Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 404 Money Crushing

Chapter 404 Money Crushing
"Everyone, the 99 treasures are just the beginning. Don't be discouraged. There will be two sets of imperial-level top-grade battle armor below. As long as the spiritual power is enough, the third-level metallic defensive inscriptions on the battle armor can ignore all those below the spirit emperor realm. Attack, are you ready to be crazy?" Si Jianxue mobilized the atmosphere and spoke excitedly.

"What! Two sets of top-grade imperial armor!"

The scene became noisy in an instant, instantly overshadowing the shock brought by Jian Fengyun who spent 65 to take pictures of the Fengmo gun.

The top-grade imperial battle armor is a whole level higher than the top-grade Fengmo gun of the Zun rank, and it is also engraved with metallic inscriptions that can ignore attacks under the spirit emperor realm. Compared with the useless appearance of the Fengmo gun, this The two sets of top-grade imperial armor are obviously more attractive, and the price will also be higher.

Amidst the noise, Si Jianxue continued to say, "These two sets of imperial battle armor were sent by the Immortal Artifact Pavilion. The best battle armor, starting price, 100 million middle-grade spirit crystals! If you are still hesitating, just think about the Immortal Artifact Pavilion, the things they produce are almost all treasures, and if you miss it, you may regret it for the rest of your life!"

Hearing this, the Junjing powerhouse on the third floor was startled, knowing that the real treasure had appeared. The Wind Demon Spear was just a small prize, and it was simply incomparable with these two sets of Huangjiji battle armor.

In the huge auction field, among the hundreds of private rooms, people from all major forces are gearing up. The best imperial armor is hard to find, and it is the imperial best armor from the Immortal Artifact Pavilion. You know, these In [-], the Immortal Artifact Pavilion completely crushed the existence of the Artifact Refiner Association and the Myriad Realms. When the Immortal Artifact Pavilion came out, it must be a high-quality product. Everyone knows this sentence.

"Haha, the people in the No. 65 private room on the third floor must be mad. They took out 100 middle-grade spirit crystals and bought a useless wind magic gun. Now there is a [-] million imperial-level top-grade armor. They should have no money to compete." Bar."

"Those Junjing powerhouses on the third floor should be happy, they lost a strong competitor."

Many people in the auction house were gloating, but the Junjing powerhouses in the other private rooms on the third floor were indeed rejoicing. The people in the private room on the [-]th just now were too domineering, and the rate of price increase was as normal as breathing. Lingjing is like a stone that doesn't need money, and it is naturally something to be happy about being able to lose such a competitor.

Jian Fengyun's eyes lit up slightly, and his soul power swept towards the two sets of top-quality imperial armor on the auction site, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "The armor is really good, and the imperial armor should be enough to refine as a body." gone."

"My Holy Soul Sword Sect bids 150 million middle-grade spirit crystals!"

In the private room on the second floor, Yin Ba immediately opened his mouth to bid, the top-grade imperial armor, which is a spiritual weapon enough to affect the duel of the strong, the price of 150 million is nothing at all.

"The White Tiger Ancient Country bids 200 million yuan!" A deep voice resounded from the private room on the third floor.

"250 million!" Yin Ba showed no sign of weakness.

Behind the Holy Soul Sword Sect is the Feixian Sect from the Sanctuary, and the Ancient White Tiger Kingdom can't frighten him at all.

"260 million!" The people from the ancient Baihu country continued, but they only added 250. Obviously, the price of [-] million is not low for them.

"300 million!" Yin Ba gritted his teeth slightly, hesitated and immediately quoted.

300 million is considered the limit for him, but the best royal armor produced by Xianqi Pavilion is hard to come by, so he still wants to make a bid.

After a while, the private room of the ancient white tiger country on the third floor fell silent. It was obvious that they had given up. For the people of the ancient white tiger country, it was not worth buying two sets of royal armor for 300 million, so they gave up.

The auction hall was completely silent. For the competition for treasures of this level, ordinary forces and warriors had no chance to bid at all.

Yin Ba breathed a little nervously. Looking at the two sets of top-grade royal armors on the auction site, both he and his father happened to need a set of such armors. lost.

He is confident that with this set of battle armor, his overall strength can be increased by more than [-]%. There is nothing more exciting than improving one's own strength.

Just when everyone thought that these two sets of top-grade royal armor were about to fall into the hands of the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

"I'll pay 310 million!"

A familiar but indifferent voice suddenly sounded, causing the entire auction house to focus their attention in an instant.

On the third floor, private room No. [-]!
Everyone was shocked. Just now, they spent 65 yuan to auction off a Wind Demon Spear. At this moment, there is still so much money to auction off the top-grade imperial battle armor. Who is this person, and he is too rich, right?
Yin Ba's expression froze, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm paying 320 million, the son of the No. 10 private room. I'm Yin Ba. I don't know if I can give up these two sets of armor in [-] minutes?"

Almost at the moment when Yin Ba's voice sounded, everyone in the auction room secretly scolded Yin Ba for being despicable. Yin Ba is a young generation of arrogance in the Tianxuan upper domain, and the strength of the Holy Soul Sword Sect in recent years is not obvious. Threatening the VIPs in the private room on the third floor to lower the price?

However, although Yin Ba is despicable, no one dares to say it. After all, Yin Ba's strength and the status of the Holy Soul Sword Sect are there. Even the strong Lingjun would not want to offend the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

"Yin Ba? What Yin Ba, I've never heard of it." Jian Fengyun smiled coldly, and immediately continued, "330 million."

Yin Ba's face froze, and his face suddenly turned ugly. There are still people in the Tianxuan Upper Region who don't know Yin Ba, "I am Yin Ba of the Holy Soul Sword Sect. If this friend is willing to give up, I will owe you the Holy Soul Sword Sect!" One favor, 350 million!"

Yin Ba's angry voice sounded out, obviously he was dissatisfied with Jian Fengyun's disdainful claim.

"Holy Soul Sword Sect? What kind of rubbish sect, but they don't have millions of spirit crystals. I'll offer 500 million. If your Holy Soul Sword Sect is good, follow suit!" Jian Fengyun said with a cold look in his eyes.

In this life, his parents had fallen indirectly into the hands of the Holy Soul Sword Sect, and it was impossible for him to give up his treasures to the Holy Soul Sword Sect.

"You..." Yin Ba became furious when he heard Jian Fengyun's voice, and a tyrannical imperial air suddenly burst out.

At this time, how could he not understand that the people in the private room on the third floor have always come to find fault, and the Holy Soul Sword Sect is well-known in Tianxuan and even in several surrounding ones? , how could anyone not know.

"It is forbidden to do anything in the auction house, or you will be expelled!" At this moment, a tyrannical aura suddenly descended, and the voice rang out in the private room of Yin Ba and Yin Daohuang.

(End of this chapter)

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