Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 355

Chapter 355
"Don't be impatient, uncle. Three years ago, before I left, my father told me to take good care of my cousin when I arrived in Wuling City. I didn't expect that I was busy with the affairs of the Danyuan League recently. My sister has been wronged so much, this matter should be resolved by me!" Mr. Yuan Dan suddenly stood up from the side, and cupped his hands at the head of the Yuan family above the high hall.

The Patriarch of the Yuan Family, Yuan Qi, frowned when he heard Young Master Yuan Dan's words. He glanced away and asked, "What's your nephew thinking? Although this Wu family is in decline, at least it is still the city lord's family. You will be oppressed!"

"Uncle, to tell you the truth, recently I was practicing alchemy in the Danyuan League, and I took the time to contact the major shops in the city. The Danyuan League has reached cooperation with them. Today, it is not their Wu family's celebration banquet, so I asked the Wu family to come It's time to taste the taste of a bare city lord." Mr. Yuan Dan said with a sinister smile.

When Yuan Qi heard it, his cloudy eyes seemed to move, and then he spoke again: "Nephew, although this method can make the Wu family feel pressure, it can't cause any real damage. Is it possible that my daughter is beaten like that?" gone?"

"Don't be impatient, uncle. I'm going to visit the Wu family. Why don't I bring a meeting gift? What do you think this is?" Yuan Dan smiled and waved his hand.

At this moment, the two guards behind Yuan Dan walked out of the door, but after a while, they saw the two guards dragging a blood-stained young man in.

The young man had passed out, but from the scars on his body, it could be seen how much inhuman torture this young man had suffered when he was awake.

"This is." A trace of doubt flashed in Yuan Qi's eyes.

Yuan Dan smiled lightly, and then said: "Uncle, he is Wu Fengting, Wu Shan's most proud adoptive son, who entered the Tianxuan Taoist Temple as a true spirit. This time, I used the power of the Dan Yuan League to drive him out Xuan Daoyuan, now that his cultivation base is completely crippled and his meridians are completely cut off, do you think this gift can be used to give the Wu family the revenge of his cousin?"

"Haha, okay, you really deserve to be a nephew. I didn't expect to be able to make Wufeng Pavilion like this. Back then, Wushan was showing off his pride in front of all the big families. Now I will let him see his Desires are just abandoned in the hands of my Yuan family, haha," Yuan Qi laughed.

A gloomy smile flashed in Yuan Dan's eyes, and then he said, "Uncle, I will make the Yuan family feel hopeless, but I just want to arrest the person who injured my cousin again, and in front of everyone in the city Let him be hacked into pieces, let the big families in Wuling City see who is the overlord of Wuling City!"

"Okay, nephew, just go ahead and do it. All the strong members of the Yuan family will be your backing, so you don't need to worry about that down-and-out Wu family!" Yuan Qi said happily.

He seemed to have seen the whole city's family prostrate under his hands, and the whole Wuling City was in his pocket.

"Since there are uncle's words, then I will let go and do it!" A sneer flashed in Yuan Dan's eyes, and he turned around and said.

Naturally, he did this out of selfish motives. He planned to capture Wu Ling'er before, but now that Wu Ling'er may return to the city, he has to drive the Wu family into a place of eternal doom before Wu Ling'er proves his actions. No one would believe Wu Linger's insidious means when he spoke out, they would only think that Wu Linger was fighting for opportunities for the Wu family.

The most important step in this plan is to drive the Wu family into a place of eternal doom. In addition to a Wufeng Pavilion, it is not enough, he also has to kill the young man who saved their Miss Wu family. I understand that the Wu family can't even protect a benefactor, so how can they protect any power, so all the families will no longer trust the city lord, and no one will help the Wu family. On the contrary, the Yuan family will be the only one, even if Wu Ling The Alchemist Association behind Er'er made a move. Facing the forces of the whole city and the Dan Yuan League, I'm afraid they can only retreat in resentment.

"Hehe, after today, there will only be Dan Yuanmeng left in Wuling City!" Yuan Dan sneered and left.

The Yuan family is the dominant family, and if we find some high-sounding reasons for the Alchemist Association to withdraw from Wuling City, the Danhuo League he belongs to will definitely give him a good reward, and he may even become a deacon of the Danyuan League. To some advanced alchemy techniques.

As dusk gradually receded, the lights of Wuling City were slowly lit up. The streets, alleys, shops and stalls were lit up all around, heralding the coming of night.

In the city lord's mansion, the martial arts compound had even set up hundreds of tables of banquets.

The Wu family's banquet invitations have already been sent to the major shops and forces in the city, and some families have also participated.

These forces are all under the control of the Wu family. The reason why the Wu family can still be the city lord of Wuling City is because of the support of these forces and people.

Martial arts compound
A servant dressed as a servant hurried to the butler who was standing aside directing the arrangement.

"Wu Guanjia, the number of guests at today's banquet is much less than last time, and there are only [-] tables in the banquet!" The servant approached the Wu Fu steward and said respectfully.

The butler of the Wu Mansion was named Wu Ping, and when he heard the servant's words, he frowned immediately, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and said, "Show me the guest list!"

Wu Ping knew that the servant in front of him was arranged by him to receive the guests, and he asked him to secretly check the major forces on the roster every time, to see if the forces in the roster increased or decreased.

But for so many years, the most fluctuating time did not exceed 70.00%. This time it exceeded 70.00%. [-]% of the people did not come. This is too scary, it is equivalent to the supporters of the Wu family in Wuling The [-]% loss in an instant will make the Wu family's city lord position unsafe.

Wu Ping took a look at the roster, and his face became more gloomy. Almost all those who did not come were big supporters of the Wu family. This matter is definitely not simple. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, he immediately put the roster in his arms, facing The servant ordered.

"Go on to greet the guests, remember how many people did not come, I will report to the Patriarch!"

Wu Ping hurried to the family hall of the Wu family.

"Wu Ping, why are you in such a panic, didn't you see that all the senior members of the family are here?" An elder sitting in the Wu family hall said impressively.

"Elder Wu Yuan, I have something important to report to the family, so I have to hurry up, please forgive me!" Wu Ping cupped his hands.

"Important matter?" The elder frowned, and said abruptly, "What is important?"

"This" Wu Ping paused.
(End of this chapter)

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