Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 370

Chapter 370

The sun is passing, in the other courtyard of Fengting

"It's not good, Brother Fengyun, people from the Pill Yuan League are here, and they want you to make amends to Mr. Yuan Dan." Wu Ling'er broke in again, with a worried expression on her face.

Jian Fengyun slowly opened his eyes. In the spiritual mansion in his body, the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword had been condensed to 50.00%. Compared to before, he could clearly feel that half of the King's Domain was condensed beside him.

"What's wrong?" Jian Fengyun's eyes paused slightly, and then he asked.

"Brother Fengyun, Elder Huo Yin of the Danyuan League and five strong men above the spirit king realm are in the clan hall, forcing father to hand you over, so go!" , then quickly and authentically.

"Come here so soon?" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and his face was calm and authentic.

"Brother Fengyun, let's go, daddy has already tried his best to buy time, the five great spirits are well-known powerhouses, among them, the emperor Baixuan is the emperor from the royal family, he was invited by Master Huoyin to come here, Let you make amends!" Wu Ling'er said anxiously, biting the corner of her moist lips.

"Don't worry, I'll go and have a look, everything will be fine!" Jian Fengyun said lightly, and then disregarding Wu Ling'er's efforts to move beside him, his figure turned into a ray of blue light and flew out quickly.

The Wu family is not that big, and within a few breaths, Jian Fengyun rushed directly to the Wu family compound.

"City Master Wu, even if you talk too much today, I have to take that boy away. I, Ling Kong, promised Master Huo Yin, and I will definitely do it!"

"Yes, don't waste time. Although the four of us are only spiritual masters, you still need to rely on us to operate [-]% of your business in Wuling Street. Why bother to offend us for a young man in the real spirit realm!"

"That's right, Emperor Baixuan is also here, even if you don't give us face, you still have to give face to the royal family, right?"

From a distance, Jian Fengyun felt the aura of the four spirit realms and one spirit emperor realm, and listening to their words from a distance, he could feel the aggressive aura in them.

"Impossible, Mr. Jian gave my Wu family a favor. If I want to fight, I will fight. Even if my Wu family dies in battle, I will not do such a thing of revenge!" Among the many strong men, a sense of integrity was revealed from their bodies.

"Wu Shan, your Wu family condones people to hurt my disciple, do you mean that your Wu family wants to make trouble with me?" An eagle-nosed old man in a robe of a pharmacist stepped forward coldly, looked at Wu Shan in front of him, and said coldly road.

Wu Shan looked at the eagle-nosed old man in front of him, his face darkened, he gritted his teeth and said, "Master Huo Yin, the Wu family has absolutely no hostility towards you, it was your disciple who brought people to provoke him and kidnapped my daughter for a month, My Wu family just punished him a little bit, and didn't take his life!"

Wu Shan's words were extremely polite, he knew that he could not afford to offend the eagle-nosed old man in front of him.

The elders of the Dan Yuan League, the celestial alchemists, no matter what their identities are in the ten thousand realms, there is no comparison between them and their martial arts.

"Hmph, since you are so stubborn, let Emperor Baixuan talk to you!" Huo Yin flicked his sleeves coldly, turned around and walked aside.

Behind him, a middle-aged man stepped forward impressively. The middle-aged man did not speak from the beginning to the end, but his eyes contained extremely strong imperial power, like a giant dragon, exuding an iron-blooded aura , which makes people dare not look directly.

Wu Shan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with an incomparably dignified expression. Obviously, he knew who the Emperor Baixuan was in front of him.

The general of the Tianxuan Dynasty, Baixuan, was born at the end of the founding of the Tianxuan Dynasty. He swept away all the forces in the north for the Tianxuan Dynasty. He was named Baixuan King and allowed to live in the palace. Later, the dynasty stabilized , because he didn't like power struggles, he returned to the southern part of the dynasty, but he didn't expect that all these people would make a move.

"Wu Shan, leave the man to him, I will protect his life!" The middle-aged man didn't say much, but just said a word.

In a word, it was as if the real emperor had issued an imperial edict, which was irresistible.

"My lord's order, please forgive Wu Shan for not obeying!" Wu Shan's complexion sank slightly, and he spoke with difficulty but firmly.

The founding emperor of a generation, King Baixuan specially approved by the imperial court, is simply a colossus to his martial family.

"You want to die!" The Baixuan Emperor stared at him, and a majestic and mighty imperial prestige suddenly burst out, crushing towards Wushan.

The majestic imperial prestige reveals the murderous intent of iron and blood, which is obviously caused by the killing of many people, and it is just a look.

Wu Shan felt a shock in his body, the blood in his body suddenly became disordered, and the spear in his hand buzzed, which was a little uncontrollable.

Finally, Wu Shan couldn't help but retreated a few steps, and managed to stabilize under this momentum.

"I think it's you who wants to die!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly resounded in the air, and almost at the same time, a flash of sword light directly broke through the tyrannical aura of Emperor Xuanyuan.

Hearing this voice, everyone felt shocked. Someone dared to talk to this imperial general in such a way. You must know that if such a strong man really took action, even if he razed Wuling City to the ground, it would not be a big deal. difficult thing.

The same as the Linghuang, compared with Wushan, it is like a firefly compared to a raging flame, the gap is more than a thousand times.

When the sword light receded slightly, a young man in white was revealed.

Everyone was shocked, this young man was too young, he was able to break through the imperial prestige of Emperor Xuanyuan, his talent was absolutely extraordinary.

"Young Master Jian, why are you back?" Wu Shan saw the person in front of him clearly, and he couldn't help showing a look of deep worry on his face, and then he said.

He is Jian Fengyun, the young man who cut off the arm of Master Huo Yin's disciple!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then Twilight swept towards Jian Fengyun in horror, protruding out one after another with soul power, and began to investigate Jian Fengyun.

The peak of the true spirit realm!
The crowd probed three times in a row before they believed that this young man who had defeated many Wuling strongmen in Wuling City and lost one of Master Huoyin's arms had only reached the peak of the True Spirit Realm and hadn't even reached the Spirit King Realm.

"Who are you?" Bai Xuan stared at the white-clothed boy in front of him. For some reason, he felt an aura from him that made his heart palpitate.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you are going to die, within a month at the most, you will die from poisoning your heart!" Jian Fengyun's eyes were burning, he looked at Bai Xuan in front of him, his expression remained unchanged.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? I've prepared a toxin-suppressing medicine for King Baixuan, and King Baixuan will recover soon!" Hearing Jian Fengyun's voice, Huo Yin's expression darkened and he said angrily.


(End of this chapter)

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