Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 375 Demon Blood Pill Ineffective

Chapter 375 Demon Blood Pill Ineffective

"Ling'er, it's late at night, take some spiritual food to Mr. Jian, and ask him what else he needs, the Wu family will definitely do their best!"

Afterwards, Wu Shanbian ordered Wu Ling'er to take a fresh spiritual food to visit Jian Fengyun in the other courtyard of Fengting.

Wu Shan knows very well that the reason why the Wu family can exist today is because of this mysterious and powerful young Tianjiao behind them.

Fengting Bieyuan
Jian Fengyun sat cross-legged in the other courtyard, with a solemn treasure appearance, with a distance of tens of feet around his body glowing with silver light, the silver light exuded an incomparably fierce sword energy, the vegetation trembled, and the void hummed.

In a few days, he refined more than 100 pieces of Heaven-grade Demon Blood Pill, which was many times stronger than the Spirit Blood Pill announced by Wanbaolou tonight.

The ground-level top-grade spirit blood pill can only break through a small realm of the Spirit King Realm, increase the breakthrough rate of the Spirit Venerable Realm by [-]%, and increase the breakthrough rate of the Spirit King Realm by [-]%.

Heaven-rank super-grade demon blood pills are different. It can be used to sprint to the realm of the spirit king, spirit master, and spirit emperor. Refining one in the spirit king realm can directly break through a large realm to reach the spirit master, and refining one in the spirit realm can raise a small realm. , Two pieces of the Spirit Emperor Realm can break through a small realm, and three pieces can sprint to a large realm.

In such a comparison, it is enough to see how powerful the medicinal power of the Heaven Rank Demon Blood Pill is. For ordinary warriors at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, it would be difficult to digest a single Demon Blood Pill. The medicine in the living body exploded and died.

However, Jian Fengyun is different. The "Taishi Swallowing Heaven Sword Sutra" he practiced is a practice created by Taishi Daoist Venerable Taishi in the Dharma-ending Era. It can swallow thousands of energies, and it needs several times the spiritual power of ordinary people to repair it on weekdays. Enough to absorb, now in the True Spirit Realm, with the inheritance of Zhenhe and the Shuangling Mansion, the energy consumed is even more terrifying.

For Jian Fengyun, more than 100 Yaoxue pills only condensed 60.00% of the true spirit of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword. After condensing to 60.00%, Jian Fengyun found that swallowing Yaoxue pills could not improve the strength by one thousandth of the previous effect. .

The effect of Yaoxue Pill has been weakened!
If you take multiple pills of the same medicine, it is very likely that the efficacy will not be as good as the first pill, and even some powerful pills can only be taken once by a person, and taking it again will have no effect.

Jian Fengyun had expected this problem a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. All this is thanks to the continuous supply of heaven-level spiritual materials provided by Wanbaolou, as well as the terrifying absorption ability of his exercises.

Jian Fengyun looked at the more than 1000 heaven-rank top-grade demon blood pills left in the storage ring, and couldn't help sighing.

It seems that he has refined too much, and also, it is too easy for him to break through the spirit king realm just by taking the Yaoxue pill. After all, he has made a lot of efforts before, but it has no effect at all.

Soon, Jian Fengyun entered the room and saw Xue'er who was also cultivating. These days, she was also cultivating, and her realm seemed to have reached the peak of the Spirit King Realm, and there was a faint tendency to break through to the Spirit Exalted Realm.

"Master!" The corners of Xue'er's cherry red lips moved slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes on her beautiful cheeks suddenly opened, looking at Jian Fengyun in surprise.

"En!" Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head lovingly.

Xue'er looked at Jian Fengyun with flushed cheeks, and couldn't help but feel ashamed for a moment, which was alluring.

Seeing the girl's beautiful appearance, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but feel his heart move, he stretched out his arms into his arms, smiled lightly at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were tender like water.

Dongfang Ling'er in the previous life died for him, and until he died, he was not able to be with her, which became a regret in his life. In this life, he must obey his heart, love as he should, and leave no regrets.

"Xue'er, do you feel that we may have known each other in the previous life, but the marriage was wrong, so I let you come to me in this life."

Jian Fengyun lowered his head, looked at the girl, his eyes moved, and said thoughtfully.

"Master, when will you be able to talk about love." Jian Xue'er's cheeks turned redder, and her watery eyes were a little afraid to look at Jian Fengyun.

She didn't know how to respond to her son's enthusiasm.

"I've always been able to, it's just that my Xue'er didn't know about it before." Jian Fengyun said with a twitch of his mouth, looking at her with interest.

Practice is in a hurry, and occasionally teasing and relaxing makes him feel relaxed.


Jian Xueer murmured in a low voice, her pretty face flushed to the cheeks, she buried her head in her chest, not daring to look directly.

There was a touch of expectation in her heart, but also a little apprehension, a very strange feeling.

Like a girl in Huaichun, she has so many thoughts that it is difficult to guess.

"Haha, when did my Xue'er become so shy?"

A rare smile appeared on Jian Fengyun's face, looking at the flawless face with his head lowered and shy, he opened his mouth and said.

"Where, Xue'er's skin has always been thin."

Jian Xueer raised her head subconsciously, her cherry red lips parted, and she pouted slightly.

"Oh, so what do you mean by saying that the young master has thick skin?"

Jian Fengyun blinked his eyes, and said in a voice pretending to be angry.

"No, Xue'er didn't mean that."

Jian Xueer stuck out her tongue, the blush on her face spread slightly.

I don't know why, today's young master made her feel weird. Although it was weird, she was inexplicably happy.

Looking at the woman lying in his arms, Jian Fengyun didn't make any further movements. Xue'er's memory is still recovering, and he doesn't want to do too much to leave regrets.

"Brother Fengyun, Dad asked me to bring some supper over, can you go in?"

At this moment, Wu Ling'er's voice suddenly came from outside the room.

Hearing this voice, Xue'er instinctively broke free from Jian Fengyun's arms, pulled up the quilt beside her to cover her cheeks, seeing the girl's shy appearance, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile.

"Xue'er, wait for the young master obediently in the room!"

After finishing speaking, Jian Fengyun walked out of the room to the center of the other courtyard, looked at Wu Ling'er who was carrying a lunch box outside the restraint, and said.

"Come in, Ling'er, didn't I say that this restriction is not valid for you, you can freely enter and leave the Fengting courtyard!"

Wu Ling'er came in, and when she heard Jian Fengyun's words, her cheeks blushed, and she couldn't help thinking of that day when he hurriedly informed Jian Fengyun to attend the Wu family's celebration banquet, and rushed in just in time to see Jian Fengyun and Jian Xueer making out. The scene, said immediately.

"I still want to say hello, what if brother Fengyun is working?"

"It's okay!" Jian Fengyun said, and immediately enjoyed the table of spiritual food that had been set.

Seeing Wu Linger's weird expression, Jian Fengyun seemed to think of something, immediately put down his chopsticks, and said.

"Ling'er, are you worried about your brother Fengting?"

(End of this chapter)

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