Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 425 Fengyun Sword Lifeless Magic Spear

Chapter 425 Fengyun Sword Lifeless Magic Spear
The green dragon turned into a phantom, roamed in the void, passed through the range covered by the deadly gun in an instant, and appeared behind Xuanmu Mozhen.

"The law of the wind is perfect, and the Qinglong supernatural power!" The ancestor of the Junjing of the Iron Sword Gate almost gritted his teeth when he saw this scene.

"The law of the wind is perfect, and the Azure Dragon has supernatural powers. Could this kid be the reincarnation of the Emperor of the Ancient Azure Dragon Kingdom?" The three famous Suzakus from the Ancient Suzaku Kingdom were dumbfounded and said in astonishment.

Obviously, Jian Fengyun's actions had already terrified them.

As the famous people of the Suzaku ancient country, they are all very old generation powerhouses who were born and died for the ancient country of Suzaku. There is a huge gap between their era and the present era. It can be said that they have crossed the domain for nearly 10 years. For thousands of years, they have seen so many shocking geniuses, living up to now, almost none of them can still shock them in this world.

However, even the person who almost no one can be shocked in the current world, was shocked by Jian Fengyun at this moment, and he was not lightly shocked.

"It's possible, even if this kid comprehended the law from his mother's womb, it's impossible for him to comprehend the law of the sword and the law of wind to the state of Dzogchen at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and he can also display the two supernatural powers of the law so skillfully. , Does this really look like a person who has just broken through to the Spirit King Realm?" The elder who was hiding in the shadows of the Nine Man Hall beside him suddenly appeared, and he was also dumbfounded.

Obviously, as an elder of an ancient force like the Nine Man Palace, his age can be said to be a bit older than the famous Suzaku in the ancient Suzaku country, but he was also shocked by Jian Fengyun.

"This guy is simply not human. He broke through a big realm and a small realm before the battle, and comprehended the two laws to the legendary Dzogchen realm, and he was able to skillfully display two impressive supernatural powers. He wouldn't really Is it the reincarnation of the great emperor of the ancient Qinglong country?"

Honglian, who was always paying attention to the battlefield, looked at this scene, and suddenly said to her sister beside her a little numbly.

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about? How could the reincarnation of the emperor of the ancient Qinglong country be exiled to the Qingyun domain? , but it does not mean that he is the reincarnation of the great emperor of the ancient Qinglong country." Hongshang is relatively mature, as the princess of the ancient Suzaku country, she is also an older sister, and she has experienced many big scenes between the ancient countries since she was a child.

However, no matter how many big scenes she experienced, it was difficult for her to calm down at this moment.

She also couldn't understand why Jian Fengyun was so strong, but what she could be sure of was that Jian Fengyun was not the reincarnation of the great emperor of the ancient Qinglong kingdom.

"How is it possible!" Xuanmu Mozhen came back to his senses impressively, looking at Jian Fengyun who appeared behind him, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Just now when Jian Fengyun displayed the supernatural power in his hands, he couldn't even notice Jian Fengyun's presence, as if Jian Fengyun had transformed into the wind of heaven and earth in an instant, everywhere and nowhere.

Jian Fengyun's figure appeared behind Xuanmu Mozhen, without the slightest hesitation, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and instantly condensed a silver long sword.

"The wind rises and the clouds change, the wind and cloud sword kills immortals and gods!"

A faint voice resounded above the arena, and Jian Fengyun's figure appeared behind Xuanmu Mozhen, and he squeezed out a series of magic formulas in his hand, like a little silver starlight, shining in the void, covering the silver in his hand instantly. long sword.

"My God, it's windy, look!"

"Look, the light has dimmed, and the clouds in the sky have gathered!"

Everyone around suddenly noticed something strange, and even the residents of Wuling City looked up at the sky at this moment, as if seeing an incredible scene.

The Heavenly Profound Upper Territory is rich in aura, and such natural gusts are rarely seen. The sudden appearance at this moment made the residents of the city startled.

Fengyun sword, in the previous life, Jian Fengyun comprehended the sword technique created by Fengyun Dao himself. With this sword technique, he once defeated the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms with one sword, and dominated the world.

In Qingyun Domain, this Fengyun Sword was just a spiritual skill. At that time, Jian Fengyun had not reached the Real Spirit Realm, and could only display the power of Fengyun Sword by relying on his sense of the situation of the world, but at this time, Jian Fengyun had already reached the Spirit King Realm In the mid-term, this sword, Fengyun Sword, has already exerted its supernatural power.

"Supernatural power, Fengyun Sword!"

In the void around Wuling City, Yin Daohuang, the strong man from the ancient kingdom of Longxiang, the strong man from the iron sword gate, the elder Zuoxu from the Wanbao Tower hidden in the void, etc. At the same time, the body froze for a moment, and a look of shock and horror flashed in his eyes.

"How is it possible for Emperor Fengyun's supernatural powers to become famous!"

The hearts of these strong men in the spirit monarch realm suddenly set off a turbulent turmoil, and the turbulence continued.

Since the fall of the number one powerhouse in Ten Thousand Territories, Emperor Fengyun, all of his disciples have retreated for 3000 years, and the Divine Wind and Cloud Sword has become the unparalleled name in Ten Thousand Territories.
Even though the Fengyun sword, the spiritual skill of the country, is circulating in Qingyunyu, it is rumored that it was left by the fourth disciple of Emperor Fengyun, Shengjun Yangyun. However, there are rumors, but no one has successfully cultivated it. It's just fake.


Jian Fengyun's face was indifferent, and he raised the silver long sword lightly in his hand.

A silver-white sword light shot out, and the sword light shot up to the sky, as if it eclipsed the sky and the earth, and shocked everyone's hearts.

Xuanmu Mozhen naturally knew the Fengyun sword, and felt the sudden storm of wind and cloud laws around him. It seemed that there was only this sword left in the world. The coercion brought by the wind and cloud laws made him smell extremely dangerous.

A tyrannical sword energy surged with the law of wind and cloud, like the might of the sky, blooming in the void.

When the silver sword fell, the sword energy exploded, like thunder falling from the sky, the law of wind and cloud condensed into a point, and rushed towards Xuanmu Mozhen.

"Deadly Magic Gun!"

Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes instantly turned pitch black, and jet-black magic lines spread out from his body, and the magic energy turned into a jet-black magic pillar soaring into the sky. Standing in the magic pillar, Xuanmu Mozhen was like an incarnation of ancient times. The big demon, the demonic energy is monstrous.

The pitch-black magic gun turned into a shocking magic light in the hands of Xuanmu Mozhen, and the law of death turned into dense runes and fell on the magic gun.

In an instant, a sky-reaching magic power erupted, and the magic spear protruded forward, sweeping towards the attacking Fengyun sword in front.

The Lifeless Demon Spear, the famous spear technique of the Demon Lord, the Evil Emperor, is said to be the spear technique that the Evil Emperor suddenly comprehended on the day he became an emperor, and it incorporates the most powerful law of death.

Fengyun Sword, Lifeless Demon Spear, these two are the top supernatural powers of Wanyu, and they will collide in the next moment.

One white and one black, the law of wind and cloud and the law of death.
(End of this chapter)

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