Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 352

Chapter 352
"Brother Fengyun, this is the Hall of Immortal Artifacts, there are many craftsmen and spiritual weapons in it!"

"Brother Fengyun, this is Wanfu Pavilion, there are many high-level talismans for sale inside!".
Wu Ling'er was introducing Wuling City all the way, and Jian Fengyun also listened carefully, some places existed in the previous life and couldn't help evoking some memories of Jian Fengyun.

Immortal Artifact Pavilion, in the memory of Jian Fengyun's previous life, there was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy who sneaked into Fengyun City to challenge him to the way of refining weapons. It was because he happened to be free, so he compared with this boy. The boy lost and wanted to commit suicide.

At that time, Jian Fengyun couldn't bear the loss of a genius of the Dao of Artifacts, so he stopped him and gave him advice for a few days. After a thousand years, the young man competed with the Artifact Refiner's Association in the Immortal Artifact Hall established in Fengyun Emperor's Domain. Unexpectedly, it took only 3000 years , he actually developed the Immortal Artifact Hall to such an extent.

As for the Wanfu Pavilion, in the previous life, it was already known as a power in the entire Wanyu for its talismans.

"Brother Fengyun, this is the branch of the Alchemist Association of Wuling City. The alchemists of the entire Wuling City are basically in it, and I am also a Xuan-level alchemist inside!" Wu Linger stopped, pointing to the huge The buildings, the beautiful eyes can not help showing a touch of reverence.

Obviously, Wu Ling'er, like most alchemists, holds a heart of reverence for the Alchemists Association.

"Oh!" Jian Fengyun responded lightly, his eyes swept casually.

It's not that he looked down on the Alchemist Association, because of his previous life as a medicine god, the president of the Alchemist Association was servile to him at that time, and Jian Fengyun knew almost everything about the Alchemist Association's weight.

"Hey, isn't this the lost eldest lady of the Wu family, how can she have the time to hang out here!"

At this moment, a woman in yellow clothes with a bulging figure and a unique figure came up to the door of the Alchemist Association, holding a folding fan in her hand, and said to Wu Ling'er with a contemptuous smile on her heavily made-up face.

"Yuan Yan, what do you want to do? This is Wuling City!" Seeing the woman in yellow, Wu Ling'er clenched her hands subconsciously, her delicate face revealing a nervous expression.

Yuan Yan, a Xuan-rank pharmacist, the cousin of Mr. Yuan Dan, as soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted many warriors around her, and her face immediately showed

"Look, it's Wu Ling'er, the eldest lady of the Wu family. The Wu family offered a reward of [-] middle-grade spirit crystals to find her, and she actually appeared!" A young warrior said with eyes shining.

"Don't think about it, the city lord's mansion has already placed a reward. I saw her when she was walking at the end of the city just now, and I ran to the bounty list to check it. There is no longer the reward that the Wu family issued before!" A martial artist on the side responded. road.

"Hey, I didn't come to the majestic city lord Wu's house first, but I'm so stingy!" The young warrior who spoke first frowned slightly.

In his opinion, the Wu family quickly lowered the reward, obviously to prevent people from taking advantage of the loopholes to claim the [-] middle-grade spirit crystals.

"Hehe, the city lord Wu family, you are not ignorant of the development of the Wu family in the past few years. Ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones is a lot for them. Do you think they can not be stingy?"

"That's right, the Wu family has been suppressed everywhere in Wuling City in the past few years, so it's right to cherish resources!"

A group of warriors began to discuss, and few people were in awe of the city lord Wu family present, it seemed that the city lord Wu family was nothing to them.

"Okay, look at Yuan Yan. I heard that a few days ago, she had broken through to the middle-grade pharmacist of Xuan rank, and was formally accepted as a disciple by Elder Ling Kun of the Pill Yuan League." Pull it back to the door of the Alchemists Association.

The alchemist of Wu Linger Alchemist Association, and Yuan Yan is the alchemist of Dan Yuan League. The two different alchemist forces can be said to be opposites. Now that they meet by chance, it is estimated that there will be a lot of collisions.

"Wu Ling'er, I haven't seen you for so long, and you've learned how to keep a pretty face, you're at the peak of the real spirit realm, you have such a good eye!" Yuan Yan walked up to Wu Ling'er, twisting her waist, and glanced at Jian Fengyun with disdain. , said Wu Linger with her face pressed very close.

A look of mockery flashed in Yuan Yan's eyes, she wanted to see how Wu Ling'er was humiliated in front of her.

"You..." Wu Ling'er's delicate face was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Yan felt that her goal was about to be achieved, a smile appeared on her coquettish face, and she was about to laugh out loud.

A clear and crisp applause sounded suddenly, Yuan Yan felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then suffered a heavy blow on her face, shaking her head.

"I don't really like people calling me little boy!" Jian Fengyun put down his palm lightly, and said with a cold gaze.

In an instant, the whole scene fell silent, and everyone around was stunned when they saw this scene, as if they had seen some incredible scene.

Yuan Yan was beaten!
Everyone was shocked. Everyone knew that Yuan Yan's cousin was the famous alchemy genius in Wuling City, Mr. Dan Yuan, yet someone dared to beat Mr. Dan Yuan's cousin so directly.

"You dare to hit me. You're looking for death!" Yuan Yan was stunned when she was slapped, then turned her head with fire-spitting eyes, and roared at Jian Fengyun.

Yuan Yan's roar brought everyone watching the battle back to their senses in an instant. They couldn't help being surprised at the same time when they saw that the beating boy was only at the peak of the True Spirit Realm.

Is this young man stupid? Offending Yuan Yan is equivalent to offending the Yuan family behind Yuan Yan. With the development of the Yuan family in the past few years, even the Wu family can't protect him!

At this moment, Yuan Yan was already furious, her heavily made-up face became extremely ugly, and an aura of the peak of the real spirit realm erupted from her in an instant. As a young lady of the Yuan family in Wuling City, Yuan Yan's realm would not be too low , and slapped Jian Fengyun with a palm, unexpectedly condensing most of the power in her body.

This palm fell on Jian Fengyun's heart, if an ordinary peak true spirit realm warrior couldn't resist it, he would be directly shocked and die.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, he would never be soft on those who wanted to kill him.

A slap sounded again, but this time, everyone could feel that a tyrannical force erupted instantly from Jian Fengyun's arm, causing the entire arm to glow with a silver light.

With a sweeping slap, it not only dispelled Yuan Yan's palm force directly, but also landed on Yuan Yan's face.

The sound of applause mixed with the crisp sound of bone shattering sounded at the same time, Yuan Yan's head was directly tilted, and her whole body was blown away like an arrow that was flying from the string.

Yuan Yan's body fell heavily on the ground not far away, and several blood-stained teeth fell out of her mouth in response.

(End of this chapter)

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