Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 373 The Deal With Zuo Hai

Chapter 373 The Deal With Zuo Hai
"No, no, I'm just a little surprised. Then, Mr. Jian, is there a limit to the amount of pills that can be produced with a [-]% production rate?" Zuo Hai said in surprise and joy.

"Unlimited!" Jian Fengyun swept his eyes lightly, and then said.

Based on his experience, the success rate of refining heavenly elixir is absolutely [-]%. Just a little is enough to deal with Wanbaolou. If there is no limit, he said that there is no pressure.

"Okay, then I'll send someone a thousand copies of heavenly spirit materials." Zuo Hai said with a happy face.

A thousand copies are ten heaven-ranked pills, enough to make their Wanbaolou famous.

"Here are five heavenly elixirs, take them out, and when the spiritual materials arrive, I will offer the remaining five!" Jian Fengyun flipped his hands and took out a small jade bottle, and handed it to Zuo Hai.

Zuo Hai took the jade bottle and couldn't wait to put his soul power into the jade bottle. He saw five balls of pills exuding fiery red pill light suspended in it. Feeling the majestic pill energy, he couldn't help showing a look of horror .

All of them are top grade pills!
Zuo Hai turned pale with shock, his open mouth was big enough to hold a fist.

There are no more than five celestial elixirs in the Wanbao Building of Wuling City, and three of them were made by the alchemists of the Dan Yuan League in Wuling City, and two of them were from the Alchemists Association. The president is also refined by a respected pharmacist.

Not to mention that these two people are in Wuling City, even in Wanyu, their status is extremely high.

However, the sum of the pills that the two of them took out was easily taken out in the hands of a sixteen-year-old boy at this moment. Looking at the young man's understatement, it seemed that these five pills were nothing more than ordinary goods that could be given away at will. .

Suppressing his beating heart, Zuo Hai cautiously put the jade bottle into the storage space, and then said to Jian Fengyun with a respectful face: "Young Master Jian, may I ask what kind of pills these are? "

"The demon blood pill is used to sprint for the spirit king, spirit master, and spirit emperor. Refining one in the spirit king realm can directly break through a large realm to reach the spirit master, refining one in the spirit master realm can improve a small realm, and two in the spirit emperor realm. You can sprint to the small realm, and three can sprint to the big realm!" Jian Fengyun said slowly according to the experience of his previous life.

The Yaoxue Pill is a elixir that contains the blood essence of monsters. The power of monsters is extremely violent. It can be digested with human body and turned into powerful medicinal power to help warriors break through.

Of course, this kind of power is just a drop in the bucket for Jian Fengyun's skills. The "Taishi Swallowing Heaven Sword Sutra" requires a huge amount of sword energy to break through the realm, especially because Jian Fengyun also has the true spirit of inheritance—— The Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword and the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword also contain a Spirit Mansion, Twin Spirit Mansions, which is equivalent to doubling the original huge demand to be able to progress in the realm.

If it weren't for Jian Fengyun's many means to obtain resources, ordinary warriors would have given up on this technique long ago.

"That day's elixir, do you only need [-]% of the income?" Zuo Hai calmed down his inner excitement slightly, and asked immediately.

"Yes!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

Although it was extremely lucrative to give him only one elixir for one hundred shares of spiritual materials, but if there are benefits, that's not Jian Fengyun's style.

"Okay, then I'll go to prepare. By the way, I think the defense of this martial arts family is too weak and unsafe. Why don't you live in Wanbaolou, Mr. Jian, Wanbaolou will prepare the best spiritual residence for you. You see. " Zuo Hai responded, and was about to leave, but when he saw all the Wu family members around him, he couldn't help saying.

"No, the Wu family is very good. I will give you the earth-level elixir through the hands of the Wu family. As for the profit, you can directly share a deal from me to the Wu family!" Jian Fengyun refused.

Just now, in order to save himself from being questioned by Huo Yin and others, Wu Shan did not hesitate to let the entire Wu family take risks. He is naturally not the kind of hard-hearted person.

"Okay!" Zuo Hai thought for a moment, then said immediately.

Zuo Hai took a few steps, then turned around suddenly and asked, "By the way, Mr. Jian, may I ask what is the success rate of earth-level pills?"

"Eighty percent!" Jian Fengyun thought for a while and said.

When Zuo Hai heard this, his heart was shocked again. He didn't expect the success rate of earth-level elixir to be so high, but he heard the word "ba" after Jian Fengyun's words. Obviously, Jian Fengyun's level must be more than [-]%. Intentionally say less.

However, he obviously didn't intend to pursue it. It's almost impossible to find a good alchemist like Jian Fengyun in Wanyu, so it's not worth mentioning that it's so cheap.

After a while, Jian Fengyun left the Wu family compound and returned to the Fengting other courtyard.

When Zuo Hai and the Wu family were discussing the cooperation of the earth-level spirit pill, they were shocked by the [-]% profit. Everyone was shocked. Everyone thought that it was a wise thing for the Wu family to associate with Jian Fengyun.

Not only have they harvested a large number of top-grade pills, but they have also gained the cooperation of Wanbao Building. With Wanbao Building, it will not take long for the Wu family to regain control of Wuling City. When the time comes, the Yuan family will not be worth mentioning.

Jian Fengyun returned to the closed courtyard and continued to practice, refining the heavenly monster blood pill to improve his strength. His twin spirit mansion, a spirit mansion needs pure spiritual power and cannot be detected, but it can already be confirmed that it was destroyed by heaven and earth. The aura is full, and the other one can be found on the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword.

He had refined several Yaoxue pills before, and the degree of solidification of the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword had reached a little over [-]%. Only when it was refined to [-]%, could it completely condense the realm, transform into a spirit king, and achieve the spirit king state.

However, the domain condensed by the [-]% solidified Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword just broke through the imperial prestige of Emperor Baixuan. From this we can see how powerful this domain is if it is formed.

Jian Fengyun also had some expectations. In this life, his combat power in the True Spirit Realm had already surpassed that in his previous life.

Jian Fengyun began to practice, but there were more than ten auras of venerables in the void inside the Wu family. Needless to say, these were all sent by Zuo Hai to strengthen the defense of the city lord's mansion because he was worried about the Wu family's defense.

In name, it was to strengthen the defense of the City Lord's Mansion, but everyone in the Wu family knew that these people were here to protect Jian Fengyun.

At the same time, Danyuan League
"Elder Huo Yin, there are more than a dozen noble auras in the Wu family, and there are a few extremely hidden emperor auras in it. If you want to kill Jian Fengyun, even the peak emperors are impossible, unless a strong monarchy takes action! "Bai Xuan broke through the sky and said to Huo Yin.

"Wanbaolou, it seems that you have decided to fight against me!" Huo Yin's face turned cold, and he grabbed the delicate jade cup in his hand, turning into powder and dissipating in the air.

Thinking with your toes, apart from the Deacon Hai of Wanbao Building, almost no one in Wuling City can mobilize so many powerful people at once.

"King Baixuan"

(End of this chapter)

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