Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 403 Give away 65

Chapter 403 Give away 65
"Ba'er, the third floor is full of powerhouses in the Monarch Realm, there's no need to offend them with a useless battle gun!" Yin Daohuang said slowly to Yin Ba.

Yin Ba's face darkened slightly, and he gave up immediately. After all, it would be unwise to offend a strong man in the monarch realm.

Jian Fengyun's price increase instantly attracted the attention of several old monsters in the Junjing who were also on the third floor, and immediately used their soul power to carefully inspect the Fengmo gun on the auction site. This inspection immediately made them discover the strangeness of the Fengmo gun. The place contains the law of killing and the law of magic.

This discovery immediately attracted their attention. The power of these ready-made laws is enough for latecomers to comprehend the law of killing and magic, especially the law of magic. Few people in the human race can comprehend the law of magic.

"Prince, my grandson has been honing in the king, and he has not grasped the way of killing for many years. Will I take pictures of this wind demon gun without authorization, will it affect your final goal?" The prince said.

"It's okay, it's just that the funds I brought this time were entrusted by my father, so I can't use them, as long as I enshrine myself with spirit crystals, I can take them!" Zi Yuan said to Zi Tianzhan.

"20 middle-grade spirit crystals!" An old voice came from the private room on the third floor where the Tianxuan royal family lived.

Obviously, the offering from the royal family is interesting for this Fengmo gun.

In an instant, the entire auction room couldn't help discussing that it was able to attract the auctioneer of the Junjing powerhouse on the third floor. This Fengmo gun is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface.

However, even if everyone realizes that the Fengmo Spear is not simple, and no one bids for it, it would be an extremely unwise decision for anyone to offend the royal priest for a mere weapon.

"50!" Jian Fengyun raised the price without hesitation.

The two ways of law, and the method of controlling the magic way with the way of killing and cutting, are definitely worth the price Jian Fengyun paid.

After Jian Fengyun's words fell, the scene became silent again in an instant, 50, the price doubled directly, and in an instant, everyone couldn't help guessing, who is in the private room on the third floor, who is not afraid of offending the royal enshrined , and can take out so many spirit crystals.

Zi Tianzhan hesitated for a moment, then said again, "60!"

His grandson is his most valued successor, and for the sake of the younger generation, he finally offered the highest price in his heart.

"65!" Jian Fengyun raised the price again without thinking about it.

"Hey, it seems that my grandson has no chance with this knife, forget it!" Zi Tianzhan sighed, and did not continue to make an offer. If he could raise the price to 65 without hesitation, he would definitely be able to afford more. It was useless for him to fight for such a high price, so he simply gave up.

The entire auction house was silent for ten seconds, and everyone was shocked by Jian Fengyun's wealth.

65 middle-grade spirit crystals, without even hesitating to report directly, this is too much not to treat spirit crystals as money.

"The young master in the private room on the third floor bid 65 middle-grade spirit crystals. Is there anyone else who can offer a higher price?" Si Jianxue regained her composure, and immediately forcibly calmed down, and said.

This price far exceeded her expectations in the bottom of her heart. She is a member of the Si family and was born with a powerful treasure-appreciating bloodline. From the beginning, she saw the extraordinaryness of the Fengmo Spear, so she let Wanbaolou set a price of 65 middle-grade spirit crystals. Unexpectedly, the final transaction price was [-] times higher than her original price.

"No one offered a higher price, then 65 once, 65 twice, 65 three times, congratulations to the young master on the third floor, who successfully bid for the Fengmo gun!" Si Jianxue took a deep breath and said immediately.

This is definitely the most surprising auction in her career as an auctioneer.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and Jian Fengyun asked Wu Fengting to open the door.

"My lord, this is the Fengmo gun you took!" It was Zuo Hai who came to deliver the Fengmo gun, his face a little excited.

"Deacon Hai, here are seventy top-grade spirit crystals, equivalent to 75 middle-grade spirit crystals. I want a list of today's auction items!" Jian Fengyun smiled faintly at Zuo Hai, and said directly.

"The list of auction items is kept secret from outsiders." Zuo Hai looked at the seventy top-quality spirit crystals in front of him, with a look of hesitation on his face, and said immediately.

"Can't you?" Jian Fengyun slightly raised his eyebrows.

"This...Young Master is my partner of Wanbao Building, so he is naturally not an outsider. This is the list of today's auction and the arrangements for the funeral. Please don't spread it, Young Master!" Zuo Hai gritted his teeth slightly, and immediately took out a jade slip and handed it to him. Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun turned his mouth to Yujian, and said, "Thank you Deacon Hai, happy cooperation!"

Zuo Hai took away the top-quality spirit crystal and immediately retreated.

Everyone in the Wu family watched the whole process of Jian Fengyun taking pictures of the Fengmo gun, their tongues were dry and their faces were shocked. Is this a rich man?

"My lord, this is your Fengmo Spear!" Wu Fengting, who was holding a gun case, handed over the spear in his hand, and said immediately.

"You take it, this wind demon gun contains the way of killing and the law of magic, it is very suitable for your cultivation!" Jian Fengyun swept his eyes slightly, and said.

"Ah!" Wu Fengting was stunned for a moment, looked at Jian Fengyun, after a while he came to his senses, and said, "My lord, this gift is too expensive, I can't accept it!"

Although the 65 Fengmo Spear was very tempting to Ren Wufengting, but compared to Jian Fengyun's kindness, he finally gritted his teeth and refused.

"Accept it, and treat it as a meeting gift from me. Although you are a man of Linger, if you want to follow me, you must master the Fengmo Spear within seven days. Otherwise, you should stay in Wuling City and be the son-in-law of the city lord." !” Jian Fengyun said with his eyes lightly swept away.

The Wind Demon Spear is of no use to him. Although his Red-sleeved Emperor Sword is left in the Qingyun Region, he still carries the Thunder Lord Sword and other monarch-level spiritual weapons with him. , that is the sacred weapon of the Temple of War, and it can crush the Wind Demon Spear casually.

Wu Fengting was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, his eyes lit up, looking at Jian Fengyun, he said excitedly, "My lord, are you willing to accept me as an apprentice?"

"I don't accept apprentices, I just want you to practice with me, but if you can't control the Wind Demon Spear, you can skip the training!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, Wu Fengting's face immediately beamed with joy. His original purpose of his apprenticeship was to learn from Jian Fengyun's side, but Jian Fengyun directly said that he could practice along with him, which did not directly achieve his goal.

"Thank you son, I will definitely master the Wind Demon Spear!" Wu Fengting said immediately with a happy face.

After following martial arts for decades, Wu Fengting suffered setbacks everywhere, he never thought that the times are changing now, and being able to follow Jian Fengyun, this is simply a piece of cake from the sky for him.

Everyone in the Wu family was stunned. What's the situation, the 65 Fengmo gun is so worthless, and the two of them didn't even mention the Fengmo gun except at the beginning of their conversation.

The three elders of the Wu Family looked at Wu Fengting, couldn't help showing envious eyes, and swallowed, wishing that they were Wu Fengting.

"Everyone, the 99 treasures are just the beginning."

(End of this chapter)

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