Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 428

Chapter 428


The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth spat out a mouthful of blood in an instant. On the right arm holding the gun, the shocking force from the collision with Xuanmu Mozhen had already injured him, and the power of the Lifeless Magic Gun was obvious.

At this time, hundreds of lightning sword qi charged from behind.

Jian Fengyun smelled the breath of death, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes. Compared with Xuanmu Mozhen and Yin Ba, the level of Tianjiao is really big. Even if he has the soldiers of the saints, he must resist it. It is also very difficult for a Tianjiao who surpasses one's own realm, not to mention, this time, he has to block three Tianjiao who surpassed one's realm.

Scarlet blood gushed out from the corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth.

Hong Chang and Hong Lian, who had been preparing for a long time, shot at the same time, "The three famous Suzaku seniors, please help me!"

Behind Hong Chang and Hong Lian rose two fiery chakras at the same time, and the law of raging flames gushed out from their delicate bodies in an instant, burning the sky with blazing flames.

The three Suzaku celebrities also shot at the same time, and the three auras of the monarchy burst out, and they all rushed to where Jian Fengyun was, trying to save Jian Fengyun before Yin Ba's attack landed.

"I have heard for a long time that the famous Suzaku in the ancient country of Suzaku is very powerful. Today I want to experience it!" Daohuang Yin saw this scene, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

With a wave of Yin Daohuang's hand, a wall of thunder fell down in an instant, directly blocking the way of the three Suzaku celebrities.

The thunder wall reached the sky, and the thunder fell from the sky, as if connected to the thunder wall.

"Master, act quickly!" Seeing this scene, Wang Jing couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help tugging at Baili Jingwen's sleeves, a look of anxiety suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

Baili Jingwen glanced at her apprentice meaningfully, then sighed, and said, "Forget it, the Nine Man Palace owes him."

While speaking, Baili Jingwen flipped her palm and took out a whisk. The laws of the king's realm surged above the whisk. In an instant, a huge snow leopard evolved in front of her, and it flew towards Yin Ba viciously.

The ancestor of the Dragon Elephant Ancient Clan looked at the scene in front of him, hesitating slightly on his wrinkled face, and looked at the downed Dragon Star not far away, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

He has already offended him, so he will offend him to the end!

Although he was very afraid of the Temple of War God in his heart, but seeing that Long Xing had offended Jian Fengyun, the matter could not be undone, so he had to cut the roots.

"Dragon Elephant Palm!"

The next moment, a huge elephant palm fell from the sky, exuding a tyrannical and fierce power, which made all the warriors present stunned, as if seeing some incredible scene.

"Is this the strong man of the ancient dragon elephant clan? It's so strong, it feels like facing a real ancient dragon elephant!" The warriors around looked up at the dragon elephant palm that suddenly appeared in midair, and said in amazement.

Baili Jingwen's snow leopard was blown back instantly when it met the dragon elephant's palm, as if it was about to shatter. At this moment, another elder from the Nine Man Palace made a move, condensing a brown bear to push up, one bear and one leopard, going up at the same time, It barely resisted the Dragon Elephant's Palm, but soon, a burst of golden light flickered on the Dragon Elephant's Palm, instantly repelling the snow leopard and the brown bear, and the sky was filled with the law of golden light illusion.

"Master!" Although Wang Jing was worried about Jian Fengyun, seeing that her master would not be able to stop her, she could only release her spiritual power nearby, condensing a red fox and the law of fire to help Baili Jingwen resist the attack. The dragon elephant palm that is about to fall.

Baili Hanjiang's expression also changed slightly, and the void blade in his hand swung out impressively, slashing towards the dragon elephant palm that was rolling over not far away.

The four of them worked together to resist the Dragon Elephant Palm in front of them, but the figures of the four were still constantly retreating, being impacted by the palm force of the Dragon Elephant Palm.

"Is this the Dragon Elephant Ancient Clan Monarch Realm powerhouse? It's so strong, it's not something that an ordinary Spirit Lord can fight against!" The Spirit Lord Patriarch of the Iron Sword Sect swallowed suddenly as he watched the scene in front of him.

All around, the complexions of several Lingjun Realm powerhouses headed by Zuo Xu who were hiding in the void in Wanbao Building also changed suddenly.

"This kid is simply a troublemaker. He has provoked so many forces. Elder, I'm afraid we won't be able to win the target this time." A spirit king rushed to look at the grim scene around him, and said to Zuo Xu.

"Damn it, if I had known that this kid has so many enemies, I would have brought more people here!" Zuo Xu's face turned blue and then pale, and his eyes shone with unwillingness.

He originally thought that if Jian Fengyun offended [-]% or [-]% of the forces in the Tianxuan Upper Territory, there should not be too strong powerhouses, but the result was not only those too strong powerhouses, but even the pillars of these powers. Here they come, like the strong men of the Dragon Elephant Ancient Clan, they are all old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they will fight for a young man of sixteen or seventeen.

Compared with those who are strong in the monarchy, those warriors below are paying attention to Jian Fengyun's real-time battle situation.

"Jian Fengyun is probably going to die this time, let's see how he blocks Yin Daohuang's hundreds of swords!"

Thousands of pairs of eyes looked at Jian Fengyun, and everyone seemed to see that Jian Fengyun was pierced by hundreds of sword qi and died.

Jian Fengyun's expression was calm and he didn't panic. Compared with outsiders who saw hundreds of thunder sword qi, he saw the soul power controlling the sword qi. With Jian Fengyun's previous life's eyesight, he instantly saw that Yin Ba's thunder sword qi The soul-destroying sword is a supernatural power that combines the three principles of the soul, the sword, and the thunder.

He can ignore Soul Dao attacks. With the defense of his soul sea, even a saint can't break through it. As for Thunder Dao and Sword Dao, it's a collision of power. With his current combat power, he can't resist hundreds of swords. Thunder Sword Qi, so some means must be used to weaken the amount of these sword Qi.

The white tiger howled!
"Roar~" There was a domineering roar of a tiger, and Jian Fengyun instantly condensed a phantom image of a white tiger with a hundred feet, the light of his soul bloomed, and the white tiger roared to the sky, shaking people's arrogance.

The roar of the tiger spread, and everyone in the entire Wuling City could clearly feel their bodies, souls, and spiritual power vibrating in horror, as if as long as the roar was a little stronger, their spirits would be severely injured .

All the major forces, the veteran Spirit Emperor Realm powerhouses reacted instantly, and with a wave of their hands, they condensed a spiritual shield to resist the roar of the tiger.

"The ancient white tiger, the supernatural powers of the beast!"

Seeing this scene, the patriarch of Iron Sword Sect subconsciously exclaimed again.

"Baihu supernatural powers, is this kid from the ancient country of Baihu?" The high-level leaders of the major forces were agitated, and suddenly became a little confused.

First, he used Qinglong supernatural powers to make people think that he was from the ancient Qinglong kingdom.
(End of this chapter)

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