Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 423 Sword Dao Principle Dzogchen

Chapter 423 Sword Dao Principle Dzogchen

After all, where is Jian Fengyun's realm, it is almost impossible to say that he can defeat a strong man at the Spirit King realm with the Spirit King realm.

You must know that the further you cultivate to the back of the warrior realm, the bigger the gap will be. Some spirit kings can't break through to the spirit emperor in their entire lives. This is the difference between the spirit emperor and the spirit king.

From ancient times to the present, except for those peerless figures, almost no one can break this gap. In the eyes of everyone, Jian Fengyun is just a talent from the lower domain, how could he be that kind of peerless figure?
`"Jian Fengyun, physique is only heresy after all, today, I want to let you know the true meaning of the martial arts law!" Long Xing thought that he had seen through Jian Fengyun's support, his eyes suddenly regained brilliance, and said contemptuously to Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun didn't seem to hear Long Xing's words, just looked down at his right hand, on the right hand, there was some remaining sword energy in his wound from the sword that Long Xing had slashed before, but these He didn't expel the sword qi, but the Tuntian sword body actually swallowed the sword qi by itself.

The golden sword energy was completely devoured by the Qi and blood of the Tuntian sword body, and after being swallowed, one could faintly feel that the power of Qi and blood was a little stronger.

Being attacked can also devour the attack to improve oneself. Jian Fengyun suddenly realized the strength of the Tuntian Sword Body in the Fusion Realm. This is equivalent to improving strength while being injured. No wonder the Tuntian Sword Body in the memory of the god dog can be compared to those divine bodies. It turned out to have such a heaven-defying effect.

However, although this effect is against the sky, it can only be used when the difference in strength is not large. If the difference in strength is large, the opponent will kill him all at once, and it will be useless no matter how strong the Tuntian Sword is.

"You dare to ignore me, courting death!" Long Xing looked at Jian Fengyun in a trance, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he swung the Longjun sword in his hand, and hundreds of incomparably mysterious law runes emerged impressively.

"Heaven-level supernatural powers, fire elephants stepping on the sky!"

As the words fell, Long Xing's body became even more imposing, with fiery red runes shining all over his body, and every inch of your skin was composed of fierce flames, full of texture, and suddenly broke out at this moment.

The law of flames erupted, and the sky above Wuling City flashed across the fiery red ocean, and a huge magma giant condensed out impressively. The fire talisman on the giant magma elephant flickered, like an ancient beast, exuding an incomparably hot flame breath.

A few tens of feet away, those strong people at the Spirit King Realm could feel their bodies getting hot.

"Have you finally used your magical powers? This Dragon Star is worthy of being the inheritor of Emperor Long Xing. This fire attribute law is mastered with great proficiency. This type of fire elephant stepping on the sky even made me feel a little bit of enthusiasm." The king of Iron Sword Sect Seeing this scene, Patriarch Jing was surprised.

When warriors reach the Spirit King Realm, they basically compete to comprehend the laws, use their spiritual power to activate the power of the laws, use their supernatural powers, and display their extremely strong strength. When the spiritual power is sufficient and the supernatural powers are equal, if there is a way The poorer the comprehension, the weaker the strength will be.

"It seems that Jian Fengyun is going to lose, physical strength can't stop the power of supernatural powers!" A strong man around said suddenly, and the surrounding immediately echoed.

Everyone felt that Jian Fengyun was about to lose. After all, how could someone from Qingyun Region have supernatural powers? Even if he had supernatural powers, the early stage of the Spirit King Realm was not enough to activate supernatural powers.

Jian Fengyun's face was moved, he swiped his hands, the power of the sword surged, and an illusory giant sword suddenly emerged, the whole body of the sword was glowing with silver light, swallowing sword energy, exuding majestic sword power.

This was not enough, his hands were constantly glowing, densely covered with runes, one after another silver runes flew out and landed on the giant sword in front of him, completely making the giant sword burst into silvery white light.

"Xuan Mie Sword Art, Mie!"

On the silver giant sword, a burst of sword energy broke out, and the sky-reaching silver light instantly broke through the sea of ​​flames, submerging the magma war elephant that stepped on it head-on, and the silver sword energy instantly shattered the flame war elephant.

Longxing's Fire Elephant Tatian shattered instantly under the silver giant sword controlled by Jian Fengyun, and the void returned to its original color.


The silver giant sword that pierced through the fire elephant stepped on the sky did not disappear. It exuded a bright sword light and swept towards Longxing. The sound of the sword energy breaking through the sky was like thunder and roaring, resounding throughout the city.

"How is it possible!" Long Xing's eyes widened. Facing the silver giant sword that flew towards him, he could only pick up the Dragon Lord Sword in his hand, block it in front of him, and mobilize his spiritual power. The flames gushed out from the Longjun sword, turning into a shield in front of Longxing.


The silver giant sword shattered the shield in front of Longxing impressively, and landed heavily on the Longjun sword in his hand, making a deafening crash.

Long Xing's body was shaken suddenly, he flew upside down in an instant, turned into a golden streamer again, and smashed to the ground.

Boom!With a loud bang, Long Xing's body hit the ground, instantly smashing the streets of Wuling City into a huge human pothole. The densely packed cracked rubble around the human-shaped pothole is like a huge spider web, which makes one's body hurt when looking at it. chills.

This is impossible!

All the people who saw this scene had weird expressions on their faces, and their eyeballs almost popped out.

Jian Fengyun, a warrior who had just stepped into the Spirit King Realm, actually activated his supernatural powers and broke the heavenly supernatural powers displayed by the Tianjiao of the Spirit King Realm.

Regardless of the fact that there is a big difference in realm, just talking about supernatural powers, where did Jian Fengyun's supernatural powers come from?

There is a huge doubt in everyone's heart.

"This is the "Xuan Mie Jian Jue" auctioned by Wanbaolou. It was not taken away by that mysterious force. How could it be displayed in Jian Fengyun's hands?" There were some older generation powerhouses with stronger perception, who seemed to realize that What, suddenly opened the mouth in horror.

Jian Fengyun actually has the exclusive supernatural power "Xuan Mie Jian Jue" auctioned by Wan Bao Lou, and it seems that the proficiency just now is not just a temporary practice!
"No, even if Jian Fengyun knows this kind of supernatural power, it is impossible to have so much spiritual power to drive so many powers of law. The supernatural power of swordsmanship at the highest level of heaven, the law of swordsmanship must at least reach the state of mastery to display all its power. ah?"

"That's right, and the sword that Jian Fengyun used just now broke Long Xing's heavenly supernatural power, Fire Elephant Tatian, and also defeated Long Xing. This is at least a power that can only be displayed if it is perfect!"

"No, Long Xing is also perfect in the law of the fire attribute. If Jian Fengyun wants to defeat him, at least the law of the way of the sword must reach perfection, isn't that the Dzogchen!"

Following everyone's speculation, a terrifying result was obtained in an instant. Jian Fengyun's comprehension of the laws of the way of the sword has reached the legendary Dzogchen realm.

"How is this possible, even if you hit a mother's womb."

(End of this chapter)

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