Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 422 Perfect physical skills?

Chapter 422 Perfect physical skills?

Long Xing's body turned into a stream of golden light, and he slammed towards the building beside him.

boom - boom -

Those houses and pavilions were smashed directly by Long Xing's body and collapsed, earth and rocks splashed, yellow dust filled the sky, and a pungent smell of decaying stone powder wafted away.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, their minds went blank for a moment, what happened, Jian Fengyun slapped Long Xing Fan away?

How could it be possible, Jian Fengyun was only at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, how could he possibly hurt the arrogance of the Spirit Emperor Realm.

This is the first thought in everyone's mind.

roar~ roar~
At this moment, two earth-shattering dragon chants resounded, and everyone's eyes naturally turned to the source of the sound.

In the middle of the sky, Jian Fengyun was dressed in white with a group of blue and gold flying wings behind him. Most importantly, above Jian Fengyun's palms, there appeared two lifelike immemorial dragon phantoms, with green scales all over his body and dragon beard fluttering. A prehistoric breath.It is exactly the same as the vision caused by Long Xing's sword just now.

"This is the vision of the ancient flood dragon!"

All around, thousands of pairs of eyes widened at the same time, looking at Jian Fengyun, as if seeing some incredible monster.

If it is said that the dragon star is in the Spirit Emperor Realm, it is Tianjiao who caused the ancient flood dragon vision, then Jian Fengyun is in the true spirit realm, oh, the unspirited king realm caused two ancient flood dragon visions, then it does not mean that Jian Fengyun is better than Tianjiao Tianjiao.

Moreover, when did he break through to the Spirit King Realm?
Many powerhouses present frowned at the same time, their hearts extremely puzzled. In the Wanbao Building, everyone felt that Jian Fengyun was only at the peak of the True Spirit Realm, and even the powerhouses of the Spirit Monarch Realm felt it, there was no falsehood.However, after walking out of the Wanbao Tower and walking a hundred feet away, the breath unexpectedly turned into the spirit king realm.

Since Jian Fengyun walked out of the Wanbao Building, everyone did not pay close attention to his realm, so no one knew when Jian Fengyun became the Spirit King Realm, and they only realized it after Jian Fengyun slapped the dragon star away with a slap The breath of Lingjian Fengyun turned into the spirit king state.

"Young master succeeded!" Jian Xue'er looked at Jian Fengyun in the void, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Jian Fengyun!"

Suddenly, Long Xing's figure slowly came out from the ruins below, and he saw a palm print on that handsome face, his jaw was deformed from the beating, his eyes spewed fire, and his royal aura burst out instantly.

Jian Fengyun didn't use too much force in this palm, but Long Xing felt a burning pain on his face.

Thinking that I said contemptuously to Jian Fengyun just now, that I was able to cause the vision of two ancient flood dragons, I am the arrogance of heaven, and Jian Fengyun's attack on him was just floating and shaking the sky.

However, in the next second, he slapped himself away with a slap, and also elicited the visions of two ancient dragons.

"I'm going to kill you!" Long Xing was furious, and a fiery red chakra suddenly rose behind him.

The blazing flames instantly melted the ground, and a stream of golden flames swept up from the Longjun sword in Long Xing's hand, sweeping towards Jian Fengyun directly.

"Dongtian God Wheel, it seems that Jian Fengyun is about to suffer!" A strong man saw the Flame God Wheel behind Long Xing and said immediately.

The wheel of the cave god, as we all know, when warriors reach the realm of the spiritual master and open up the cave, the cave will only be a seed of law at the beginning, containing the law of Tao. When the wheel is completed, the warrior can break through the Spirit Emperor Realm.

Obviously, Dragon Star has already condensed the Flame God Wheel, which means that Dragon Star's fire attribute law has been comprehended to perfection.

The realm of the power of law is the same as that of body art, and it is divided into five levels: small success, fusion, great success, completeness, and great perfection.Among them, the realm of Dzogchen is almost impossible to reach, so it is excluded by ordinary people.

When warriors reach the True Spirit Realm, they can comprehend the power of law, and the realm of power of law is related to the strength of warriors.And Jian Fengyun has just broken through to the Spirit King Realm, and he can comprehend the power of the law to the Fusion Realm, even if he is against the sky, he is only at the Great Achievement Realm, but compared with Long Xing's perfect law, it is a judgment call.

In the case that the realm is a big realm higher than Jian Fengyun, and the law has suppressed at least one realm, Long Xing will win almost 100%.

Jian Fengyun looked at the golden long sword that was slashing towards him, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Long Xing's sword, not to mention the Spirit King Realm, even 90.00% of the Spirit King Realm powerhouses can't block it, and it will even be pierced directly through the body, the golden long sword is extremely powerful.

Just when the long sword was about to approach him, Jian Fengyun suddenly had a pair of fists deep in his body, a silver light rose from his eyes, and his right hand turned into a fist on one side of his body.


Jian Fengyun shook his fist hard, and when the fist and sword collided, the golden sword energy and the silver blood energy collided with each other in an instant, all kinds of talisman lights burst out, like a volcano erupting, bursting out a ball of dazzling light, boundless.

Jian Fengyun had a thought just now, wanting to try, can his Heaven Swallowing Sword Body in Fusion Realm be compared with the Monarch Spiritual Artifact?With breaking through to the Spirit King Realm just now, Jian Fengyun's Tuntian Sword Body has also undergone a qualitative change, advancing from the Small Formation Realm to the Fusion Realm.

The two sides were evenly matched, regardless of the outcome, and they all flew backwards and horizontally.

"What happened just now, Jian Fengyun resisted Long Xing's charged sword with his body?"

Everyone around saw this scene and couldn't help being stunned. It was too strong to resist Long Xing's sword with their bodies.

"How is it possible, how could his physical body be so strong?" Long Xing said in his heart with some surprise as he stabilized his body and looked at Jian Fengyun.

Obviously, at the moment when they touched each other just now, he felt the powerful energy and blood of Jian Fengyun's physical body, and that strength was already comparable to that of an ordinary Spirit Emperor.

Very soon, Long Xing sensed Jian Fengyun's right fist, an inch-long wound appeared on the fist, blood glowing with silver light flowed out impressively from the wound.

Silver blood!
Everyone present and Long Xing were stunned at the same time, as if thinking of something.

Jian Fengyun has cultivated a powerful physical skill!

Long Xing fixed his eyes on it impressively, and said: "Hehe, I never thought I would underestimate you. An ant from the lower domain can practice a physical skill to perfection. It's really lucky!"

Long Xing believed that Jian Fengyun must have cultivated a certain physical skill to perfection, so he was able to block his sword, otherwise, in terms of his cultivation alone, he would not be able to resist a few moves from him at all.

"I didn't expect that Jian Fengyun has cultivated a physical skill to a great extent, no wonder he can compete with Long Xing!" The people below also started discussing, obviously everyone agrees with Long Xing's statement.

After all, where is Jian Fengyun's realm, it is almost impossible to say that he can defeat a strong man at the Spirit King realm with the Spirit King realm.

(End of this chapter)

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