Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 407 Zuo Zun

Chapter 407 Zuo Zun
"Ling'er, Fengting, and all the elders of the Wu family, take pictures of whatever you see later, and use it as my reward for nagging about the Wu family!" Jian Fengyun said lightly to the people around him.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone in the Wu family, Jian Fengyun took out the two sets of top-grade imperial battle armor that he had photographed before, and handed one set to Xue'er.

"Xue'er, let's refine these two sets of armor first. After refining, the top-grade imperial armor will hide in the body and move as we please." Jian Fengyun said gently to Xue'er.

"En!" Jian Xue'er responded lightly, took over the armor, and a gleam of happiness flashed in her eyes.

The imperial battle armor can be changed freely to adapt to warriors of any gender, so Jian Xueer can also refine it.

After finishing speaking, Jian Fengyun also urged Jian Yuanli to start refining this set of top-grade imperial armor. He knew that if [-]% of the forces in the auction site saw him, they would definitely make a move, because [-]% of the forces had But they were all tricked by him in the Nangu forbidden area.

Hurry up to refine the royal armor to improve the defense, maybe it will come in handy after the auction.

The auction lasted for one day, half a day later, almost all 99 pieces of treasures have been auctioned, and many warriors have already left, because they know that the subsequent auctions are not for them.

However, most people still stayed in the auction house. After all, the last few treasures that appeared in the finale, even if they couldn't get a glimpse of them from a distance, were worthwhile.

"The next auction will be the finale of the Tianzuo Auction's three treasures, each of which was selected through the Wanbao Building and our Si Family Supreme Elder's review competition, and each of them is priceless. "Si Jianxue's face was a little excited, and it was obvious that even she would rarely see the treasures to be auctioned next.

As soon as Si Jianxue finished speaking, almost all the people in the private room of the auction house stood up.

These people are all from some big powers, they have naturally heard of the Si family, Si Jianxue is just a junior in the Si family, but he is only a junior, and his status is not lower than the powerhouses of the major powers, There is no other reason, the Si family's skill in appraising treasures is unparalleled in the world, but the eyesight of a junior like Si Jianxue surpasses countless professional treasure appraisers.

However, Si Jianxue was on an equal footing with them, so the Supreme Elder of the Si family was definitely a legendary figure.

The more powerful the people, the more they know that the Si family's ability to appraise treasures will become stronger with age. An elder of the Si family once found a piece of treasure in an abandoned spiritual mine in the Tianxuan Dynasty. The ore discarded by people, after identification, a piece of peerless divine gold was obtained. This peerless divine gold is a holy-level spiritual material. It was known to almost all the powers in the world when it was born, and was eventually paid by the Tianxuan royal family at the price of tens of billions of top-quality spirit crystals. In the bag, similar major events have happened many times, but they are all secrets, only those big forces in the Tianxuan Upper Territory can know.

The most famous thing is that the divine gold bought by the Tianxuan royal family for tens of billions was finally cast into a national artifact, which suppressed the Tianxuan Dynasty for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, when Si Jianxue said that the three finale auction items turned out to be the treasures selected by the Si family's heavenly elders, they would definitely not be ordinary treasures.

"What Miss Jian Xue said is true. I heard that the elder of the Si family has been in seclusion for many years. How could he leave the seclusion just because of the Tianzuo auction? Could it be that you used it as a cover to fool me?" Baili Jingwen from the Nine Man Hall He frowned impressively.

Baili Jingwen, as the priest of the Nine Man Palace, obviously knows many secrets that are unknown to the outside world.

"This honored guest is right. The elder of the Si family has been in seclusion for many years, but this time he is about to leave the seclusion. It just happened that the Patriarch of the Zuo family came forward to invite him, so he made a move." Si Jianxue smiled lightly.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized that it was because Patriarch Zuo invited him. No wonder the elder of the Si family was willing to make a move.

At the same time, in a mysterious private room on the third floor of Wanbao Building,
"Father said that the first test is financial resources. It seems that these three things are the finale?" Zuo Zun's eyes moved slightly, and the two round beads in his hand turned slightly.

"My lord, I feel that the other competitors are also present, but I'm afraid it won't be enough time to settle all of them!" In the void beside Zuo Zun, an ethereal voice resounded impressively.

Zuo Zun lifted his eyes, with a look of arrogance on his face, and said disdainfully, "But some rubbish mixed in the lower and upper domains, except for Aolong, no one will be my stumbling block."

The void fluctuated slightly, and after a while, a voice came out, "Master, Mr. Aolong is your cousin, will it be too much if you do it directly?"

"Who said that we have to do it directly? There is an elder Taishang behind Aolong. If I use my father's ability to solve him, it will definitely cause the family to be full. Even if I get the first heir, I'm afraid it will be difficult to sit still. .” Zuo Zun frowned slightly.

"The young master wants it?" The person in the void hesitated for a moment and asked immediately.

"Get the three finale first, and then whether it's a competition for connections or power, the power I created in the sanctuary with my father's help over the years is enough for those old guys to recognize who the first heir of the family should belong to!" Left The one who closed his eyes, said.

Zuo Zun, as the No. [-] pride of the Zuo family, his father is the Supreme Elder of the Zuo family. Almost when he came back, he had already prepared a perfect plan. Under his calculation, the No. [-] pick of the Zuo family The heir is none other than him.

"Wonderful, young master, so you have thought about everything." A horrified voice came from the void.

This strong man was arranged by Zuo Zun's father. He originally thought that he was assigned to Zuo Zun's side to help Zuo Zun win the Zuo family heir test. Unexpectedly, Zuo Zun had already thought of everything.

However, he soon realized who Zuo Zun was. Although the Zuo family's Tianjiao had a good father, he could not be called Tianjiao without his own ability.

"The first auction item is the blood essence of the ancient clan!" Si Jianxue said, and then paused.

"The blood essence of the ancient dragon race!"

In an instant, on the entire third floor, all the powerhouses of the Spiritual Sovereign Realm stood up at the same time, protruding their soul power and swept towards a bone-shaped thing that appeared in the center of the auction room.

"The blood essence of the ancient dragon clan, how is it possible, the blood essence of the dragon!"

Everyone in the auction house was stunned for a moment, and then they stood up. First of all, they questioned, the dragon clan, in the history of Wanyu, is comparable to the existence of gods, how could it be possible for someone to get blood.

Looking at the horrified faces of the audience, Si Jianxue smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient, this dragon blood essence"

(End of this chapter)

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