Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 353 1 refers to destroying the enemy

Chapter 353 Destroying the Enemy with One Finger

Yuan Yan's body fell heavily on the ground not far away, and several blood-stained teeth fell out of her mouth in response.


Looking at Yuan Yan's slightly deformed face, everyone couldn't help but gasped, the hand was too heavy, it hurt even looking at it.

But everyone turned their eyes to Jian Fengyun who was at the side in an instant.

What is the origin of this white-clothed boy, he dared to treat Yuan Yan like this, this slap would have completely offended the Yuan family.

"Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated, and those who kill people will always be killed!" Jian Fengyun said indifferently, and after speaking, he took Xueer's hand beside him and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"Whoever kills him, my Yuan family will give him an Earth-level Boundary Breaking Pill." Yuan Yan roared angrily with her deformed face.

Yuan Yan fell down with a sound, and the people around couldn't help being surprised at the same time.

Earth-level Breakthrough Pill!
That is a pill that can help warriors in the Spirit King Realm increase the chance of breaking through the small realm by [-]%. In Wuling City, there are not many earth-level pharmacists, and all of them are masters of the Alchemist Association or the Alchemy League. Aside from buying Boundary Breaking Pills at the Great Chamber of Commerce, they can only be refined by earth-level pharmacists. These masters basically don't sell them on weekdays, so a ground-level Boundary Breaking Pill is still extremely precious.

Even if it is a large chamber of commerce, the price of the ground-level pills is very high. Even the low-level ground-breaking pills need more than [-] middle-grade spirit crystals in Wanbaolou.

Such a huge benefit immediately made many warriors jealous.

Just as Jian Fengyun was about to leave, a warrior in the spirit king realm immediately blocked his way.

"Boy, I want to leave after beating Miss Yuan Yan, so save your life!" The Spirit King Warrior swung a ground-level spirit weapon long knife in his hand, and slashed at Jian Fengyun directly.

"Tu Yuan Slash!"

The spirit tool long knife swung out impressively, a power of the spirit king state surged out, and the khaki-yellow knife light flashed in the air impressively, revealing the knife energy of the law of earth attribute.

"Isn't this the famous Tuyuan sword in the area of ​​Wuling City? The Tuyuan sword has hundreds of mountains, he is a hundred mountains!" A martial artist around him said in surprise when they recognized the sword technique performed by the spirit king.

Tu Yuan Dao!

Some warriors around showed surprise at the same time. As warriors in Wuling City, they have all heard the name of Tuyuan Dao Baishan. The siege resulted in the successful beheading of the enemy and a monster. Since then, it has been famous in the world of casual cultivators around Wuling City.

"Baishan, it turned out to be him. I heard that he had comprehended the Dao of the Sword to the Xiaocheng level a while ago, and he was able to condense the energy of the sword. I didn't expect to make a move now." A warrior who is also a loose cultivator said with surprise.

When a martial artist reaches the True Spirit Realm, most of the time they compete in martial arts, and the stronger their understanding of martial arts, the stronger their strength will be.

Martial arts are divided into five realms: shape, energy, mind, Tao, and heart, corresponding to the five realms of martial arts rules: entry, minor success, great accomplishment, perfection, and great perfection.Taking kendo as an example, kendo is divided into sword-shaped state, sword-qi state, sword-art state, sword-way state, and sword-mind state.

Obviously, Baishan's Dao of the Sword has reached the level of Dao Qi, and he can use the Qi of the sword to enhance the strength of the sword.

Beside Jian Fengyun, Jian Xueer saw this scene and was about to strike, but at this moment, a warm hand pressed on her slender hand that drew the sword.

"Let me do it!"

Jian Fengyun's soul power sound transmission sounded in Jian Xue'er's ear.

Facing the swiftly falling Tu Yuan Saber and a smear of earth-yellow saber energy, Jian Fengyun's body remained motionless, as if he was stunned.

"This kid won't be scared dumb, right?" The sharp-eyed warriors around noticed Jian Fengyun's reaction and said.

When the saber energy approached him, everyone thought that Jian Fengyun had been frightened into a fool, but Jian Fengyun raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

Just when everyone thought that Jian Fengyun's head was going to be cut off by Tu Yuan Dao.


A burst of sword energy suddenly exploded at the fingertips, turning into a silvery-white light flashing.

In the next moment, the Tuyuan knife stopped in front of Jian Fengyun, and all the light on the blade disappeared, turning into a real earth-level spiritual weapon.

What's wrong?Why didn't Baishan do anything? Could it be that he wanted to show mercy?

Seeing Baishan who stopped for an instant, everyone around felt puzzled.

"How can it be."

Baishan's pupils dilated violently, a frightened light flashed in his eyes, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The Tuyuan knife suddenly fell from Baishan's hand, the blade plunged into the ground of the diamond rock, and earth and rocks splashed.

Baishan had already maintained the movement of swinging the knife down, but this time his body was lying on his back facing the back, and the last ray of consciousness dissipated in panic.


At this moment, everyone around was stunned, not knowing what happened.

Only the guards of the Wu family who had been following Wu Ling'er were shocked. They paid close attention to the battle situation and rescued Jian Fengyun at any time. However, Jian Fengyun didn't even release his true spirit. Killed the famous Tuyuan Sword Baishan with one finger.

Bai Shan fell on the ground, a bloody sword mark slowly appeared on his heart, and the scarlet blood seemed to spread along the wound of the sword mark, which seemed so strange and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, all the martial artists around who were ready to move couldn't help taking a step back at the same time, looking at Jian Fengyun standing in the center, his eyes seemed to be wary of a big enemy.

Baishan's strength in the field can be regarded as very good, but it is such a strong man who died under Jian Fengyun's fingers, and no one even saw how Jian Fengyun made the move. Such a terrifying method of killing Let everyone present feel a chill behind their backs.

Jian Fengyun killed Baishan, as if he had done a very trivial thing, he put down his finger lightly, his eyes swept over the surrounding people, everyone seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and finally landed on Yuan Yan behind him.

"What do you want to do? I belong to the Yuan family. My cousin is Mr. Yuan Dan. If you kill me, the Yuan family will not let you go!" Yuan Yan was instantly frightened by Jian Fengyun's calm gaze, and she didn't care about losing her composure. He stepped back dozens of steps in an instant, and his figure was terrified.

"Killing you will stain my hand!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

After the words fell, Jian Fengyun withdrew his gaze, ignored the countless gazes around him, took Xue'er's hand beside him and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion impressively.

"Hmph, rubbish, even my master's finger can't stop it!" The god dog rode over from behind on a white tiger, stretched out its small paws, pulled out the ground-level knife inserted into the ground, and put it away, and then it didn't stop. Politely mocking the people around him, he walked away.

When Yuan Yan saw Jian Fengyun and his group leave, a sinister light shot out from her alluring face and eyes.

"Jian Fengyun, you dare to insult me ​​like this, I will definitely tell my cousin, let him dispose of you, you will be hacked to death without a whole body!"

(End of this chapter)

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