Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 406 The Price of the Demon Blood Pill

Chapter 406 The Price of the Demon Blood Pill
"Okay, let's take a look at the appearance of this demon blood pill first!" Si Jianxue smiled slightly on the stage, waved her hand, and twelve jade boxes glowing with white light appeared on the auction stage behind her.

Each jade box is engraved with formations, which are used to seal the spiritual power in the jade box and prevent the medicinal power of Yaoxue Pill from leaking out.

When everyone saw this scene, they became more and more convinced that the Yaoxue Pill was powerful. The jade box engraved with the sealing formation was called the Yunbao Box. A treasure accumulation box is worth a lot, if it is not a precious medicine, there is no need to store it in a treasure accumulation box.

Si Jian Xueyu lightly hooked her fingers, and the twelve treasure boxes were opened at the same time. In an instant, the top-grade pills glowing with rays of light were exposed to everyone's sight. The fog drifted away.

In the next second, Si Jianxue waved and closed the twelve treasure boxes, and said, "I believe everyone has seen it just now, the twelve heavenly-grade top-grade pills, once the elixir and mist appeared, Jianxue was lucky enough to sniff more After a few mouthfuls, I feel refreshed, and if I take the medicine, it will definitely work like a god."

Pill Fragrance Transforming Fog, that is a situation that occurs only when the elixir is refined to the extreme quality. This kind of elixir cannot be refined by an ordinary pharmacist, even if it is a pharmacist who is one level higher It is also extremely difficult to make the elixir of Danxiang Huawu.

Therefore, no one doubts the authenticity of the Yaoxue Pill any more, and all hesitation has now turned into turbulent impatience.

"Miss Jian Xue, don't say any more, just say, what's the starting price?" In the private room on the third floor, a powerful monarch from the ancient Baihu Kingdom spoke out.

"That's right, Miss Jianxue, hurry up and make an offer!"

In an instant, the strong men of many forces spoke out one after another, full of anticipation.

Si Jianxue smiled slightly on her beautiful face, and said, "Since that's the case, then Jian Xue won't say much more. The first piece of Heaven-ranked Demon Blood Pill, the starting price is [-] middle-grade spirit crystals!"

"This old man bids 20 middle-grade spirit crystals!" The powerful man in the monarch realm of the ancient White Tiger Kingdom suddenly uttered a voice, breaking the din of the auction hall.

"My Suzaku ancient country bids 30 middle-grade spirit crystals!" Hong Chang's coquettish shout sounded, with the majesty of a high-ranking person, and the high price was revealed.

"35!" Baili Jingwen from the Nine Man Palace said out loud. Obviously, for an ancient force like the Nine Man Palace, the Yaoxue Pill is also very attractive.

"36!" Holy Soul Sword Sect Yin Ba also quoted the price.

"37!" A royal voice resounded from the auction floor.

Obviously, apart from these big forces, some other warriors are also hard to resist the temptation of Yaoxue Pill.

"The White Tiger Ancient Country bids 40!" Another voice came from the private room on the third floor.

40 middle-grade spirit crystals, the price is not low, even surpassing many high-ranking elixir, but with the sky-defying effect of Yaoxue elixir, the price is far more than that.Although the price did not rise quickly after reaching 30, there were still many people bidding.

After a while, the first Yaoxue pill was bought by Baihu Guguo at a price of 67 yuan, which was [-] yuan higher than the price Jian Fengyun bought for the Fengmo gun before, but everyone present felt that it was nothing, after all, one piece could make the The price of the medicine that directly breaks through from the Spirit King Realm to the Spirit Venerable Realm is this price.

Soon, the battle for the second one also began.

"30!" Someone made an offer at the auction.

"35 million!"

"37 million!"

The price has risen rapidly, and many casual cultivators are even more eager to make a move, and some even don't hesitate to spend their life savings to buy Yaoxue Pill.

"My venerable Haishan has practiced Taoism for more than [-] years, and my realm has been stuck at the peak. I have to take this demon blood pill today even if I spend all my savings!"

"My time limit is approaching, Venerable Bai Hai, and this Yaoxue Pill has given me the hope of a breakthrough!" Another old man's eyes showed madness.

There are many people like this, but there are not many people who can take pictures of the Yaoxue Pill.

Of the twelve demon blood pills, at most one to three would fall into the hands of these casual cultivators. How could there be so many strong casual cultivators present, one to three pills, how could they have all of them.

"Oh my god, I can directly break through to the Spiritual Exalted Realm. I am 79 years old this year and have just broken into the Spiritual King Realm. This time, I must take this demon blood pill and directly break through to the Spiritual Exalted Realm." A person from the Tianxuan Imperial City The disciples of the aristocratic family spoke out loudly.

"In the early stage of my master Lingzun, I just broke through to the middle stage when I took a demon blood pill. This time, I can feel proud of myself in the family competition." Another rich man said.

There were only twelve Yaoxue Pills in total, and with so many people bidding wildly, none of them sold for less than 50 middle-grade spirit crystals, and even the last few sold for 90, which was close to a million.

As far as Si Jianxue saw the competition scene, she was a little stunned. As an auctioneer for so many years, she had auctioned countless high-ranking pills and royal-rank pills, but there was never a scene as fierce as this time, and the competition was as intense as this time. Once ferocious.

The twelve Yaoxue pills set off a frenzy in the auction field, and almost all the powerhouses above the spirit king state were excited. In the end, the twelve Yaoxue pills were obtained by Baihu Ancient Country, two from Suzaku Ancient Country, Tianxuan Imperial Family, Nine Man One each from the palace and the Holy Soul Sword Sect, and the remaining five, three of which fell into the hands of the major families in the Tianxuan Upper Domain, and two of them fell into the hands of those strong casual cultivators.

However, everyone seems to have noticed that the rich and powerful No. [-] private room on the third floor has never paid a price during the auction of the Yaoxue Pill. I took down the Fengmo Gun and two sets of the best royal armor, so I ran out of money.

That's right, the price of the Fengmo Spear and two sets of top-grade imperial battle armor is nearly 500 million. Even if those big forces directly take out 500 million middle-grade spirit crystals, it is not a small expense.

But at this moment, the corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled up slightly. Twelve heaven-grade top-grade demon blood pills were auctioned for more than 800 million yuan, and he took 400% of them, which was more than [-] million yuan. earned it back.

After the Yaoxue Pill, some treasures appeared in the auction, but Jian Fengyun was not interested in those things. There are 99 treasures, and it cannot be said that every one is good, but there must be a few good ones at the beginning. Let's look at the scene.

Apparently, Jian Fengyun took down the things that suppressed the scene, the Fengmo Spear, two sets of top-grade imperial battle armor, the Tianzuo Auction was not a large auction after all, it was just an auction held by the Zuo Family of Wanbaolou, there were not many treasures, This also allowed those casual cultivators sitting around the auction house to spend.

(End of this chapter)

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