Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 409

Chapter 409
"I have formed an alliance with Prince Ziyuan. He helped me win the first heir. I promise to support him in the royal family battle in the future. The general actions are hard to describe. I have troubled Prince Ziyuan to pass on the succession. Please help Master Jian."

There was a delicate aura revealed in the characters on the envelope, Jian Fengyun could feel it, it was exactly the same as the aura of Zuo Xijian he had seen back then.

After reading it, a flame suddenly rose from Jian Fengyun's palm and ignited the entire letter, and in a blink of an eye, the letter turned into flying ash and scattered away.

"Master Jian, is there anything in the letter that you don't understand?" Zi Yuan asked immediately when he saw this scene.

"There is nothing I don't understand, it's just that I have some doubts about one thing, and I want to ask Prince Ziyuan to clarify it for me." Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and then he opened his mouth and said.

"Oh, I don't know what doubts Mr. Jian has, but you can tell me that Zi Yuan will know everything." A ray of doubt flashed in Zi Yuan's tiger eyes, and he asked immediately.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from Jian Fengyun's eyes, as if he wanted to see through Zi Yuan's heart, he said, "Prince Zi Yuan, I don't want to talk nonsense, I'm afraid your gamble is a bit big!"

Based on his previous understanding of Zuo Xijian, he would never recruit someone he didn't trust as an assistant. It can be seen that Zi Yuan has already gained Zuo Xijian's trust and is willing to help Zuo Xijian. Unbelievable thing.

Zuo Xijian was just a small direct descendant sent by the Zuo family to develop in the lower domain of Qingyun domain, so how could it cause Zi Yuan, the prince of the upper domain of Tianxuan, to cooperate with him.

"Young Master Jian is indeed unparalleled in wisdom, he is indeed the one who can produce the best supernatural powers and demon blood pills!" Zi Yuan said to Jian Fengyun with a smile on his face.

Around them, everyone in the Wu family who watched the conversation between the two were all at a loss. They didn't know what happened to the two of them, and they said something strange.

Jian Fengyun narrowed his eyes and said, "Prince Zi Yuan, do you know that if you lose this bet, you might lose everything?"

He had already guessed why Prince Ziyuan wanted to cooperate with Zuo Xijian, and he cooperated suddenly in such a hurry. Although Prince Ziyuan had sent a letter for Zuo Xijian before, at that time, Prince Ziyuan did not propose to cooperate with Zuo Xijian. There is no two reasons for the establishment of cooperation and sudden cooperation, that is, he feels that Zuo Xijian has the greatest possibility of winning this time.

"How could I lose? Since my adoptive father mentioned you to me, I have started to pay attention to you, and now you really have not let me down. This bet, I bet on you, and I have the greatest chance of winning!" Zi Yuanchang exhaled. , looking firmly at Jian Fengyun said.

As a member of the royal family, Zi Yuan has a good grasp of the emperor's mind, and he will not let go of every possible talent. Although he sent a letter last time, he actually heard from Zuo Xijian that someone could utter wild words to make Zuo Xijian Jian Jian became the leader of Wanbaolou, he wanted to see who this person was.

By the way, he went back to Qingyunyu, and from then on, he began to pay attention to Jian Fengyun, he would know everything about Jian Fengyun, so when Jian Fengyun came to Wuling City, he had already started to cooperate with Zuo Xijian.No one knows better than him that Jian Fengyun is powerful.

"Prince Zi Yuan is serious, but I think Prince Zi Yuan came a bit early." Jian Fengyun said to Zi Yuan impressively, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Oh?" Zi Yuanhu's eyes frowned slightly, he could hear that Jian Fengyun's words were not deliberately mysterious, it seemed to be true.

"Because as soon as I step out of the Wanbao Building, [-]% of the forces in the auction house will attack me, and they will attack me without leaving room. I believe you have heard about the Nangu Forbidden Area, so I won't say much about it. !" Jian Fengyun sat down slowly, without further words, watching the ever-rising prices on the auction floor.

"Twenty-five thousand top-quality spirit crystals!"

Soon, a sky-high price sounded in the auction room, which immediately brought the atmosphere in the auction room to a climax.

Twenty-five thousand top-grade spirit crystals, that's 250 million top-grade spirit crystals, and 5000 million middle-grade spirit crystals.

According to the specifications of Tianzuo auctions in the past, the bids were basically based on middle-grade spirit crystals, and most of them were several times or more. However, this time it was based on top-grade spirit crystals. s price.

Bidder, Holy Soul Sword Sect.

In the auction hall, no one expected that the Holy Soul Sword Sect would own so many top-quality spirit crystals, overwhelming the audience. This wealth is definitely comparable to the existence of those great powers in ancient countries.

"Damn it, if I had known about the appearance of the blood essence of the dragon clan, I would definitely bring tens of millions of top-quality spirit crystals here, and I wouldn't be suppressed by this holy soul sword sect!" The prince of the ancient white tiger patted it bitterly. table, said angrily.

Obviously, being oppressed by the financial power of the Holy Soul Sword Sect made him very uncomfortable.

"Princess, I left in a hurry this time, and didn't bring out many spirit crystals. If the blood essence of the dragon clan is taken away, it may be difficult for us in the ancient country of Suzaku to participate in the auction for the last thing!" Beside Hongshang, a famous Suzaku man sighed. , looking unwillingly at the blood essence of the dragon clan in the middle of the auction house.

"Hey, it's all fate!" Hong Chang also sighed slightly.

The blood essence of the dragon clan is extremely precious to all bloodline warriors, but this time, everyone came to this Tianzuo auction for the finale, which is of great importance, so thank you Lingjing to prepare.

"Twenty-five thousand top-quality spirit crystals, is there a higher one?" Si Jianxue blushed. It was obvious that she was very excited at the moment, and it could even be said that she was very excited.

The transaction price of [-] top-grade spirit crystals already exceeded the most expensive treasure she had ever auctioned.For an auctioneer, it is her honor to auction off sky-high prices.

"Father, we are almost exhausting all the spirit crystals for this dragon blood essence, is it really worth it?" Yin Ba looked at Yin Daohuang beside him hesitantly, and asked.

"It's worth it. As long as you train your father to become an indestructible demon dragon, no one in the Xuantian Upper Territory will be able to defeat you. Then you can safely take the Tianxuan Upper Territory into my Holy Soul Sword Sect." Yin Daohuang's withered face There was a touch of brilliance on the face.

If Jian Fengyun was here, he would definitely recognize that Yin Daohuang practiced a kind of evil kung fu, and this kind of evil kung fu was also the kung fu practiced by Xie Tian in his previous life.

"Thirty thousand top-grade spirit crystals!"

Suddenly, an extremely discordant voice broke the weird atmosphere between Yin Daohuang and Yin Ba.

In the auction house, everyone stared blankly, stunned for a moment, and then they were horrified. Following the reputation, it was the third floor, the most remote private room.

"Oh my god, [-] top-grade spirit crystals, [-] top-grade spirit crystals were directly added, who is this person, is he too rich?"

(End of this chapter)

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