Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 381 Missing

Chapter 381 Missing

"The Tuntian Sword's body is small and its defense is quite strong." Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and he immediately reacted.

When he was accepting the inheritance of Daoist Taishi, his body automatically absorbed the source of the Five Elements Law of the Immortal Palace, and he refined the body of Tuntian Sword to a small level, and his defense power was already extremely high.

Now falling into this medicinal liquid containing powerful purple flames, the defensive power of the Tuntian sword body is instantly activated, and Jian Fengyun can feel the power of Qi and blood rolling in the body, which is extremely powerful.

"Taishi Daoist is really an outstanding talent in the world, the defensive power of this Tuntian sword body is not inferior to those divine body techniques!" Jian Fengyun sighed, immediately controlled the power of Qi and blood in his body, and slowly put away the Tuntian The power of the sword body.

To absorb the power of qi and blood in the medicinal liquid, one has to endure the pain of Ziyan forging the body. The Tuntian Sword Qi can resist these forces, so he can only temporarily put away the power of the Tuntian Sword Body and start Refining liquid medicine.

The silver light slowly dimmed from Jian Fengyun's body, and in an instant, the powerful energy of blood in the purple medicinal liquid rushed towards Jian Fengyun crazily.

In an instant, around Jian Fengyun's body, hot bubbles rose and burst, showing the high temperature.

Jian Fengyun was placed in the center of the purple liquid medicine, a red light slowly emerged from his body, which was obviously caused by the force of Qi and blood in the liquid medicine pouring into the body and bursting into fullness.

However, Jian Fengyun wasn't worried at all, the "Taishi Swallowing Heaven Sword Sutra" in his body continuously swallowed up the power of Qi and blood, turned it into pure sword power, and gathered it in the Lingfu.

In the center of Lingfu, the level of solidification of Fengyun Sword began to climb upwards from 50.00%, and broke through 60.00% after a while, and continued to increase.

On Jian Fengyun's side, a silvery-white ray of light lit up again, this time, it wasn't the power of the Heaven-Tuning Sword Body, it was the King Dao Domain that was about to take shape.

Three days later, Jian Fengyun's figure stepped out of the Wu family's courtyard impressively, followed by two girls in black clothes.

"Brother Fengyun, can we really save Brother Fengting if we go to Yuan's house like this?" Wu Ling'er frightenedly followed Jian Fengyun to the direction of Yuan's house.

"Don't worry, today I can't help bringing your brother Feng Ting back safely, and I will also destroy his Yuan family!" Jian Fengyun glanced slightly, and said immediately.

After three days of retreat, he is only one step away from the Spirit King Realm. After refining that pool of medicinal liquid, the solidification degree of the Heaven-devouring Immortal Sword has reached 90.00%, and the kingly realm will be condensed.

If he was able to crush more than a hundred spirit kings in Wuling City before, now he can directly kill those spirit kings. The improvement in strength made him eager to try it.

However, he wants to destroy the Yuan family. Apart from the reason they provoked them before, there is another reason that the evil spirit of the Yuandan son is extremely obvious. He suspects that the Yuan family has something to do with the evil sect. They do all kinds of evil, and evil martial arts practitioners are even more devoid of conscience. If they are not eliminated, there will be no peace in the Ten Thousand Territories.

The Yuan Family is located in the center of Wuling City, and its geographical location is even better than that of the Wu Family, the city lord's mansion. It can be said that the most prosperous place in the entire Wuling City is where the Yuan Family is located.

"Stand, the important place of the Yuan family, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

When he reached the gate of Yuan Mansion, two guards stepped forward to block Jian Fengyun's way.

"I'll give you three breaths, leave immediately, I won't hurt the innocent." Jian Fengyun lifted his eyes slightly, and said immediately.

"Boy, I think you are tired of life, and you dare to come to Yuan's house to seek death!"

As soon as the guard heard Jian Fengyun's words, he immediately thought that Jian Fengyun was the one who came to provoke trouble, and immediately yelled and stretched out his hand to catch Jian Fengyun.

The surrounding guards of the Yuan family were also alarmed, and a group of guards rushed over at the same time, making an instant attack.

"There are always people who don't understand what people say." Jian Fengyun sighed lightly, and then waved his hand, a strong sword force gushed out, directly knocking out dozens of guards in front of him.

He is not a bloodthirsty person, these guards just took money from the Yuan family to guard the gate for them, he is not a member of the Yuan family, so he does not need to kill.


With a wave of Jian Fengyun's hand, a ray of sword light flashed, and the huge fine copper gate was shattered and opened, and the ground was covered with copper shavings, making a mess.

The bronze door shattered, instantly attracting the attention of the guards in the Yuan family.

"Someone forcibly broke into Yuan's house, go and ring the alarm bell and notify the elders!" a martial artist guarding the courtyard said impressively.

These guardian warriors are all collateral descendants of the Yuan family, but because of their lack of talent, they were arranged to look after the guardian courtyard here.

As soon as Jian Fengyun stepped into the Yuan's house, he felt a strong aura of evil cultivation, as if it was in the depths of the Yuan's house, and immediately walked towards the depths of the Yuan's house.

"Stop, who are you to dare?"

Those guarding warriors blocked Jian Fengyun's way, just when he opened his mouth, he was blown away by a huge force before he could finish his words, and his body was lying on the ground in a mess, and he passed out.

"Stop him, stop him!"

At this moment, a large number of warriors in the Yuan family rushed in one after another, drew out their swords one after another, and attacked Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun's eyes slightly wrinkled, and with a wave of his hand, wisps of sword energy flew out. In an instant, dozens of warriors were lying on the ground, and the scarlet blood filled the quiet Yuan family. There was a bloody smell.

Soon, the people who rushed up were all frightened by Jian Fengyun's thunderous means, is this still human?

Taking people's lives with a flick of a finger is like picking something out of a bag. This method is by no means normal.

"Don't come here, let me tell you, our elder and Patriarch will be here soon, our Yuan family is the first family in Wuling City, don't make mistakes, ah."

Soon, this group of warriors scattered, facing the god-killing Jian Fengyun, no one was not worried about their own lives, they only dared to threaten Jian Fengyun from a distance, but they did not dare to approach.

Jian Fengyun didn't bother to pay attention to these people, he walked towards the strong evil spirits in his perception, along the way, although many people came, none of them could block his footsteps.

"It's not good, the elder and the head of the family are both missing. I have searched the clan hall and the elder's house, but there is no one!"

At this moment, a panicked exclamation suddenly sounded.

This news was like a heavy bomb, blowing away those warriors in Yuan Mansion who were resisting Jian Fengyun's path, and scattered them in a hurry.

"What? The head of the family and the elders are both missing. Did they know that the family was about to be robbed and just slipped away?"

"The family has abandoned us, what family are we still guarding, run away!"

Jian Fengyun.
(End of this chapter)

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