Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 361 The Feast of the God Dog

Chapter 361 The Feast of the God Dog

Seeing this scene, Yuan Qi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Jun-level spiritual weapon, boy, you don't deserve to have such a treasure, hand it over!"

After Yuan Qi's words fell, he slashed the long knife in his hand, and swept it directly behind Jian Fengyun.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Wu family yelled how despicable, the majestic Linghuang unexpectedly attacked a warrior in the true spirit realm from behind.

"Yuan Qi, you are shameless, you actually made a sneak attack!" Wu Shan cursed directly, but at this moment he was more than ten feet away from Jian Fengyun, beyond his reach, he couldn't stop Yuan Qi's saber energy for Jian Fengyun.

"Brother Fengyun!" Seeing this scene, Wu Ling'er couldn't help exclaiming in alarm.

After all, Yuan Qi was a strong man who had been the Spirit Emperor for a long time, and the moment he made a move, he activated the law of fire, and the raging flames on the blade seemed to burn through the void.

But the saber energy was about to approach him, but Jian Fengyun didn't seem to notice it, still urging Lei Jun's sword to confront the group of strong spirit kings.

It has to be said that the Spirit King Realm of Wuling City is not at the same level as the Spirit King who came from the Nangu Forbidden Area that day. The strength is generally not as good as that of some True Spirit Realm talents. The moves and supernatural powers are basically unrefined supernatural powers. Jian Fengyun dealt with them like a bright moon crushing fireflies. If there were not a large number of these fireflies, they might be wiped out by Jian Fengyun, the bright moon.

Jian Fengyun put all his heart and soul into crushing these powerful spirit kings, but everyone in the Wu family was worried about the flaming saber energy that was about to fall behind him, did Jian Fengyun really not notice it?

The answer must be no.

"Mysterious Frost Domain!"

Jian Xueer appeared behind Jian Fengyun instantly in a white dress. Light white jade held the Xuanshuang long sword in her hand, the ice spiritual power surged wildly, and the three ice attribute inscriptions on the Xuanshuang sword suddenly lit up, exuding ice blue sword light.

The space with a radius of several feet was directly shrouded by the law of ice and snow, turning into an ice and snow domain. Behind Jian Xueer, an ice sword spirit slowly emerged, and the power of the king exploded, like an ice and snow queen hovering behind Jian Fengyun.

The flaming sword energy emitted by Yuan Qi entered the Xuanshuang domain and was imprisoned directly. He remained motionless, as if he had fallen into a muddy pond.

"It looks good, but I don't know if it tastes good!"

A sudden sound resounded suddenly, and a gray figure suddenly broke into the ice and snow domain, and opened its mouth to directly inhale the blazing saber energy in the void.

"It's tasteless, too little!" Shengou touched his mouth with his paw after eating, and walked towards Yuanqi swaggeringly.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was startled at the same time. Isn't this Jian Fengyun's pet?

Everyone remembered that it followed another white tiger to sweep away several tables of spiritual banquets arranged by the Wu family. That scene was like a little monster from a remote village.

I didn't expect it to be so strong.

It is said that the god dog came to the battlefield between Yuanqi and Wushan.

"Flame Slash!" Yuan Qi aggressively urged the law of fire to turn into a sword and slash towards Wushan.

"Good stuff!"

The god dog's eyes were flooded, and the next moment, it turned into a gray shadow and passed by.

Wu Shan's face was serious, and he waved the spear in his hand, and the metallic law surged, condensing a golden spear aura to face the Lieyang saber aura.

"Broken golden gun!"

Wu Shan saw that the momentum of the gun was much weaker than Lie Yan Zhan's own, and he couldn't help laughing proudly: "Wu Shan, after so many years, I didn't expect that your strength is still standing still!"

Just when he thought his Raging Flame Slash was about to wipe out the golden gun energy.

Suddenly, the entire Flame Slash disappeared into the void in an instant.

The golden gun energy flew towards Yuan Qi as if it hadn't been affected.

"How is it possible!" Yuan Qi saw this strange scene, and said in disbelief, but he couldn't help thinking about the oncoming gun gas, so he could only hastily mobilize his aura to turn into a flaming shield to meet him.

When the gun gas was about to collide with the shield, a strange scene happened again, and the flaming shield disappeared again inexplicably.


The golden gun air fell directly on Yuan Qi's body, instantly arousing a life-saving personal spirit armor.

Yuan Qi's body was directly blasted back tens of feet by the gunfire.

"Royal armor!"

When all the elders of the Wu family saw the spirit armor exposed from Yuan Qi's body, their faces showed a look of horror.

The imperial treasure armor is a treasure armor that can withstand the attacks of ordinary spirit emperors. Ordinary spirit emperors can't even break through the defense of treasure armor. This shows how strong the defense power of imperial treasure armor is.

"How is it possible, Wu Shan, you use the demon method!" Yuan Qi reacted quickly, his eyes swept across the empty surroundings, and immediately fell on Wu Shan, saying coldly.

He couldn't figure out how the sword energy condensed from his spiritual power and the shield would disappear inexplicably.

"Imperial armor!" Wu Shan's face darkened, and he couldn't help clenching the spear a little bit.

He didn't answer Yuan Qi's question, because he didn't know why Yuan Qi suddenly withdrew his spiritual power attack and spiritual power defense. The only thing he was thinking about at the moment was how to get rid of the imperial armor on Yuan Qi's body.

If the royal armor is unbreakable, Yuan Qi is almost invincible!
"Hmph, no matter how strong your demon skills are, I have imperial treasure armor, let's see how you break it!" Yuan Qi knew that Wu Shan had used demon skills, but he was not afraid, he knew that with Wu Shan's strength, he couldn't get rid of him at all. Look imperial treasure armor.

With that in mind, Yuan Qi rushed towards Wu Shan this time, grabbing the long saber.

When swords and guns collided, every time Yuan Qi's long sword gushed out the flaming saber aura, it disappeared inexplicably. On the contrary, Wushan's golden spear aura was not affected. Can maintain the confrontation with Wushan.

"I don't believe it, your demon skills are still unlimited!" Yuan Qi was furious, and the attack of the long knife in his hand became more ferocious.

But without the blessing of the law of fire, no matter how fierce the offensive was, it was slowly disintegrated by Wu Shan.

Neither of them noticed that at the moment when the swords and guns collided, there was a gray shadow flashing across the air. The spirit power of the god dog reached the peak of the ground level, and it used the technique of confusion so that neither of them could find themselves. Taking advantage of Yuan Qi's attack once, he absorbed Yuan Qi's power of the law of fire.

Not long ago, its bloodline allowed it to condense the two pairs of virtual wings of Thunder and Fire, but to strengthen the bloodline in the body, it also needed to devour thunder-attribute treasures and fire-attribute treasures. Although the law of fire is not good, it just fits it The level of absorption, so there is a scene just now.

The many spirit kings who were attacking Jian Fengyun at the side, because of the addition of Jian Xueer, they seemed to be invincible, and within a quarter of an hour, several strong men in the late stage of the spirit king state died.

for a while.
(End of this chapter)

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