Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 374 Changes in Wuling City

Chapter 374 Changes in Wuling City
"King Baixuan, the poison in your body is wrapped in me. I promise to minimize the toxin in your body within a month. I will let the Danyuan League start to suppress Wanbaolou. Within a month, that boy will definitely be killed by Wanbao. Lou gives up, please take action when the time comes!"

Huo Yin thought about it for a while, and then said to Emperor Baixuan in front of him.

"Master Huo Yin, don't worry, as long as you get rid of the poison in my body, I, Bai Xuan, will naturally not break my promise!" Bai Xuan said lightly.

For some reason, the words Jian Fengyun said to him before leaving appeared in his heart at this moment.

Soon, in Wuling City, the Danyuan League announced that it would stop cooperating with Wanbaolou, but all warriors who consume in Wanbaolou will be included in the Danyuanmeng's blacklist, and Danyuanmeng will not sell pills to people on the blacklist .

As a force faintly surpassing the Alchemist Association, the news released by the Danyuan League can be imagined to have a great impact on the Wanbao Building in Wuling City. Almost in a day, all the customers of the Wanbao Building disappeared.

The huge Wanbao Building is deserted and deserted, and almost no one wants to come here, for fear of being misunderstood and blacklisted by the Danyuan League. You must know that living in a city like Wuling City, which is close to thousands of miles of wasteland, medicine pills are indispensable. Losing the source of the elixir is equivalent to losing more than [-]% of the chance of survival in this kind of city.

Faced with this level of suppression, Wanbaolou actually closed the store door, and seemed to be silent, and did not make a sound for a whole day.

Until night, Zuo Hai quietly left from Wu's house, the light of Wanbao Building lit up, and a piece of explosive news came from inside Wanbao Building.

"With the help of a powerful and mysterious heaven-level pharmacist, Wanbaolou has refined a batch of ground-level top-quality spirit blood pills. For those who are strong in the spirit king realm, one pill can break through a small realm, and taking one of the spirit blood pills can increase the level by [-]%. The chance of breaking through, taking it at the Spirit Emperor Realm can speed up the speed of cultivation, and the chance of breaking through has been increased by [-]%."

This news spread across the streets and alleys of Wuling City in an instant. Everyone was taken aback when they heard the news, and then laughed and said, this is a rumor.

You know, in Wanyu, everyone knows that the Alchemy Alliance and the Alchemist Association are the holy places for alchemists. There are almost no alchemists who join other forces. Even if they want to join other forces, it is impossible to join Wuling City. The small Wanbaolou branch is tantamount to burying talent. You must know that there are not many heavenly alchemists.

However, as the news spread and Wanbaolou sent people to confirm it, everyone who didn't believe it couldn't help but believe it.

Dan Yuan League, Elder's House
"How is it possible? How is it possible that Wanbaolou will recruit a heavenly alchemist at this time, and they will also refine such a powerful pill." It collapsed and fell apart.

What makes Huo Yin unbelievable is why Wanbaolou didn't show this ability before, and they still rely on their Dan Yuanmeng to provide pills. Could it be that they purely want to embarrass him?

No, the effect of this Spirit Blood Pill is so powerful, doesn't that mean that the pill business of the Pill Yuan League will be impacted?
Huoyin suddenly realized something, if before, their Danyuan League and Wanbaolou had a cooperative relationship, Wanbaolou might have distributed this kind of pill to them for sale in Danyuanmeng, but now, they have fallen out and want to get The distribution right of this kind of elixir is absolutely impossible.

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic Huo Yin became. He seemed to see that most of the alchemy shops in Wuling City sold this powerful elixir, but their Danyuan League did not. If this continues, it will be the branch of the Danyuan League Being squeezed out of the power structure of Wuling City.

This is no longer his personal grievance for standing up for his apprentice, the matter has been sublimated to a commercial battle between forces that is about the rise and fall.

As if aware of this, Huo Yin hurried out and reported the matter to the vice president of the Dan Yuan League branch.

After a while, all the elders of the Danyuan League branch came together for a meeting. This kind of lineup has almost never appeared in the Danyuan League.

However, in Wuling City, such a meeting is not limited to the Dan Yuan League, the branch of the Alchemist Association, and even the major chambers of commerce all staged the same scene.

The content of the meeting was all about the ultra-high-grade Spirit Blood Pill that Wanbaolou will put on sale tomorrow.

As night fell, the pavilions and halls of Wuling City were lit with lights everywhere. Almost all the spies in Wuling City were mobilized, and they all began to look for clues of the heavenly alchemist recruited by Wanbao Building.

Especially the Alchemy Union and the Alchemist Guild, they thought they had the alchemy skills that pharmacists dream of, and they thought that as long as they found that celestial alchemist, they could be drawn into their camp.

However, no matter how these people searched, they couldn't find the slightest clue about Jian Fengyun. Even if they found it, no one would think that Jian Fengyun would be that heavenly alchemist.

Let me just ask, most of the sky-rank alchemists in Wanyu are old men in their seventies and eighties, how could they become geniuses in medicine at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

Wanbaolou quietly arranged twice as many strong people in the Wu family to protect Jian Fengyun.

Wu family hall
"Hahaha, Patriarch, we broke through to the peak of the Spiritual Venerable Realm yesterday. With this progress, we will be able to break through to the Spiritual Emperor Realm in a short time." The Great Elder of the Wu Family said to Wu Shan with a smile on his face.

"That's right, Patriarch, the younger generation of our Wu Family also had eight young geniuses who broke through to the Spirit King Realm yesterday." Another elder beside him also said with a smile.

"Didn't the elders dislike Mr. Jian very much before?" Wu Shan said to these elders indifferently.

"Hehe, Patriarch, it wasn't us old guys who were dazed and confused before, and almost offended Mr. Jian, but now everything is over, the Wu family will become stronger and stronger, all thanks to Mr. Jian!" The elder of the Wu family laughed dryly. Twice, to cover up his embarrassment.

"That's right, that's right, Patriarch, it's us old fellows who are old and blind, don't keep it in your mind!" The other elders on the side echoed.

"Hmph, well, I got it, you guys go down first, I have my own plans for everything in the Wu family!" Wu Shan snorted softly, and immediately waved his hand to signal them to go out.

The elders of the Wu family retreated obediently.

Looking at the elders who have withdrawn, Wu Shan couldn't help showing a big smile on his face. After so many years, today he feels the joy of being the head of the family.On weekdays, these old guys always questioned their decisions based on various external factors such as seniority.

However, he still has to maintain his original majesty in the face of the elders of the family, and he can't be too casual. After all, he is the head of the family, so he can't lose his composure.


(End of this chapter)

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