Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 380 The Power of the Sword State of Mind

Chapter 380 The Power of the Sword State of Mind
"Stop arguing, let's go together!"

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth moved slightly, and he spoke suddenly.

Sanguang Fozi's attainments in Buddhism and Qin Xuan's ruthless swordsmanship are both extremely extraordinary martial arts, but compared with his swordsmanship, they should be incomparable.

Martial arts are divided into five realms: shape, energy, mind, Tao, and heart, corresponding to the five realms of martial arts rules: entry, minor success, great accomplishment, perfection, and great perfection.

Taking kendo as an example, kendo is divided into sword-shaped state, sword-qi state, sword-art state, sword-way state, and sword-mind state.

Jian Fengyun's swordsmanship had already reached the realm of sword heart in his previous life, turning ten thousand dao into swordsmanship, using the sword to pass through the gods, if he doesn't care about the realm, if he only competes at the martial arts realm, there are few people in the ten thousand realms who are his opponents.

However, there is no certainty in everything. After 3000 years of silence, if martial arts do not advance, they will retreat. Maybe the martial arts in the myriad domains can even reach the level of gods. Moreover, if you haven't polished your sword for 3000 years, whether it still has the power of the past? Jian Fengyun Also want to try.

"Mr. Fengyun, poor monks don't bully people!" Sanguang Fozi said in awe.

"Jian Fengyun, I will defeat you, how about you tell me where Emperor Fengyun is hiding?" Qin Xuan's white hair fluttered, a pair of obsidian-like eyes flashed a cold fighting intent.

"Okay, if you can defeat me at the level of martial arts without using your spiritual power, I'll tell you." Jian Fengyun said with a slight hook of his mouth.

A little fighting intent suddenly rose in his eyes, wanting to test his swordsmanship.

"Passionate but like tears, cut the thread of love in front of the stringed music bottle."

The long sword in Qin Xuan's hand was out of its sheath impressively. On the long sword in his hand, streams of sword energy poured out. In the void, a white-haired beauty suddenly appeared. The beautiful face burst into tears, and she swung her sword to cut off her love.

In an instant, a wave of boundless sadness swept over in an instant, as if it wanted to swallow the whole person's mind.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and an illusory long sword suddenly fell into his hand.

"Love is easy to break, love is hard to break, and the spring style of Yijian is born again."

The illusory long sword swung lightly, and a wisp of gentle sword energy swayed away, instantly dispelling the boundless sadness in Qin Xuan's hand.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xuan's icy face suddenly showed a dignified look, and she was able to feel that her sword just now was directly dissolved by Jian Fengyun invisibly, given her state of the imperial realm.

A wave of spring was full of vitality, containing endless vitality, and the vigorous energy turned into sword energy, and then rippling towards her.

"Relentless is not as passionate as bitterness, and the edge of a sword is cold."

Not to be outdone, Qin Xuan swung the long sword in his hand, the air around him instantly became icy cold, and the sword energy dispersed, making everyone feel as if they had fallen into an abyss of ice.

"Beauty, you have such a cold heart!" Sanguang Fozi couldn't help urging the Buddha's power to release a shield to resist the severe cold.

"Ruthless Sword Intent." Jian Fengyun's eyes lit up, except for Hongxiu Tianxiang back then, he has never seen anyone who has practiced the Ruthless Sword Art to the Sword Art Realm, and the successor of the Red Sleeve Empress did not disappoint him.

"Ninety thousand li Fuyao sword, million zhang Fengyun sword!"

Almost at the same time, in Jian Fengyun's hand, the long sword flipped over, a wisp of sword energy gushed out, and the void instantly reversed, soaring straight up ninety thousand miles, and the sky leveled with the sword.

Before Qin Xuan could react, she suddenly felt a chill on her neck, and the sword's edge was already on her neck that could be broken by blowing bullets.

"You lost!" Jian Fengyun looked indifferently.

The sword just now was his impromptu sword, and he didn't fully display the martial arts state of Jian Xinjing, but he used some strength.

Qin Xuan came to his senses, looked at the young man in white clothes in front of him, and the icy sword edge on the side of his neck, gritted his teeth immediately, and said, "What is your martial arts realm?"

She was not reconciled, the sword just now condensed the sword intent she had just comprehended recently. During the few months in the Hall of Immortality, her greatest achievement was that the way of the sword reached the state of sword spirit, that is, the state of martial arts reached the state of great accomplishment.

She thinks that there are not many arrogances who have reached the martial arts realm in the Ten Thousand Realms. What she didn't expect was that the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in front of her had such a realm. Breaking her sword intent with a single sword, this is at least the sword realm , that is to say, the juvenile martial arts rules in front of him have at least reached the perfect martial arts.

"Do I need to tell you?" Jian Fengyun put away his long sword, turned around immediately, and stepped into the depths of the Immortal Hall.

Looking at Jian Fengyun's back, Sanguang Buddha on the side couldn't help but gasped, and said: "It's a perfect way of swordsmanship, fortunately the poor monk didn't make a move, otherwise the Buddha would be ashamed."

Qin Xuan looked at Jian Fengyun's back, a stubborn look flashed in his eyes.

As the princess of Nanshan and Southern Dynasties, she has been admired by thousands of people since she was an adult, and she is unparalleled in swordsmanship, and is known as the hope of the Southern Dynasties.

However, among the Tianjiao Tianjiao she knows, there are not many who can cultivate the realm of martial arts to perfection at the age of fifteen or sixteen. You must know that martial arts are not cultivated by spiritual power, and there is almost no external force to improve the realm of martial arts. Martial arts need to be comprehended by the warriors themselves. However, a person's energy and thinking are limited. Even if he comprehends martial arts from the womb, it is impossible to reach perfection in 16 years.

According to her understanding, among the ten thousand domains, those who can cultivate martial arts to a higher level are almost all old monsters who have cultivated for thousands or even ten thousand years.

Jian Fengyun ignored the gaze behind him, when he made his last strike, he knew that there was no need to compare with them, their martial arts realm could be regarded as the peak at the same level, but for him, there was no comparison.

What he has to do now is to prepare the purple mad flame dragon's demon crystal and blood essence into liquid medicine, and then refine and absorb it.

In the Hall of Immortality, within half a day, Jian Fengyun prepared a pool of purple medicinal liquid, which was bubbling hot like magma, and from time to time, several purple flames would burn on top of the medicinal liquid.

"Master, is this really medicinal liquid?" Qingdi Sword Spirit attached to the back of Jian Fengyun's right hand felt the hot temperature in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little hairy.

"That's right, it's a pity that the blood essence of the Zikuangyan Jiao didn't completely transform into the blood essence of the Zijin Yanjiao, otherwise this pool of medicinal liquid would be able to break through to the Spirit King Realm." Jian Fengyun said lightly, and then jumped into the in the pool.

The next moment, the robe on Jian Fengyun's body was wiped out, and his body in the purple magma-like medicinal liquid instantly emitted a burst of silver light, resisting the terrifying temperature in the medicinal liquid.

"The Tuntian Sword's body is small and its defense is quite strong." Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and he immediately reacted.

At first he.
(End of this chapter)

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