wordless sadness.

"Let me tell you, it's not my own. No wonder one is like a docile rabbit and the other is like a vicious snake!" The god dog bared its teeth and said unceremoniously, obviously it was still displeased by the contempt of the old woman just now .

"Don't talk about my second mother like that. She wasn't like this before. In fact, she was very pitiful." Wu Ling'er bit her lips tightly, defending Wu Qian'er.

"When Erniang was in good health, she was very affectionate with her father and treated me very well, but five years ago, my family encountered a strong enemy and my mother died. My father was seriously injured in order to protect my mother, so Erniang was alone. Faced with the siege of those people, she was planted with a strong poison. From then on, Erniang felt that her father only had her mother in his heart, without her, and the poison made her body more and more withered. However, she is more than [-] years old and described it as an old man. Er Niang also changed her temperament greatly after that."

Wu Ling'er spoke very vaguely, but the main content was still very clear. From Wu Ling'er's trembling voice several times, it was enough to hear the bitterness contained in this passage.

"You don't hate her?" The dog next to him stuck out his tongue slightly, and then asked.

Wu Ling'er seemed to have noticed her gaffe, and immediately calmed down, before she said, "Of course I don't hate her, she is my mother, and I learned alchemy in order to hope that one day I can refine and help my mother get rid of toxins in her body." I believe that when my mother recovers, everything will be fine!"

Wu Ling'er's eyes were pure, looking at the old woman in front of her, she didn't have any distracting thoughts except hope.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun's heart couldn't help being moved. In this chaotic world of martial arts, there are still such people. Doesn't this girl know that people's hearts are sinister? Even some of her own children may not have such deep feelings. Feelings.

The eyes of Jian Xueer on the side were slightly red, obviously she was moved by Wu Linger's words, Jian Xueer stretched out her hand, patted Wu Linger's back lightly, and comforted: "Well, everything Everything will be fine, I believe in you!"

Xue'er in this life only has the martial arts memories of Dongfang Ling'er in her previous life. As for her experience and worldly sophistication, she is not much different from Wu Ling'er in front of her, even in her heart.

Jian Xue'er even saw her own shadow in Wu Ling'er. When she and the young master were in the small city of Bei'an, she was blinded and bullied. At that time, she firmly believed that the young master would get better, so she wanted to Wu Ling'er firmly believed that her second mother would be fine.

Wave after wave of beasts attacked Wuling City, but these soldiers from the Wu family kept them out of the city wall.

At the same time, deep in the thousands of miles of wasteland, on a small mountain

A young man in the robes of an alchemist looked coldly at the tiny Wuling City not far away.

"Mr. Hua, you said that your Beastmaster Sect is an ancient sect, how come the monsters driven by it can't even break through Wuling City?" the medicine-robed youth said coldly to a middle-aged man playing a flute beside him.

"Young Master Yuan Dan, the information you gave was wrong. You only said that you wanted to kill Wu Ling'er from the Wu Family, but she was actually escorted into Wuling City by that group of people. I have repeatedly increased the number of beast hordes. Wuling City After so many years of defense, it is not possible for ordinary beasts to break through!" The middle-aged man put down the flute in his hand, and said to the young man in medicine robe beside him.

Mr. Yuan Dan flicked his sleeves and said angrily: "Hmph, trash, what I told you at the beginning was to let you kill Wu Ling'er. Now that she has returned to the city, I have to hurry back, otherwise that bitch will talk nonsense. Wouldn't it ruin my reputation!"

After the words fell, Mr. Yuan Dan walked away, and his figure disappeared into the air in a flash.

On the hill, the middle-aged man looked at the place where Mr. Yuan Dan disappeared, the respect in his eyes turned cold, and his whole face became ferocious and terrifying.

"Young Master Yuandan, hehe, when my saint clan recovers and descends to Ten Thousand Territories, I will be the first to let you die!" The middle-aged man said sinisterly.

Soon, he played the flute again, and the tide of beasts slowly receded towards the thousands of miles of wasteland.

At the same time, the head of Wuling city.
(End of this chapter)

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