Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 358 Eastern Emperor Sword

Chapter 358 Eastern Emperor Sword

"What, Wu Ling'er was actually kidnapped by Mr. Yuan Dan?"

"It turns out that Wu Ling'er was tied up by Mr. Yuan Dan, but why did Mr. Yuan Dan tie her up?"

"That's right, Mr. Yuan Dan is an earth-level pharmacist and the alchemist Tian of Wuling City. How could he tie Wu Ling'er, and even if he is tied, Mr. Yuan Dan is already a strong spirit king. Linger escaped back?"

There were a lot of discussions around, but most of them had doubts about Wu Shan's words, but there were also a few voices who thought that Mr. Yuan Dan might have tied Wu Linger to suppress the Wu family.

Yuan Dan looked at the scene in front of him, and a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, but he hid this murderous intent very well, and it turned into a smile on his face.

"Master Wu, even if you don't want to be responsible for beating my cousin, you don't have to pour dirty water on me. Wu Linger's qualifications alone make her a treasure for your Wu family!"

Listening to Yuan Dan talking nonsense with his eyes open, Wu Ling'er's pretty face couldn't help showing a look of righteous indignation.

"Yuan Dan, that day you used the name of my master to trick me out of the city, and you took me into the wilderness for thousands of miles, and wanted to insult me. If Lan'er hadn't blew herself up, you would have killed me by now! "

Yuan Dan looked coldly at Wu Ling'er, and said: "Wu Ling'er, you bullied me during the day, and indulged the boy in the real spirit realm next to you to bully my cousin, and now you still want to splash me with dirty water, It seems that you are much worse than the rumored Wu family Tianjiao girl!"

After Yuan Dan's words fell, the surroundings seemed to explode.

"Isn't Mr. Yuandan's cousin the eldest lady of the Yuan family? How could she be beaten by that warrior in the true spirit realm? Isn't it too impossible?"

"Why not, I saw this incident with my own eyes. In the afternoon, Miss Wu Linger took the boy back from the end of the city. On the way, they met Miss Yuan Yan, and there was a conflict. The kid directly slapped Miss Yuan Yan. Two mouths, and even beheaded Tuyuan Dao Baishan, right at the gate of the Alchemist Association!"

"What, this little true spirit dares to fight the eldest lady of the Yuan family. Could it be that the Wu family wants to start a war with the Yuan family?"
For a moment, all kinds of suspicions arose, but most people believed what Mr. Yuan Dan said.

The surrounding situation fell into Yuan Dan's eyes, and a cold smile suddenly appeared on his face, and it was impossible to tell whether it was joy or anger.

"It was her first." Wu Ling'er's delicate face was suddenly angry, and she was about to explain.

"Sister Ling'er, it's not acceptable to speak human language to a dog!" Jian Fengyun suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and interrupted Wu Linger's words.

When Mr. Yuan Dan heard Jian Fengyun's words, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Boy, who do you call a dog?"

"You!" Jian Fengyun said directly.

The scene was silent for a moment, and everyone's horrified eyes focused on Jian Fengyun, as if they were looking at a monster.

This kid is so crazy, even talking to Mr. Yuan Dan like this, he is dead!
There was such a voice in everyone's heart.

Yuan Dan was also taken aback for a moment, and then he came back to his senses in an instant. He didn't expect that his intimidation would have no effect on Jian Fengyun. In an instant, a look of anger appeared on his face.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

With an angry shout, the aura of the Spirit King Realm suddenly burst out from Yuan Dan's body, and the white folding fan in his hand protruded out, and the flame spiritual power gushed out from the folding fan, turning into a dragon's hand, directly grabbing Jian Fengyun's heart, It was as if he wanted to directly crush Jian Fengyun's heart.

"Fire Flood Fighting Technique!"

When everyone around saw the flaming dragon's claws suddenly appearing in the air, they couldn't help exclaiming in unison.

The Huo Jiao Fighting Technique, the supernatural power of the Yuan family's clan, is rumored to have been obtained by the first generation of the Yuan family's patriarch in a relic of the end of the Dharma. It contains the fighting style of the fire dragon, which is a rare and powerful supernatural power.

Once, a child of the Yuan family offended a strong man at the peak of the Linghuang realm. This peak Linghuang came to him, but the head of the Yuan family directly caught his heart and died with the fire fighting technique. Famous for Wuling City.

Now, this supernatural power was once again displayed in the hands of Mr. Yuan Dan, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Supernatural powers?" Jian Fengyun's pupils shrank slightly, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, and an illusory long sword suddenly fell into his hand.

Supernatural powers are different from spiritual skills. Spiritual skills generally do not contain the laws of Tao, but supernatural powers are just the opposite. Every supernatural power is related to a kind of Tao.

After a warrior has reached the Realm of the Realm, he can use the power of the law enough to practice supernatural powers.

In Wanyu, the supernatural powers are basically in the hands of some forces, and ordinary casual warriors can't get them at all.

"East Emperor Sword!"

Jian Fengyun waved the phantom spear lightly in his hand, his aura suddenly changed, a super aura shot out, and a huge dragon phantom roared out from his body.

The giant dragon rushed out like a real dragon, opened its mouth full of blood, and directly swallowed the folding fan holding the folding fan. The speed was frighteningly fast and made people despair.

Yuan Dan's face changed, and he immediately stopped the attack in his hand and retracted his arm, but the dragon seemed to have eyes, no matter how he changed direction, the dragon capital would appear instantly.

In an instant, the giant dragon opened its mouth full of fangs, biting Yuan Dan's right arm which was performing the Fire Dragon Fighting Technique.


At this moment, a roar of anger suddenly sounded, and the rolling imperial prestige descended instantly. Everyone felt their bodies sink, and the air became heavy, as if they were all being suppressed.

In the Wu family compound, everyone's expression changed and they looked out the door.

Only Jian Fengyun just slightly raised his eyelids, still controlling the released giant dragon to bite Yuan Dan's right arm.

"Ah, no!"

Yuan Dan screamed, the blood stained the emperor, and the arm of the fire dragon formed on the folding fan of his right arm was instantly shattered, and the whole arm broke and opened under the dragon's mouth in an instant, and fell to the ground not far away.

so horrible!

Seeing this scene, everyone around couldn't help turning pale, speechless in fright, and unable to even move their legs due to the overbearing Jian Fengyun's shock.


Everyone could only breathe rapidly, feeling that there was a breath in their chests, and they couldn't evacuate well.

"What kind of magical power is this, it can trigger the vision of Tianlong!"

Seeing this scene, the high-ranking members of the Wu family also had wonderful expressions on their faces, as if they had seen some incredible scene.

Jian Fengyun was too lazy to look at the expressions of the crowd, his eyes were ignited with cold flames, he felt an evil energy from Yuan Dan's body, this evil energy was of the same origin as the evil emperor Xietian, but it was not in Yuan Dan's body, very Apparently this Yuan Dan has been in contact with evil warriors recently, and one of his main purposes for coming to the upper domain is to revenge the evil emperor. Regarding Yuan Dan, although he has not practiced evil skills, his behavior is no different from those evil warriors. His arm is understandable.

"You actually hurt my adopted son, you want to die!"

 Ps: There is one more chapter later!
(End of this chapter)

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