Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 383 Demon Devouring Power

Chapter 383 Demon Devouring Power
The dark dungeon is full of cages. These cages are all made of ten-thousand-year-old black iron. There is almost a dead bone piled up in each cage, and the faded blood stains the cages. , making the dungeon even deeper.

The length of the dungeon was more than a hundred feet, blood-stained instruments of torture were everywhere, and there were skeletons piled up everywhere. From these, we could see how many people the Yuan family had killed over the years.

Wu Ling'er clenched her fists tightly, and Jian Xue'er clenched her fists too, walking to the back, even the ten spirit emperors couldn't stand it any longer.

"This Yuan family is simply inhumane, so many people died in their dungeon."

Jian Fengyun swept across these bones, his face remained calm, but raging anger rose in his heart.

His soul is in the realm of the soul, and his spiritual sense is at the peak of the Great Emperor. He can easily feel the soaring resentment in this dungeon, the resentment of tragic death, even Jian Fengyun can feel the despair of these people before death .

Although he killed many people in his previous life, he killed people either to save himself or to save others. He never killed innocent people indiscriminately. He even established a set of Fengyun Emperor's Law in Fengyun Emperor's Domain. Regardless of strength or weakness, they must abide by the laws of the Emperor Fengyun.

In his previous life, he wiped out all the foundations of the evil sect in the Extreme Arctic Ice Kingdom because of the evil cultivators' cruelty, bloodthirsty, unruly and violent nature.

As he continued to go deeper, Jian Fengyun suddenly discovered a door of a dark room, stretched out his hand and pushed it, and stepped into it.

The sound of opening the door was very low, but when everyone stepped inside, they found a completely different scene from the rear.

This is also a dungeon, but it seems to be a living prison. Each cage is made of ten-thousand-year-old black iron, and there are isolation formations. It is impossible to open the dungeon without a specific formula.

In these dungeons, one can feel a faint trace of life.

Jian Fengyun fixed his eyes slightly, and immediately saw clearly that in the dungeon, there were many thin warriors imprisoned in the dungeon. Their consciousness was close to coma, and their mental state was extremely poor.

"Isn't this the president of the Baiwu Chamber of Commerce? How could he be imprisoned here?"

"There is also the owner of the Sanhai Pavilion. No wonder the Sanhai Pavilion will fall apart for no reason in 1000. It turns out that the owner of the pavilion was arrested here."

In an instant, the ten spirit emperors couldn't help but recognize the people in the dungeon. These ten spirit emperors were all scattered cultivators in the area of ​​Wuling City, and they were summoned by Wanbaolou. Very familiar.

Those who were imprisoned were either those who had offended the Yuan family, or those who supported the Wu family.

Even several of them, Wu Ling'er could recognize their faces, they had attended the Wu family's annual meeting before, but these people never came to the annual meeting again, the forces they belonged to either belonged to the Yuan family, or It fell apart and was annexed by other Yuan family forces.

The deeper you go, the more terrifying everyone feels. There are many of these people who are at the peak of the Spirit Emperor, and some of them are even about to step into the realm of the Spirit Emperor, but these people were actually captured by the Yuan family and imprisoned here , where did the Yuan family get such strength?

If the Yuan family had such a strong strength, why didn't they just take down the city lord, the Wu family, and even escape in advance in fear of their ten spirit emperors.

Everyone couldn't help but fell into doubt for a moment.

However, no one noticed that Jian Fengyun's face became more and more serious. His spiritual sense had already felt that all the people in the cage were injured by an evil force. The power of demon devouring is the power condensed from the innate secret technique of the ancient demon devouring clan. The power of demon devouring was once popular in Wanyu. At that time, countless emperors tried to take this power as their own. Use, the results have failed.

Until ten thousand years ago, a powerful force officially used this power for its own use, and this force was the evil cultivator force established in the extreme arctic country.

The power of devouring demons can continuously devour the power of these warriors and pass it on to the user to improve their strength.

At the beginning, the power of devouring demons appeared in Wanyu, and did not attract many people's attention. Until later, a peerless genius of the evil way rose up and used the power of devouring demons to devour dozens of long-famous saint emperors. At that time, Only people in Wanyu began to realize that everyone was in danger.

Jian Fengyun also started to attack evil cultivators at that time, but the power of evil cultivators is easy to be destroyed. He is an evil genius but it is difficult to kill. Today, he has become the master of the demon realm, the evil emperor Xietian, I don’t know how many people it is nightmare.

For a long time, when the strong men of Wanyu saw the power of devouring demons, they would think of the evil emperor Xietian, which shows how notorious his notoriety is.

Jian Fengyun's face became gloomy, and it was also because of this demon-devouring power and this familiar aura that he could even recall the scene where Xie Tian united with the ten emperors attacked him 3000 years ago.

The hatred and anger suddenly burned from the chest, and it was difficult to control it once it burst out.

Standing behind Jian Fengyun, the ten Linghuangs could not help being a little puzzled when they felt the sudden coldness of Jian Fengyun's side, but when they saw Jian Fengyun's indifferent eyes, everyone could not help but stopped asking .

"Brother Fengting!"

When everyone was about to go deep, Wu Ling'er seemed to see something, and immediately stepped forward, looking at a young man inside the cage through the formation outside the cage, and shouted excitedly.

As Wu Linger's excited voice sounded, all the people in the surrounding cages could not help but wake up, stood up tremblingly, and looked over.

They didn't speak, because most of them were speechless, the energy in their bodies was almost swallowed up by the power of demon devouring, every opening was a huge consumption, so they didn't speak.

The ten spirit emperors also noticed Wu Ling'er's actions in an instant, and immediately looked into the cage. They wanted to see who from the Wu family would be caught in this cage by the Yuan family and not die.

When their eyes swept over Wu Fengting, they couldn't move away immediately.

I saw a young man whose whole body was saturated with qi and blood, whose aura seemed to have reached the peak of the spirit king state. He seemed to be still immersed in his cultivation, and he did not feel the changes around him.

"How is it possible, even those old spirit emperors were swallowed up by the formation here, how could this young man be unscathed, and even his aura is still getting stronger!"

These spirit emperors were all taken aback, unable to understand.

Only Jian Fengyun glanced lightly, never moved, just joking, if something happened to Wufeng Pavilion, wouldn't he be blind for nothing? He taught him the secret art of the soul.

"Don't look, if you want to open this cage, you have to destroy the source of formation in this dungeon, otherwise even if you open the cage, they will all die."

Jian Fengyun.
(End of this chapter)

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