Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 410 The Zuo Family Heir Controversy

Chapter 410 The Zuo Family Heir Controversy

"Oh my god, [-] top-grade spirit crystals, [-] top-grade spirit crystals were directly added, who is this person, is he too rich?"

Almost at the moment when the price of [-] top-quality spirit crystals was quoted, everyone in the auction hall was stunned, including those strong men in the spirit king realm with their eyes glowing.

Thirty thousand top-grade spirit crystals are 300 million top-grade spirit bodies, and [-] million middle-grade spirit crystals!
This number is already equivalent to the entire assets of some small and medium-sized forces.

To be able to pay such a high price for a little blood of the Dragon Clan, it can be seen that the people in that remote private room are absolutely ordinary people.

"Master Zun, we didn't bring many spirit crystals this time, if we want to get all the treasures, we need to save some money!" A voice came from the void beside Zuo Zun.

"Understood, the most important thing in the grand finale of the Three Swords is the last one, I know how to measure it!" Zuo Zun nodded slightly.

No one would have imagined that the one who bid [-] top-grade spirit crystals for the blood essence of the dragon clan would be the young master of the Zuo family.

At the same time, in Room No. [-]

"Prince Zi Yuan thinks what will be the first test for Young Master Zuo?" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and he opened his mouth and said.

He and Zi Yuan got to know each other just now, the ruler of Tianxuan Kingdom is old now and he might be going back to the west at any time, so the three princes are also making frequent moves to prepare forces and prepare to compete for the throne.Among them, the mothers of the First Prince and the Second Prince are members of the powerful forces in the Profound Sky Nation, and they are escorted by the forces of their natal family behind them. Only the Third Prince, Zi Yuan, is weak, and only a small force that he has formed by himself over the years.

According to Zi Yuan's words, Lord Tianxuan's time is short, and with the current situation in the fight for the throne, Zi Yuan will undoubtedly die, so he can only fight hard with Zuo Xijian, and if he succeeds, he will win the throne. There is nothing worse than failure.

When Zi Yuan heard Jian Fengyun's question, he hesitated for a moment, and said immediately, "I think, if I am a senior member of the Zuo family, I must have enough financial resources, contacts, and strength to select the next successor of the family head. The family is a commercial family, and financial resources and connections must be the first, but as the head of the family, strength must be indispensable, so Zuo Xijian's first test is likely to be related to financial resources or connections."

"Prince Ziyuan guessed right. The first test for the heir of the Zuo family is financial resources. Whoever wins the most of the three treasures at the finale of the Tianzuo Auction will be the winner of the first test!" Jian Fengyun's eyes lightly One move, said.

"How does Mr. Jian know? Zuo Xijian told me that the selection of heirs is a top secret in the Zuo family. Every disciple of the Zuo family is required to make an oath to keep the secret." Zi Yuan frowned.As a prince, he couldn't figure out how Jian Fengyun would know things that he didn't even know.

Jian Fengyun smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Prince Zi Yuan, don't think too much, what I know is not what Young Master Zuo told me, but what I said must be true, financial resources come first, then contacts, and then strength."

How could Jian Fengyun tell Zi Yuan that everything was told to him by the Supreme Elder of the Zuo family of Wanbaolou in his previous life.

Even if he told it, Zi Yuan wouldn't believe it, and it would even increase his suspicions, so Jian Fengyun just sold it off and let Zi Yuan guess by himself.

Hearing Jian Fengyun's words, Zi Yuan suddenly fell into deep thought. Being able to survive the battle for the throne is enough to show that his mind is by no means ordinary, but he didn't understand how Jian Fengyun would know Top secret of the Zuo family.

However, he didn't waste time thinking about it if he didn't understand it. Like Jian Fengyun said, if the first test is financial resources, and the competition is the last three finale items of the Tianzuo Auction, this is also possible. After a Tianzuo auction, there was a battle for the heir of the Zuo family.

Thinking of this, Zi Yuan believed Jian Fengyun's words eight or nine points, and was taken aback for a moment, and said to Jian Fengyun worriedly, "Mr. Jian, then I only brought [-] top-grade spirit crystals when I came out this time, which is not enough to win it." Doesn't these three lots mean that Zuo Xijian will directly lose a third of it?"

"Relax, since you are cooperating with me, you don't need to worry about these three items!" Jian Fengyun said with a slight hook on his lips,

He had obtained a list of all the auction items from Zuo Hai before, and among the three items, he was sure to get the blood of the dragon clan. There are only four words on the list - the key of the Holy Court.

"Thirty-five thousand top-grade spirit crystals!"

The auction house, which had been silent for several seconds, was suddenly broken by another voice. Everyone followed the reputation and saw that the bidders were sitting in the hall around the auction house.

This person was covered in black robes, with a golden dragon mask on his face, but from the moment he bid, a powerful imperial aura surged out from the black robed person.

An aura like a proud dragon dissipated in an instant, and dozens of warriors in the spirit king realm beside the black-robed man couldn't bear the pressure, and flew out backwards, and their bodies fell all over the ground.

"Oh my god, who is this person, but the Emperor Realm has such an aura, it is definitely not the strength that ordinary casual cultivators can have!"

In the private rooms on the second and third floors, the powerhouses of all major forces were surprised, and they could still feel the powerful aura of the man in black from a distance of nearly a hundred feet.

At the same time, in the most remote private room on the third floor
"Master Zun, it's Mr. Aolong!"

"I know, my cousin Aolong, I didn't expect to beat you so soon and I can't bear it anymore. I don't know if it's because you have stayed in the Holy Court for a long time and think that my cousin is too easy to bully!" Zuo Zun The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Young master, those direct descendants seem to have started to sneak out after discovering Mr. Aolong."

"Oh, then you go and deal with them, remember, don't leave any traces!" Zuo Zun's eyes moved slightly, and he waved his hand immediately.


There was a shout in the void, and then a faint light pierced through the void and disappeared into the elegant room.

"Forty thousand top-quality spirit crystals!" Zuo Zun's eyes moved slightly, and he continued to quote.

Cousin, cousin, since you came back from the Holy Court, you have made up your mind to be your cousin's enemy.

After Zuo Zun made an offer, he picked up the wine cup beside him and took a sip.

If there were outsiders here at this moment, they would be horrified to find that the wine cup in Zuo Zun's hand turned out to be filled with scarlet blood.
Room No. [-]
"Mr. Jian, the price of the dragon blood essence has soared to [-] top-grade spirit crystals. Shall we bid?" There was a trace of cold sweat on Zi Yuan's forehead. Obviously, he began to worry that the dragon blood essence would fall into other left-handed spirit crystals. In the hands of the descendants of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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