Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

"Old man, who do you say is a cat or a dog?"

Jian Fengyun's figure was indifferent, his face was calm, only his eyes looked straight at the elder of the Wu family who satirized him in front of him, and a cold murderous aura passed through his eyes, precisely rolling towards him.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's voice, Wu Qiu was furious, this kid dared to be so rude to me.Wu Qiu raised his head angrily, and was about to strike, when he suddenly saw Jian Fengyun's deep eyes, his body trembled suddenly.

For a split second, Wu Qiu only felt a chill in his body, as if he had fallen into the Nine Serenity Hell. Before his eyes, Jian Fengyun was like a Shura from hell. In front of him, he was like an ant. A single thought by Fengyun could kill him.

After a while, Wu Qiu came back to his senses, but saw that Jian Fengyun had already sat down, and his eyes regained their calmness.

"Great Elder, these two are Ling'er's saviors, and I let them sit in the upper seat!" Wu Shan seemed to sense something strange, and said immediately.

Wu Qiu glanced at Wu Shan, and immediately snorted coldly: "Hmph, since you are the savior of my Miss Wu family, I will let you sit here!"

Although the words were still not pleasant to listen to, but the tone seemed to be a lot weaker, it was obvious that Jian Fengyun's murderous deterrence played a role.

On the side, Jian Fengyun's face was calm, he didn't even have the desire to fight against this old guy who wanted to save face and stick to the rules.

The banquet started as scheduled, and dishes were brought up one after another. Although the dishes were nothing but spiritual food, most of the people present had no intention of eating them. Everyone felt the calm before the storm.

"Xue'er, this five-spirited fish doesn't taste good, try it!" Jian Fengyun ate a piece of fish full of aura, a flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, then he picked up a piece of fish and put it into Jian Xueer's bowl beside him middle.

Jian Xueer's pretty face blushed slightly, she picked up the fish and put it into her pink lips, and said shyly, "Thank you, young master!"

Jian Fengyun served her vegetables in front of so many people, which made her a little shy.

"Thank you, eat more if it tastes good. The meat of this spirit fish contains pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, eating it will take a lot of training time!" Jian Fengyun picked up a piece of fish meat again, put it into Xue'er's bowl, and said road.

"En!" Jian Xueer's pretty face blushed, and she lowered her head and made a sound that was softer than the buzzing of a mosquito.

Jian Xueer had never experienced anything in the world, but now that everyone was looking at her, she suddenly became shy.

That's right, it's all of them, in the huge martial arts compound, only Jian Fengyun and she are savoring the dishes on the banquet carefully, the rest of the people are feeling uneasy about the coming storm, eating like chewing wax.

The elders of the Wu family who were at the same table with Jian Fengyun looked at this scene, and their expressions were extremely extreme. Everyone in their Wu family was preparing for a big battle, but he was actually in the mood to evaluate the dishes here. Block out a pure dinner party.

Jian Fengyun didn't bother to pay attention to the various gazes around him, flipping the chopsticks in his hands, eating the dishes on the table.

It has to be said that the food in the Tianxuan Upper Territory is different from that in the Qingyun Territory. These dishes are all cooked with low-level spiritual materials. After eating, there will be streams of pure heaven and earth spiritual energy in the body, which is more effective than cultivation, and the taste Not bad, he traveled thousands of miles across the wilderness to get here, and he hasn't had a good meal for several days.

All the dishes on the table fell into Jian Fengyun's stomach. On the table, Wu Shan and Wu Ling'er couldn't stand it any longer.

"Brother Fengyun, eat slowly, there are not many guests here today, and there are many empty banquets around, if you want to eat for a while, I will send them to you!" Wu Shan said.

He could feel that the four elders of the Wu family around him seemed to be about to explode, so he opened his mouth to hint at Jian Fengyun.

"What, it turned out to be an empty banquet. That's a good relationship. My spiritual pets just followed me hungry for several days, so let them come out to eat some!" Jian Fengyun pretended to be stunned, and then said.

Almost as soon as the words fell, a gray dog ​​and a white tiger rushed out of the Wu family compound.

"Master Wu is really a good person. Knowing that this god dog has been hungry for several days, he has prepared so many banquets for us. I am very grateful!"

Shengou was the most shameless, jumping directly onto an empty banquet table, and swallowed a five spirit fish directly into his stomach.

The five spirit fish is a yellow-rank monster. Although it is easy to be domesticated, the price of domestication is very high, and ordinary warriors can't enjoy it at all. If it weren't for the banquet of the major forces in Wuling City, the warriors would not be so arrogant. Spiritual fish and other expensive spiritual materials are used as dishes.

These spiritual materials, which were originally used to be enjoyed by the high-level officials of the major forces in Wuling City, entered the stomachs of the god dog and the white tiger in threes and fives.

Seeing this scene, the people around couldn't help showing a look of surprise, these two monsters are actually the best monsters of the earth rank.

Seeing this scene, the four elders of the Wu family were covered with black lines. They slapped the table and angrily swept towards Wu Shan.

Jian Fengyun's strength is unknown, they don't want to offend, but the person was brought by Wu Shan, and now Jian Fengyun's spiritual pet is eating at the banquet, which makes their Wu family face where to put it, all of a sudden, They couldn't help turning their eyes to Wu Shan angrily.

"Yo, who is this who made our Wu family's great elder unhappy!"

A sneer sound sounded from outside the Wu family compound inappropriately, and spread to the ears of everyone in the compound.

click, click, click
Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a young man in white appeared in front of the gate of the Wu family compound. The young man in white was holding a folding fan in his hand, and there was a hint of teasing on his face.

"Master Yuan Dan!"

At the banquet, everyone's eyes instantly shifted away from Jian Fengyun and the two spiritual pets, and looked at the white-clothed figure at the door.

Seeing Yuan Dan, Wu Shan got up abruptly, his eyes froze, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Mr. Yuan Dan, the person who kidnapped his daughter for a month, dares to appear in front of him so dignifiedly at this moment.

"It was him, he was the one who kidnapped me, he was the one who killed Lan'er!" Seeing Yuan Dan, Wu Linger's pretty face suddenly showed anger, and I clenched my fists.

Yuan Dan's gaze swept over Wu Ling'er, and the cold killing intent flashed away in his eyes, and then his eyes fell on Wu Shan who was directly opposite.

"Master Wu, I heard that your Wu family repelled the beast tide and held a celebration banquet tonight. Yuan Dan came here uninvited. Please forgive me!" Yuan Dan sneered. profoundly provocative.

"Let's talk nonsense, I haven't settled with you for the matter of you kidnapping my daughter. Today, if you come to my door, I will let you know what price you have to pay for moving people from my Wu family!" Wu Shan said coldly.

After the words fell, a long knife, a heaven-rank spiritual weapon, fell into Wu Shan's hands.

Wu Shan's words fell, causing an uproar in the surroundings instantly.

"What, Wu Ling'er was actually kidnapped by Mr. Yuan Dan?"

(End of this chapter)

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