Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 359

Chapter 359
"You actually hurt my adopted son, you want to die!"

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from outside the door, and a figure suddenly descended from the sky, and slapped Jian Fengyun with a palm.

The emperor was rolling and bursting, this palm instantly condensed a thick palm force in the void, brought a burst of white light, and slapped fiercely towards Jian Fengyun's body.


On top of the illusory long sword in Jian Fengyun's hand, he struck out a formula, and the illusory long knife suddenly became bigger and scraped against the ground.

The big hand of Lingli landed on the big sword, and there was a roar. Everyone felt the ground shake, and the ground of the entire five courtyards was covered with cracks.

One must know that the stone material used to pave the ground of the Wu Family Courtyard is Tiangang Stone, which is as hard as ordinary earth-level spirit weapons, but even Tiangang Stone has cracks after this collision.

In front of Jian Fengyun, earth and rocks scattered all over the sky, but a motionless figure in white robes was revealed.

"Yuan Qi, you dare to break into my Wu family to commit murder. Do you really think that my Wu family has no one?" Wu Shan appeared in front of Jian Fengyun at some time, staring angrily at the Linghuang in front of him.

A turbulent imperial power surged from Wu Shan's body, confronting the aura of the head of the Yuan family in front of the gate of the compound.

"It's when your Wu family has no one left. People from your Wu family first beat my daughter, and now they cut off my adopted son's arm. I think your Wu family wants to start a war with my Yuan family!" Yuan Qi's face burst into anger. , staring fiercely at Wu Shandao.

"Don't think that the Yuan family has been presumptuous in Wuling City for a few years, and my Wu family is afraid of you. Everything can be discussed, so don't make mistakes!" Wu Shan said with a deep look in his eyes.

If the Wu family went to war with the Yuan family at this time, there would be absolutely no benefit for them, so Wu Shan was not impulsive, and the implication of his words was that he wanted a little room for reconciliation.

Yuan Qi sneered coldly, and said, "Hehe, everything can be discussed? If that's the case, your Wu family will hand over the murderer, and then hand over the city lord and the property of Wuling Street. If you can't do it, I, Yuan Qi, will I made a mistake once!"

"Yuan Qi, don't open your mouth like a lion, you know, it's impossible!" Wu Shan said with a gloomy expression.

Handing over Jian Fengyun is tantamount to betraying his true heart and affecting his martial arts. Handing over the position of city lord means that the Wu family has lost their appeal in Wuling City, and the Wuling Street industry accounts for 80.00% of the Wu family's industry. , if you let it out, it is tantamount to surrendering the foundation of the Wu family. From then on, the Wu family will never be restored, and they will never be able to stand up again. Therefore, Wu Shan will never agree to these three conditions.

"Impossible, then I'll make a mistake once. I hope the Wu family won't let me down!" A fierce light flashed in Yuan Qi's eyes, and a talisman of transmission appeared in his hand, which he crushed immediately.

At the same time, a group of Spirit King Realm powerhouses poured into the Wu Clan's compound in an instant. At a glance, there were nearly a hundred of them.

These spirit king powerhouses walked into the martial arts compound and stood behind Yuan Qi, as if they would immediately attack as long as Yuan Qi gave an order.

"President of Lingshan Chamber of Commerce, Wu Lingshan!"

"The curator of the Sanwu Daoguan, Wuchang!"

In the compound of the Wu family, those warriors instantly recognized the coming spirit kings. Except for a few spirit kings from the Yuan family, the rest were almost all powers absent from the Wu family today.

"President Wu, Director Wu!" Wu Shan was the first to see these two people, his brows frowned suddenly, and two piercing cold lights shot out from his eyes.

The Wu family disciples around, including the Wu family elders in the rear, saw these people, their faces suddenly sank, and they were extremely ugly.

The Lingshan Chamber of Commerce has cooperated with the Wu family for ten years, and it can be said that the relationship is extremely strong, but they didn't expect that they would all go to the Yuan family's side.

"Master Wu, I'm sorry, the Yuan family offered us a condition that our chamber of commerce cannot refuse!" Wu Lingshan glanced at Wushan, lowered his head a little guilty, and then said.

Wu Chang had nothing to do with the Wu family, so he spoke more directly, "Master Wu, the conditions of the Yuan family are much richer than yours!"

Wu Shan glanced at the other spirit kings, some bowed their heads, feeling guilty, while some looked up, it didn't matter at all.

"Haha, Master Wu, how do you feel? These are all supporters of the Yuan family now. Three months later, the city lord election will be held again. My Yuan family is sure to win!" Yuan Qi sneered, looking at Wu Shan, as if he had already Won in general.

Looking at Yuan Qi's wild laughter, everyone in the Wu family was ashamed, with a hint of despair flashing in their eyes.

Of the hundred or so strong spirit kings, even if the spirit kings of the Wu family can fight ten, they can only fight forty, and the remaining sixty or so are enough to cause a fatal massacre to them.

In the Wu family compound, those forces who were invited by the Wu family couldn't help panicking when they saw this scene.

"Master Yuan, my Baishi Chamber of Commerce also supports the Yuan family. I wonder if you can let me join the Yuan family's camp?"

Among the crowd, an old man who was over half a hundred years old in the spirit king realm stepped out impressively, and bowed his hands to Yuan Qi who was not far away.

Yuan Qi glanced at him, with a smile on his face, and said, "Of course, I welcome people who support my Yuan family!"

With Yuan Qi's permission, the old man standing on the side of the Wu family showed joy and walked behind Yuan Qi without looking back.

All of a sudden, in the Wu family compound, those powerful people who were invited couldn't help but start to become agitated.

When Yuan Qi saw this scene, his eyes moved, and he immediately said to the group of warriors: "If you support the Yuan family, stand over here, otherwise when the Yuan family asks the Wu family for advice, the sword will have no eyes, where will it hurt?" If there are no supporters, it’s not good!”

Although Yuan Qi's words were tactful, the murderous intent contained in his tone was very strong.

Almost instantly, most of the forces supporting the Wu family walked behind Yuan Qi, and there were fewer and fewer, leaving only a few weak forces. These forces have received great favor from the Wu family, and they are now in a dilemma.

After a while, people from these forces also walked over. After all, it's a matter of life and death, who doesn't want to live!
A group of nearly a hundred people, unexpectedly took about a quarter of an hour, all of them left cleanly, and only the disciples of the Wu family were left on the side of the Wu family. .
Yuan Qi glanced over the empty banquet, then at Wushan, and immediately said with a sarcasm: "Master Wu, all the forces in Wuling City support my Yuan family, why don't your Wu family also support my Yuan family?"

"Too much deceit!" All the disciples of the Wu family were instantly enraged, gnashing their teeth, and the blood in their bones was suddenly aroused.

"Wushan, I'll give you ten more breaths to think about it, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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