Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 382

Chapter 382
"What? The head of the family and the elders are both missing. Did they know that the family was about to be robbed and just slipped away?"

"The family has abandoned us, what family are we still guarding, run away!"

Jian Fengyun watched the offshoots of the Yuan family fleeing in all directions, and did not try to stop them. Once the hearts of a family are scattered, it will be difficult to reunite, not to mention that even if the Yuan family reunited, it would be nothing more than an ant-like force to him. Not worth mentioning at all.

Jian Fengyun's figure appeared in the depths of Yuan's house, a huge black iron gate abruptly blocked the way, and in his perception, an extremely strong evil spirit stayed inside.

"Be careful, son!"

At this moment, there was a shocking fluctuation in the void in front of Jian Fengyun, and the figures of ten Martial Emperors appeared directly, blocking Jian Fengyun's body.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ling'er behind Jian Fengyun's face suddenly became brighter, ten Linghuang powerhouses, and the aura seemed to be stronger than her father's.

Jian Fengyun glanced at the ten people and nodded slightly. It seems that Zuo Hai really put his heart into it. Although the ten strong men at the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm are still far from the Spirit Emperor Realm, they are also existences above the later stage of the Spirit Emperor Realm. It can be said that these people in Wuling City represent invincibility.


Almost at the same time, the ten spirit emperors had already mobilized their spiritual power to bombard the iron gate. However, after a burst of roar, the black iron gate was still closed without any damage.

"Why can't it be opened?" The Spirit Emperor Realm expert who made the move suddenly said, with a look of horror on his face.

He knew very well how much strength was used in that palm just now. In order to avoid danger behind the door, he used [-]% of his strength to strike down, not to mention just a black iron gate, it was made of imperial-level spirit iron. The door also had to punch a hole.

However, the black iron gate in front of him stood there motionless. If this hadn't happened to him, he would even suspect that it was a joke.

Seeing this scene, Linghuang on the side frowned immediately, and struck directly with another punch.


There was another roar, and the powerful fluctuation of spiritual power even shook the ground outside the black iron gate to be covered with cracks, and the dust flew up, but when the dust dispersed, the black iron gate remained motionless, and it could not even be seen that it had been damaged. attack.

"How is it possible!" The Linghuang who made the move said directly in surprise.

With the lessons learned from the former Linghuang, he directly used [-]% of his strength, but he still couldn't shake the black iron gate.

When this scene appeared, the ten spirit emperors couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay, very puzzled.

"I come!"

At this moment, the middle-aged Linghuang with the most powerful aura among the ten came out impressively, condensing the spiritual power on his body and making a move.

"There is no need to try. There is a void formation on the black iron gate, which cannot be cracked by brute force. Otherwise, even if the void is shattered, the black iron gate and the space behind it will be involved in the turbulent flow of space, making it difficult to find." Jian Fengyun looked at the black iron gate in front of him, thoughtfully.

"Ah!" All the Linghuangs were stunned at the same time, looked at Jian Fengyun, and said, "Then young master, what should we do? Do you want Deacon Hai to send a formation master?"

"No need, although the Formation of Void is mysterious, I happen to know how to solve it." Jian Fengyun boldly smiled and stepped forward impressively.

For a moment, more than ten eyes focused on him.

As soon as Jian Fengyun raised his hand, a wave of sword energy was concentrated in the palm of his hand, and he slowly stroked towards the black iron gate.

Sure enough, when his hand landed on the black iron gate, he could obviously feel a membrane as thin as a cicada's wing. This membrane blended with the real void, and people with insufficient spiritual sense could not perceive it at all.

In an instant, above Jian Fengyun's palm, a silver light shone impressively, and one after another mysterious formulas appeared on the black iron gate, as if they corresponded to something, but the flashing speed of the formulas was like traveling through space, before they could be seen clearly Disappeared in an instant.

ka ka ka-

Almost as soon as the silver light faded away, the black iron gate in front of Jian Fengyun suddenly opened, and a cloud of pitch-black gas gushed out impressively.

"Be careful, son!"

Suddenly, there was a soft shout, and the ten spirit emperors shot directly, and they all slapped the black air.

The black air exploded impressively, turning into strands of black light and entangled on the wrists of the ten spirit emperors, with strong corrosiveness, within a few breaths, the pitch-black light on the fists of the spirit emperors The black power has been swallowed up completely.


Jian Fengyun opened his mouth lightly, and shot directly, a faint blue flame gushed out from his hand, sweeping away the black power on the palms of the ten Linghuangs.

"That was just now?" The ten spirit emperors reacted impressively.

There was a feeling of survival after disaster in their hearts. When the black power surged into their hands, they almost smelled the extremely dangerous breath, but for a moment, it was only enough for them to mobilize their spiritual power, and they couldn't stop the black flame at all. , Just when they felt that the crisis was about to come, a faint blue fire flashed in front of them, taking away those black forces, and the sense of crisis from the depths of their souls disappeared immediately.

"That's the fire of resentful spirits, be careful, this dungeon is unusual!" Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the deep passage in front of him, he couldn't help frowning.

The fire of resentful spirits is a secret method that can only be controlled by thousands of people in the ancient wilderness. It is rumored that it is the burning flame of Jiuyou Hell. It is controlled by the secret technique of thousands of people in ancient times. It can burn all power and life. The only nemesis is strong flames.

These are what Jian Fengyun saw in the ancient books in his previous life. It is rumored that after the ancient times, Hongmeng evolved into ten thousand races, and the blood of ten thousand races was conceived by heaven and earth. Afterwards, almost all the ten thousand races were wiped out, so how could there be any secret arts of the ten thousand races here.

Jian Fengyun couldn't figure it out, but his consciousness still stayed in the dungeon, above that powerful evil spirit.

"Don't leave more than three feet away from my body, otherwise I won't be able to save you if you encounter the fire of resentful spirits." Jian Fengyun said to the ten spirit emperors beside him.

"Yes, young master!" The Linghuangs responded.

However, they soon discovered that something was wrong. It seemed that they were not here to protect Jian Fengyun, but Jian Fengyun was here to protect them.

The dark dungeon is full of cages. These cages are all made of ten-thousand-year-old black iron. There is almost a dead bone piled up in each cage, and the faded blood stains the cages. , making the dungeon even deeper.

The length of the dungeon is more than a hundred feet, and the ground is full of
(End of this chapter)

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