Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 351 Entering Wuling City

Chapter 351 Entering Wuling City
At the same time, Wuling city head

"City Master, the beast tide has receded!"

"The beast tide has receded, that's great!"

Seeing the tide of beasts receding slowly towards the thousands of miles of wilderness, and at the head of Wuling City, all the soldiers of the Wu family couldn't help cheering, as if they had encountered some great joyous event.

"The tide of beasts has receded, that's great. I thought it was a big battle, but I didn't expect the tide of beasts to retreat!" Wu Shan slapped the few remaining monsters flying in front of him, and a ray shot out from his cloudy eyes. happy look.

In the past, every time a wave of beasts came, there would always be many sky-level monsters attacking, but this time surprisingly no sky-level monsters attacked them. The damage caused by these earth-level monsters to their attacks was very low.

No harm was done, which was naturally a joy for him, the city lord.

Wu Xian'er, who was on the side, snorted coldly when she saw this scene, then flicked her sleeves and walked away directly.

At this time, Wu Shan realized that he had neglected the woman beside him, and couldn't help moving his body quickly, and said abruptly, "Xian'er, wait for me!"

When Wu Xian'er heard Wu Shan's voice, she seemed to be angry, and directly accelerated towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with Wu Xian'er, Wu Shan couldn't help falling on the tower, and said to Jian Fengyun, "Thank you, little friend, for escorting my daughter back. I, Wu Shan, have thanked you here. If you need anything, just tell me!"

Although Jian Fengyun is only at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, Wu Shan has seen Jian Fengyun's killing methods, so he is naturally very polite.

Jian Fengyun cupped his hands slightly, and said in return: "City Master Wu is polite, since City Master Wu said so, I would like to make a request, please send someone to introduce Wuling City to us and be our guide!"

He originally rescued Wu Ling'er and wanted Wu Ling'er to be their guide, but now that he knew that Wu Ling'er was the daughter of the city lord, he naturally couldn't ask a dignified city lord's daughter to be his guide, so he proposed met this requirement.

Wu Shan was taken aback for a moment, and said to Jian Fengyun in surprise, "Little friend, is it such a simple request?"

In his heart, Jian Fengyun risked the great danger of the beast tide to save his daughter, at least he would make some not-so-low demands, you know, he has issued a reward of [-] middle-grade spirit crystals in Wuling City to find his daughter, [-] middle-grade spirit crystals is quite a big expense for the city lord's mansion. From Wu Shan's point of view, even if Jian Fengyun didn't ask for some spirit crystals, he would still ask for some spirit crystals, but the young man in front of him turned out to be a spirit crystal It doesn't matter, as long as there is a guide, if Jian Fengyun's face is not serious, he would have thought that Jian Fengyun was joking.

"Well, to be honest, I'm from the north, and I'm new to Wuling City. I'm not familiar with the place, so I just need a guide who is familiar with Wuling City!" Jian Fengyun nodded slightly.

In his opinion, there is no need for any reward at all for saving people casually.

"It turns out that you are from an outer city, so why don't you stay in our city lord's mansion first, and tomorrow I will ask my little girl to take you to understand Wuling City in person, what do you think?" Wu Shan's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he said abruptly.

"This..." Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and a look of hesitation suddenly appeared on his face.

According to his habits, he doesn't want to stay in other forces. If he lives in the city lord's mansion, he will be somewhat restrained, and he can't let go of some things.

"That's right, my lord, Ling'er hasn't repaid your life-saving grace yet. You live in the City Lord's Mansion. Tomorrow I will take you to see Wuling City in person!" Wu Ling'er opened her watery eyes wide, Blink and blink looked at Jian Fengyun expectantly.

"Little friend, you don't need to worry about any constraints in the City Lord's Mansion. If you want to leave, you can leave anytime, but you protect the little girl back. If I don't show my friendship as a landlord, I will be too stingy!" Wu Shan also opened his mouth and said .

Jian Fengyun glanced at Xue'er who was at the side, and Xue'er said he would listen to him.

"Okay, since City Lord Wu is so kind, I will be disrespectful!" Jian Fengyun slightly cupped his hands.

"Okay, little friend, do you have any other needs? If not, I'll leave first and let Ling'er take you to the City Lord's Mansion!" Wu Shan said with a smile on his face.

"The city lord is too polite, my name is Jian Fengyun, you can just call me Fengyun, I don't have any needs!" Jian Fengyun said politely.

People respect me one foot, I respect others ten feet, Jian Fengyun is this kind of person, this Wushan in front of him is obviously good to him, he naturally will not touch his face.

"Okay, little friend Fengyun, then I'll go first, what do I need to tell the guards!" Wu Shan nodded, and then turned into a streamer and chased after the place where Wu Xian'er disappeared just now, his figure was anxious, afraid he was a step too late .

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun couldn't help twitching his mouth slightly, and said to Wu Linger: "It seems that your father treats your second mother well!"

"Father has always been very kind to mother!" Wu Ling'er replied.

Jian Fengyun smiled lightly and didn't say anything. Compared with the reality of the myriad realms that Jian Fengyun saw in his previous life, this small Wuling City made him feel the warmth of humanity.

"Brother Fengyun, can I call you that?" Wu Ling'er bit her lip, lowered her head, her cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Of course." Jian Fengyun smiled.

Wu Ling'er is pure in nature, for such a girl, Jian Fengyun doesn't mind having another younger sister, just take care of her.

"Brother Fengyun, then I will take you back to the City Lord's Mansion first!" Wu Ling'er's fair face and clean eyes shot out a ray of joy from the heart.

Jian Fengyun smiled lightly and said: "Okay, let's go!"

As he spoke, Jian Fengyun took Xue'er by his side and followed Wu Ling'er down the tower.

Behind the three of them, several military guards followed closely, responsible for protecting their safety.

A group of people walked down the city tower, walked out of the restricted area guarded by hundreds of feet of soldiers, and immediately entered the city road.

Wuling City is very prosperous, even more prosperous than the imperial city of the Tianyang Dynasty. Warriors can be seen setting up stalls everywhere on the streets, but it seems that some stalls are still empty because of the beast tide.

However, the strength of these martial artists who set up stalls should not be underestimated. Jian Fengyun had only just walked a few dozen feet away, and he had already discovered several martial artists at the Spirit King Realm.

This level is much higher than the upper domain when Jian Fengyun came to the previous life!
Jian Fengyun secretly sighed in his heart, it seems that he has been asleep for 3000 years and missed a lot of things. Since he is a member of the Emperor's Domain, he probably wouldn't know that he came to the Tianxuan Upper Domain.

"Brother Fengyun, this is the Hall of Immortal Artifacts, there are many artisans and spiritual artefacts in it!"

"Brother Fengyun, this is Wanfu Pavilion, there are many high-level talismans for sale inside!".
Wu Linger introduced Wuling City all the way.
(End of this chapter)

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