Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 354 Embarrassing Scene 1

Chapter 354 An Embarrassing Scene

"Jian Fengyun, you dare to say that about me, I will definitely tell my cousin, let him depose you, life would be worse than death!"

Yuan Yan's vicious expression fell into the eyes of the surrounding warriors, and immediately made everyone feel a chill in their bodies, and they couldn't help silently mourning for Jian Fengyun.

After Yuan Yan in Wuling City, the power of the Yuan family was much stronger than that of the Wu family of the city lord's mansion. No one thought that Jian Fengyun, a true spirit warrior, could compete with the Yuan family.

"Brother Fengyun, if you don't go out and hide, the Yuan family is very strong!" Wu Linger stopped walking not far away, and said worriedly to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, if they seek death, I don't mind killing a few more people!"

Although Wu Ling'er was worried, but thinking of the scene where Jian Fengyun swept away the monsters in the thousands of miles of wasteland before, she couldn't help being speechless.

Jian Fengyun followed Wu Linger to Wu's house, Wu Linger took them to an empty courtyard, introduced them, and then left.

Jian Fengyun glanced around, Wu Linger told him that this courtyard is called Fengting Bieyuan, Fengting Bieyuan is located in the south of the City Lord's Mansion, it can be said to be a relatively elegant place, and there are some plants in the Bieyuan that are suitable for cultivation. Beneficial spirit wood.

In the center of Beiyuan, there is an open space, which is enough for practicing supernatural powers.

This Fengting courtyard is neat and orderly, not like the kind of idle courtyard, from which you can feel the Wu family treats people well, which is not bad.

"Boom. It's delicious. It won't take long for this god dog to break through the heavenly monster!"

In the other courtyard of Fengting, the god dog held pieces of monster crystals of earth-level monsters in its hands and gnawed them.

A piece of top-grade demon crystal was in the hands of the god dog, and with one bite, there was only half of it left, and with another bite, a piece of top-grade demon crystal immediately entered its stomach.

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun couldn't help feeling a little numb in his scalp. The monster power contained in the ground-level monster crystal is extraordinary, and the monster power is extremely violent. Ordinary warriors and monsters can't directly absorb these violent monster power, but the god dog is just like this Two bites and one bite. I don't know how many demon crystals I ate along the way, but its animal body didn't change at all.

Earth-level monsters are equivalent to true spirit realm warriors, and the price of their demon crystals should not be too low. Fortunately, enough ground-level monsters have been killed along the way, otherwise, it would be a fortune for the light god dog to eat the ground-level monsters. No small expense.

All the way from the wasteland of thousands of miles to Wuling City, along the way, the god dog was busy picking up the demon crystals, and at the moment it could only eat less than one percent of what it picked up.

Thinking of this, Jian Fengyun also turned his head away, ignoring the divine dog.

"Master, the house has been cleaned up, come in and have a look!" Xue'er's voice came from the room beside him, and Jian Fengyun walked over.

"Well, here we come."

At the same time, the Yuan family in Wuling City
Yuan Yan's slightly distorted face knelt on the ground full of grievances.

"It's unreasonable, that boy dared to beat my daughter, today I'm going to destroy the Wu family!" The Patriarch of the Yuan family was furious after hearing Yuan Yan's cry.

"Don't be impatient, uncle. Three years ago, before I left, my father told me to take good care of my cousin when I arrived in Wuling City. I didn't expect that I was busy with the affairs of the Danyuan League recently. My sister has been wronged so much, this matter should be resolved by me!" Mr. Yuan Dan suddenly stood up from the side, and cupped his hands at the head of the Yuan family above the high hall.

The Patriarch of the Yuan Family, Yuan Qi, heard.
(End of this chapter)

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