Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 360 Absolute Crushing

Chapter 360 Absolute Crushing
"Wushan, I'll give you ten more breaths to think about it, otherwise I, Yuan Qi, will ask the city lord about the strength of the Wu family!" Yuan Qi glanced coldly at everyone in the Wu family, and said coldly.

Almost at the same time, a wave of coercion from the spirit king realm suddenly released.

"Fight is to fight, my Wu family would rather die than surrender!" Wu Shan said coldly, his body shook, a set of battle armor appeared out of nowhere, and a sky-rank spear in his hand exuded a murderous aura.

After guarding Wuling City for decades, the murderous aura of killing monsters and beasts accumulated in Wushan for decades suddenly revealed itself.

"Disciple of the Wu family, I would rather die than surrender!"

All around, the disciples of the Wu family, including the elders of the Wu family in the rear, all stepped forward at this moment, with a sense of morale that looked at death as if they were at home.

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Wu family would have such a strong family cohesion, and no one flinched at this juncture.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved. If there was no such a strong family cohesion, the Wu family in Wuling City would have fallen apart long ago.

"Brother Fengyun, if you find an opportunity, go first. You are not from the Wu family, so you don't need to stay here to fight with us!" Wu Ling'er clenched her fists tightly, biting the corners of her lips lightly.

Obviously, she was ready to die in battle.

"What are you thinking? Since you called me brother, I will naturally stay and keep you safe and sound!" Jian Fengyun said calmly.

When Wu Ling'er heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face, and she said worriedly: "But, brother Fengyun."

"Don't talk about it, no matter how you say this happened because of it, if I didn't hit that Yuan Yan, the Yuan family would have no reason to come to the door!" Jian Fengyun interrupted Wu Linger's words, and then stepped forward directly.

In the eyes of everyone, Jian Fengyun walked from the top to the bottom of the Wu family compound, his steps were slow, but every step seemed so indifferent, and soon, Jian Fengyun's figure walked to the center of Wushan and Yuan Qi.

"Yuan Qi, isn't it?" Jian Fengyun said as he glanced at the head of the Yuan family indifferently.

"Bold, you dare to call Patriarch Yuan's name directly!" At this moment, behind Yuan Qi, a martial artist in the middle stage of the Spirit King Realm made an impressive move, slashing at Jian Fengyun with a long knife.

With a glance of Jian Fengyun's eyes, he recognized that he had temporarily changed camp from the Wu family just now. He didn't need to guess to know that he wanted to kill Jian Fengyun as a vote to please Yuan Qi.


A sword cry sounded, but Jian Fengyun was still standing in place, the heart of the warrior in the middle of the Spirit King Realm was pierced by a sword energy, and he fell down on the ground, scarlet blood spurted out from the wound, instantly killing his body. The robe was stained red.


For a moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. If Jian Fengyun's Donghuang Sword was a powerful supernatural power, it would be understandable for him to break the arm of Mr. Yuandan, but at this moment, everyone did not see Jian Fengyun clearly. How did he make a move? A strong man in the mid-stage of the Spirit King Realm just died by the sword.

"Wind element supernatural power!" Yuan Qi stared at Jian Fengyun, startled,
If it is said that the Eastern Emperor Sword that Jian Fengyun used just now was obtained by luck, but now he used a supernatural power again, but he had to be vigilant.

"Looking at his young age, he can actually master two supernatural powers. Could it be that I provoked the wrong person? Is he a powerful kid from those big cities in the upper domain?" Yuan Qi became more and more surprised as he thought about it.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Don't cause any misunderstanding between us!" Yuan Qi asked proactively in order not to offend the powerful forces.

"Jian Fengyun, from Qingyun Region, I just arrived in Wuling City today, and your eldest lady of the Yuan family provoked her first, I just took the initiative to teach her a lesson, if you think I'm easy to bully, just come." Jian Fengyun said calmly and indifferently.

Hearing that Jian Fengyun came from the Qingyun domain in the lower domain, Yuan Qi waved his big hand and said to everyone, "Kill me, even if I attack my daughter, I don't even know who I am. I'll take his soul and deprive him later." Supernatural powers, as an apology for doing something to my daughter!"

Under Yuan Qi's order, more than a hundred Spirit King Realm powerhouses stepped forward in unison, approaching Jian Fengyun continuously. The scene of Jian Fengyun attacking and killing the mid-stage Spirit King Realm just now was still burned in their hearts, so no one dared to underestimate Jian Fengyun .

Wu Ling'er's face was pale in the back. The power of hundreds of spirit kings is so terrifying. Even a strong spirit king may not be able to do it back then. But now, Jian Fengyun is only at the peak of the true spirit realm. Facing so many It is impossible for the Spirit King to escape!

Murderous intent gushed out of Jian Fengyun's eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a long sword full of thunder suddenly fell into his hand.

Lei Jun's sword, Jian Fengyun's monarch-level sword that Jian Fengyun won from Yin Ba, the holy soul sword sect.

The moment Lei Jun's sword appeared, a phantom of a strong man wearing a thunder suit slowly emerged from behind Jian Fengyun.

Holding Lei Jun's sword in his hand, the sword's power poured out and gathered on the sword body, exuding a dazzling sword light.

At this moment, his realm is not enough to exert the full power of this king-level sword, but with his extraordinary golden spirit mansion, the sword essence is enough to exert [-]% of the power.

"The wind rises and the clouds change, the wind and cloud sword kills immortals and gods!"

An indifferent voice sounded in the Wu family compound, and in an instant, a strong wind suddenly rose, clouds gathered in the sky, and a coercion from heaven and earth suddenly descended on everyone in the Wu family compound.

The attacks of those Spirit King Realm powerhouses have not yet been revealed, and they all collapsed under the terrifying power of heaven and earth in an instant.

The Fengyun sword came out, Wanyu surrendered, and the three-foot long sword cut off the emperors and monarchs. The sword energy directly cut several spiritual kings in front of him who could not avoid it, blood stained the ground, and then outlined a white light in the air. The sword power erupted, and it was invincible. Many spirit kings sacrificed spiritual weapons to resist. Under this sword energy, they only held on for a while, and then they were directly killed by the sword energy.

Boom. Crack
In an instant, more than a dozen of the more than 100 spirit kings fell, and the rest either had good spirit weapons to resist, or they had good strength themselves.

Jian Fengyun's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the remaining [-] or so spirit king powerhouses with Fengyun steps. The Thunder King's sword thundered wildly. These spirit kings were defeated steadily.

In the blink of an eye, there were a few weaker spirit kings whose treasures were cut to pieces by Lei Jun's sword, and died miserably on the spot.

The ground of the Wu family compound was bleeding profusely, and everyone in the Wu family was dumbfounded.

Is this really a warrior of the true spirit realm? Why does he feel that his strength is stronger than the peak spirit king!

Seeing this scene, Yuan Qi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Jun-level spirit weapon."

(End of this chapter)

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