Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 426 The Siege of the Three Talents

Chapter 426 The Siege of the Three Talents

One white and one black, the law of wind and cloud collided with the law of death in an instant.


A loud bang instantly resounded in mid-air, the nameless magic gun erupted with a burst of magic light and swept across half of the sky, and the Fengyun sword emitted a burst of silver light to sweep across the other half of the sky, the entire sky of Wuling City was shrouded in the power of two supernatural powers Down.

After a while, two figures, one black and one white, exited the aftermath of the collision at the same time.

Everyone around looked up at the sky, looking at Xuanmu Mozhen and Jian Fengyun who were at the two ends of the void, everyone was startled at the same time.

have equal shares!

Everyone was so surprised that they didn't know how to express it. With the strength of the Spirit King Realm against the powerhouses of the Spirit King Realm, the field of battle was evenly divided. How defying the heavens must be to be able to do this.

Roar~roar~ There was a burst of dragon cry, and five phantoms of ancient dragons appeared in front of Xuanmu Mozhen, exuding a majestic prehistoric prestige.

"Xuanmu Mozhen can also induce five ancient flood dragon visions!" Everyone around said in surprise.

The vision of the ancient dragon is a recognition of the talent and strength of warriors by the Dao of Heaven. In the Ten Thousand Realms, the Tianjiao who can induce the vision of the ancient dragon has not appeared for thousands of years. Today, not only the two visions of the ancient dragon appeared, but also Afterwards, Jian Fengyun and Xuanmu Mozhen appeared, two supernatural beings with five ancient flood dragon visions, which surprised countless strong people around.

However, with the five ancient dragon visions caused by Jian Fengyun before, everyone was only surprised by the visions that appeared on Xuanmu Mozhen, not too shocked.

Roar~roar~ At this moment, six immemorial dragon phantoms suddenly appeared in front of Jian Fengyun, and the extremely majestic prehistoric prestige stirred the hearts of all the warriors around.

"Six Dao Ancient Flood Dragon Visions, what's going on?"

Everyone's minds went blank, they rubbed their eyes, and turned pale with astonishment.

Just now, there were only five ancient flood dragon visions, but with the last move, it turned into six, which is too mysterious.

"Look quickly, has Jian Fengyun broken through to the late stage of the Spirit King Realm?" Suddenly, an Elder at the peak of the Spirit Emperor of the Iron Sword Sect noticed something, and exclaimed excitedly.

Hearing the sound, everyone immediately stretched out their soul power and swept towards Jian Fengyun in the midair. Feeling the majestic aura of the late stage of the Spirit King Realm, everyone's pupils widened, and they couldn't help but check repeatedly.

Until it was confirmed that Jian Fengyun's realm had really changed from the middle stage of the Spirit King Realm to the late stage of the Spirit King Realm, everyone's hearts were broken.

"What kind of person is this? This is someone who can break through the realm by fighting. He is simply the illegitimate child of God. It's too perverted!" In an instant, a martial artist who had worked hard for hundreds of years to reach the spirit king state yelled.It was hard to hide the sourness and jealousy in the words.

"How is it possible, it broke through again!" Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes were about to burst, and the gun energy gushing from the magic gun in his hand even faintly shook the void.

No, with such a heaven-defying cultivation speed and such a strong combat power, he must not stay, he must be killed!
Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes surged with murderous intent, and on his body, the magic patterns originating from the blood burst out with magic brilliance, the magic energy surged, and the magic spear in his hand turned into a magic dragon, and directly swept towards the sword. wind and cloud.

"Blessed with magic blood, lifeless magic gun!"

For some reason, the power of the magic gun with the magic pattern is more than three times stronger than before.

"Blessed by the bloodline, this devil's family has once been a strong man in the spirit realm!" A strong man in the king realm exclaimed.

The power of blood is generally possessed by monsters, but humans may also have it. As long as the ancestors have been a strong person who has been out of the gods and spirits, this strong person will have the blood of the gods, and the blood of the gods and the blood of monsters. Similar to power, they all use the power of blood to improve their own strength.

Jian Fengyun's face changed slightly when he saw the Lifeless Demon Spear that was blessed with the power of blood.

Although he had just broken through to the late stage of the Spirit King Realm, he had only condensed the third Spirit Mansion into a light silver color, and his real strength had not actually improved much.

"Jian Fengyun, you go to die!" At this moment, below Jian Fengyun, Long Xing crawled out of the ruins at some point, holding the Longjun sword in his hand, and came through the air with golden flames burning on his body.

"The dragon elephant kills the sky!"

A phantom of a golden primordial dragon elephant appeared behind Long Xing. The eyes of the elephant were glowing with golden light. The ivory and trunk seemed to be made of pure gold, shining with dazzling golden runes. The golden elephant of hundreds of feet looked like a real The ancient dragon elephant descended, exuding an incomparably powerful majesty of a divine beast.

"Dragon Elephant kills the sky, the Dragon Star Emperor actually activated the power of the bloodline!" The Monarch Realm expert of the Dragon Elephant Ancient Clan looked at the scene in front of him, and his face sank immediately.

The bloodline of the ancient dragon elephant family is inherited from the ancient dragon elephant, and the power of the bloodline is extraordinary, much stronger than the bloodlines of those ordinary god families.

Using the power of his bloodline, Long Xing's strength soared by at least four times. This sword has already made those elders at the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm smell the breath of death.

"Thunder God Extinguishing Soul Sword!"

Yin Ba's eyes narrowed, and the three-color divine wheel suddenly appeared behind him, and the emperor's long sword in his hand turned into a thunder light with lightning speed, and shot out.

Rumble - boom - boom

In an instant, hundreds of purple thunderbolts suddenly appeared in the void with a radius of thousands of miles. The void seemed to turn into a field of thunder. Under Yin Lei's feet, the pool of purple thunder spread out like a whirlpool.

"Thunder God Extinguishing Soul Sword, one of the supernatural powers of the Holy Soul Sword Sect, the supreme supernatural power!" The Lingjun Patriarch of the Iron Sword Sect subconsciously exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"Is this the No. [-] Arrogant of the Tianxuan Upper Territory? It's so powerful!"

Looking at the sky full of thunder, purple thunderbolts as thick as arms turned into pools of thunder and shone in the void, and the warriors below were dumbfounded.

Yin Ba, the peerless arrogance of the Holy Soul Sword Sect, once challenged the arrogances of the major powers in the Xuantian Upper Region with his own strength, and he was invincible. He has defeated almost all the famous arrogances in the Tianxuan Upper Region. defeat.

Originally, with the passage of time, everyone had regarded Yin Ba as a past tense, but at this moment, Yin Ba, the former No. [-] talent in the Tianxuan Upper Region, used his strength to tell everyone that he was not a past tense. How powerful is his strength.

"Jian Fengyun is going to be doomed now, the three Tianjiao are attacking at the same time, he probably won't be able to hold on this time!"

This thought came to the minds of the warriors around at the same time, the siege of the three great arrogances, is enough for him to drink a pot even against some ordinary Lingjun realm powerhouses, let alone Jian Fengyun, no matter how many swordsmen there are Means are useless in the face of absolute strength.

(End of this chapter)

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