Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 369 The Situation of Wufeng Pavilion

Chapter 369 The Situation of Wufeng Pavilion
"Oh!" Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately responded.

To cultivate the fire, what he needed was fire-attributed heavenly material and earthly treasures. Originally, he didn't want to search for it, but if he used it casually today, the power of Fu Shengyan was somewhat beyond his expectation, so it was worth cultivating.

This Fu Shengyan is absolutely as powerful as the Martial Emperor, especially if he was attacked and killed just now, if there is no Fu Shengzhan, he will have to do it and waste his energy.

However, killers of this level could not pose any threat to Jian Fengyun.

"Xuanming Pavilion, Wanyu claims that as long as you have money, you can even buy the life of the emperor. These killers should be sent by the Yuan family, but judging from their tone, Master Huo Yin should be the master of that young master Yuandan." Bar!"

Jian Fengyun reasoned according to the clues just now, and immediately figured out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Hey, I didn't expect that 3000 years later, the Alchemists Association could be challenged. I have never heard of this faction, the Pill Yuan League. It should have arisen in the past 3000 years!

Jian Fengyun sighed slightly in his heart. In his previous life, the Alchemist Association was one of the unique supreme forces in Wanyu, and even some hidden world clans had to bow down to the Alchemist Association. There was an opponent.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun couldn't help lamenting that times have changed, and he doesn't know how many changes have taken place in Wanyu in 3000 years.

"Master, what are you lamenting? Why do I feel that you are thinking about so many things?" The voice of Qingdi Sword Spirit resounded beside Jian Fengyun.

"The sword spirit won't understand some things about people!" Jian Fengyun said meaningfully.

How could he tell Qingdijian that he was thinking about how to seek revenge from a peerless evil emperor, or that he was going to the top of the ten thousand domains, the peak of martial arts, these things are said at this moment, even if the sword spirit of Qingdijian understands, will find it funny.

After a long time, Jian Fengyun came back to his senses, and said, "Master Huo Yin? It seems that we have to find a chance to meet this Alchemy Alliance!"

He made a decision in his heart, but right now he still wanted to help Wu Linger find out where the owner of this yard, Wu Fengting, was.

Jian Fengyun took out the jade pendant that Wu Ling'er had given to him just now, and used his soul power to check it. There was indeed a touch of soul power in the jade pendant.

Soon, a soul secret technique was cast on Jian Fengyun's body.

At the same time, Wuling City, Yuanjia Dungeon

A figure in a white robe covered in scars lay impressively on the wet ground, falling into a deep coma.

If Wu Linger was here, she would definitely recognize that this is Brother Feng Ting whom she misses day and night.

Wu Fengting's consciousness became dizzy, his soul was silent, and he was close to death.

Just when his soul consciousness felt that it was about to die out, a strong warmth suddenly enveloped him. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was on a bright ocean.

Soul Sea, this is the space of Soul Sea!

Wu Fengting felt the sea of ​​souls around him, it felt so unbelievable, this was his sea of ​​souls, exuding familiar soul power everywhere, but this sea of ​​souls was far different than usual at this moment, from darkness to darkness. Bright, the entire soul sea space is illuminated.

"You are Wu Fengting?"

Suddenly, a thick voice resounded in the entire soul sea space, causing Wu Fengting's body to froze. He swept around and saw an illusory figure in white clothes above the sky. .

"Exactly, I don't know who the senior is?" Wu Fengting said to the white-clothed figure above the sky, suppressing his shock while being horrified.

"I was entrusted by someone, seeing that you are going to die, I will save you!" The white figure spoke again.

"Entrusted by someone?" Wu Fengting was taken aback for a moment, his eyes shot out a flash of light, he looked towards the sky and said, "Is the foster father asking you to save me?"

"No, it's a young girl. I'm living in Fengting Bieyuan. If I save you, I'll pay you a favor!" The white-clothed figure continued.

"It's Linger, what's wrong with Linger?" Wu Fengting immediately became excited when he heard about it.

"Don't get excited, she's fine, but I can help you only if you tell me the ins and outs of the matter!" The figure in white continued.

As soon as he said this, Wu Fengting immediately lowered his head, with a look of grief and indignation on his face.

"This matter has to start before March, I am in Tianxuan Daoyuan"

After listening to Wu Fengting's words, Jian Fengyun immediately understood the cause and effect, and immediately said: "Okay, I will teach you two exercises, one can keep your soul immortal, and the other can keep your injuries repaired, and you are ready to escape at any time. Listen well, ten thousand souls and great spirits have their own mysteries, so read this."

In the early morning of the next day, in the other courtyard of Fengting, Jian Fengyun suddenly opened his eyes and withdrew his soul power.

Unexpectedly, Wu Fengting, like Wu Linger, also encountered poor people. According to him, he entered the Tianxuan Dao Academy as a further student, and was suppressed everywhere. Not long ago, because of the Dan Yuan League, he was in the Tianxuan Dao Academy After being framed, he was expelled from the Taoist temple, and then he was caught by a group of killers, his cultivation was abolished, and he was taken to the Yuan family.

"Wuling City is about to change, everything will start to be different!" Jian Fengyun said thoughtfully.

From Wu Fengting's words, Jian Fengyun knew that before March, there had been rumors in Tianxuan Daoyuan about the dispute over the successor of the Zuo family in Wuling City. At that time, Wu Fengting wanted to go back to Wuling City to have a look, but was framed.

In three months, at most another month, the struggle for the heir of the Zuo family will begin, and then Zuo Xijian will be able to meet.

Jian Fengyun thought about it for a while, and then decided to accumulate strength first, otherwise if there are variables at the time, wouldn't it be impossible to solve the lack of strength.

Jian Fengyun took out one by one, and began to refine the Yaoxue Dan.

The Heavenly Grade Demon Blood Pill, just like in the mouth, instantly turned into a surge of power, which instantly filled the eight meridians of Jian Fengyun Qi Meridian, and circulated in the limbs and bones.

The medicinal power rolled like a torrent, causing the Taishi Tuntian Sword Sutra to circulate rapidly, continuously transforming into sword energy and rushing into Jian Fengyun's golden spiritual mansion.

In the center of the Lingfu, the degree of solidification of the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword instantly increased from [-]% to [-]%, and then quickly converged towards [-]%.

Outside Jian Fengyun's body, his skin was silvery, and his treasure was solemn, like a god being conceived, it was suffocating.

The silver light keeps expanding, and if there is a strong person here, they will definitely recognize that this silver light is the kingly field where only the strong spirit king can gather.

The sun is passing, in the other courtyard of Fengting

"It's not good, brother Fengyun, people from the Danyuan League have come here, and they want you to pay Master Yuandan's life to make amends." Wu Ling'er broke in again, with a worried expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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